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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Warned me? I couldn't hear you because me little feet were pounding the pavement like a drum tattoo as I fled the scene just before you pulled the trigger, Dalem. I learned all about fireworks/incendiary device dilemmas back during the penance period I spent in Ohio. As for Papa Khann, the only thing he was guilty of was standing there with his mouth slightly agape, watching the flare arc across the water and dumbly accepting the flare pistol you shoved into his unresisting paw just before you fled yourself. He's got family in town, right, that will go and bail him out?
  2. Wouldn't it just be easier for the Aussie Head Guy to call up the American President and say: "Here, lad, we're sending some of our lot over to Kiwiland, and we need a load a tanks to blast the hell out of their pool cabanas," and the Prez simply sends over an armoured division to carry the Aussie's towels and smite whatever real estate has grown naughty in their sight?
  3. Oh, goodness, the Aussie crowd have almost finished their caterwauling counterpoint. How refreshing! Hard put to figure out what supposed song they were singing...
  4. And that's a right 'Republican Party' manner of payback, if there ever was one. Take an innocent, make 'em suffer, and laugh about it. Deary, deary me. For me, personally, I don't punish the innocent, even when I don't like 'em much. Roger, you need to get straight with God, the gods, the Goddess, and any freaking deity that has two points of wisdom to rub together... You're a father now, eh? A Freaking Father! You've got a child to consider. Let's face it, you're a premier fecking idjit. Not even a particularly bloody bright fecking idjit. Your child needs all the good-will that exists. I, as one of those opposed to you and everything you stand for, give your child my blessing. I like children. They're a good lot. There's not a one of them that doesn't enjoy a jolly singsong.
  5. I'll return to my parents as oft times I've done And I'll ask them to pardon their prodigal son And if they forgive me as oft times before Then I promise to play the wild rover no more!
  6. And then from my pockets I took sovereigns bright and the landlady's eyes they lit up with delight She said 'we have spirits and wines of the best and the words that I spoke sure were only in jest'
  7. Well I went to an alehouse I used to frequent and I told the landlady me money was spent I asked her for credit, she answered me 'Nay' sure a custom like yers I could get any day
  8. So I called them up, Boo, and I told them, 'Why don't you just take our Constitution? We're not using it right now...'
  9. That sounded pretty good, Boo, eh? A bit of alright. Do you know, Boo, that there's after being a largish discussion in the European Union about whether they should have a Constitution? Indeed, they're all up in arms. They're trying to decide if they need a Constitution, and, if they do, what form it should take, and what should be in their Constitution, and what was necessary to a Constitution.
  10. Bugger, it's a bit tedious about here, tonight. I propose, Boo, me lad, that we have ourselves a bit of a jolly singsong. I'll lead off, and you join me in the chorus, eh? Well I've been a wild rover for many a year and I've spent all me money on whisky and beer but now I'm returning with gold in great store and I promise to play the wild rover no more.
  11. How very odd. Berli and I were just talking about 'Flesh Gordon' yesterday. Are you listening in on our conversations, Sky Kitty?
  12. How very odd. Berli and I were just talking about 'Flesh Gordon' yesterday. Are you listening in on our conversations, Sky Kitty?
  13. And now, what the Knights of the 'Pool truly talk about late at night: Boo Radley says: (8:49:39 PM) But I'm like a fine wine. I don't travel well. Oh, and Canada, you say? I don't know...after the "incident" I don't think they want me up there. Seanachai says: (8:49:52 PM) The 'incident'? And I think that you're like a fine wine in that you're best laid down in a dark place and forgotten about until needed. Boo Radley says: (8:50:53 PM) Yeah. Me and Pierre Trudeau had a bit of a misunderstanding involving some really, really fine hashish and a hooker. Seanachai says: (8:51:24 PM) Lord, man, never get into it with foreign politicians, drugs, and women! Boo Radley says: (8:52:09 PM) Yeah...I thought I had learned that with Indira Ghandi...god, what a bitch she turned out to be. Seanachai says: (8:52:25 PM) Someday I'll tell you about the fecking slap fight I ended up in with Imelda Marcos on cocaine one night. Phillipino beauty queen my arse! That harridan! Boo Radley says: (8:53:33 PM) See, I can't do coke anymore. I just get too wonderful. At least that what Maggy Thatcher once told me. Seanachai says: (8:54:06 PM) That fecking valkyrie! She still owes me for the crystal meth we were snorting when she declared war in the Falklands! Boo Radley says: (8:55:38 PM) Oh, is that what started it? See, I just stay away from the hardcore stuff. Before you know it, you've got Princess Stephanie of Monaco going through your jeans, screaming about some freaking $20 she thinks you took. I just do not need that action. Seanachai says: (8:57:51 PM) Don't I know it! Believe me, I do. There was this one time that involved hallucinogens and Elena Ceausescu...I don't want to go there. She was one scary bitch. "Sergei, run out and get us two 16 year old virgins and a goat, that's a good thug." Jesus! I left without my hat. Boo Radley says: (8:59:32 PM) I better stop now or I'll start digging up old Pat Nixon stories and neither of us wants that. You going to be around a bit later? I've got to go clean up my mess in the kitchen.
  14. Look, I said you were tall, not large. Anyone else for a bath in lye? I'm going for a nice long soak...
  15. Believe it. Boo is my very own large and thuggish brute of an evil henchman. Sometimes, when I contemplate his existence, I know how Dr. Frankenstein must have felt. C'mere, Boo, it's time a for a big hug!
  16. When would that have been? You only play Goodalers. Human opponents must be as mythical to you as the Greek Gods...
  17. I'm watched everywhere I go. They're always watching me. They're not going to get my string, though!
  18. Given your almost pathological envy of my ability to charm and amaze with both wit and word, combined with the fact that you have never seen me wearing anything other than long pants black jeans, I wonder at your temerity. To misquote the Prince of Denmark, my dear North Minneapolis Horatio: There is nothing either good or bad but whisky makes it so. And, in that same spirit of the Bard of Avon, even as I am the Bard of Minnesota, and in reference to 'the Scottish Play', and you, and Papa Khann: When shall we three meet again? How I long to hear the soft, considered, thoughtful but whimsical pratings of Papa Khann. How they perfectly counter-point your own, almost completely psychotic 'I'm comfortable with that' drooling. I'm busy this coming Saturday and Sunday. Friday is open. Mind, I'm beyond merely broke. I am now, like Blanche Dubois, relying on the kindness of strangers. I figure, as awful as you are, you're still good for buying me a drink or two.
  19. grumbles...I can't be having with all this capitalization and exclamation points enough to make any sane person check to see if their zipper was open. Seems to me that the buggers at Boots and Tracks should just have to post like the rest of us, without all this grandstanding, shouting, and prancing about like a lot of Corporate whores who've got the price of some lame Advertising Agency tucked into their pants. I'm a patient man, the gods know I am, but I don't know why I should be subjected to the Forum equivalent of a 'spittle and urine' spray from some bugger just because they're the Forum equivalent of the Waffen SS or the Queen's Own, or somefink. If we started every fecking Peng Challenge Thread with capitalization and enough exclamation points to qualify for 'the Queen's Own Light Tossers and Mental Deficients', we'd have had to pack our tents and disappear into the Canadian North long ago...
  20. Eh? What are you on about, John? So far as I know, scenario designers already have the ability to rename units. Can't tell you how many times I've been emailed by someone gleefully telling me how they killed 'Sergeant' or 'Corporal' Seanachai in their last game...
  21. Possibly mock-Yacinator ina bun, smothered in Wallybob...
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