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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Don't be a baby! Shaw can probably help you out with a good picture of a dead Mormon to work from... Now, stop whining and start modding!
  2. If I ever meet you face to face, I am SO going to kick you in the fork...
  3. I did. I always do. Predators, aliens...none of them can use satire, sarcasm, nor irony worth a bloody ****e. I won.
  4. hangs head in shame I've been under...a cloud. I've actually contemplated...non-existence. Oh, not my own. I've actually been after contemplating everyone else's. Gave me a turn, I can tell you. I think I'm going to start sending turns again, on that note. I've had a rather tense few weeks. Oh, not that there's any excuse. I've been a whiny little pillock. Looks like I can stave them off of disconnecting anything serious like internet access or electricity for several weeks. I'm after seriously laughing at the Gas company, of course! It's still summer in Minnesota, threaten away, you buggers! I'm buggered if I can understand a Utility Provider who gets uppity about being payed quarterly, frankly. Sigh. If only I could send me large, thuggish henchman Boo out into the Real World. He would make them understand that they must weep for 'fallen majesty'. Did I mention that I didn't actually shoot Dalem with one of his own guns?
  5. Man, what a gorgeous image. I mean, you can look at Scotland and really visualize a line defining 'The Highlands'. And Ireland looks like it's just barely dog-paddling hard enough to remain above sea-level. And doesn't Norway look like God just laid out a big line of coke? And the rest of Europe looks like he sneezed on the mirror just before he got the straw in place... Beautiful. Thanks, Boo, for that incredible picture. Do you see Iceland, up there? Do you know the freaking Squareheads claim to have 'discovered' it? They so often fail to mention that when they arrived there they drove out Irish monks that had gone there for a quiet roll-up...
  6. This conjures up images that are just...wrong. </font>
  7. The People have spoken, Aristoteles! Immediately supply us with a Mod of a Blue-dyed Marmot perched sunning himself on a dead Mormon, or your credibility on this Forum is shot, you Greek bugger. Hop to it, lad!
  8. Are you insane? That's no marmot! I came here expecting to see a small, furry bugger that had been dyed blue perched on a rock, sunning himself. Provide us with a blue marmot at once, or cease posting, sir!
  9. Oh, Lars, Lars... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I wouldn't have missed this chance to wish you a Happy Birthday for all the considerable drugs undoubtedly flowing through Hortlund's miserable carcass. You've suffered through the rest...now suffer the best! When shall we Minnesota Miscreants meet again, to glory, absolutely glory in the fact that you're getting old, and will undoubtedly begin to suffer major physical breakdowns soon? We had a great night the other night, alternatively gaming, and discussing you with a frankness and unpleasantness that would make a syphilitic General Forum poster blush...
  10. I...I...I think I'm having a heart attack... I...the blurring...the pain.... The arm and hand I'm using to flip RLeete off is numb...so numb...
  11. The ultimate insult of those who don't bother to use their brain, while pretending that it's because they're too busy using their pecker. Let's be frank. You're no more capable of a thoughtful, intelligent or witty comeback than you are of actually interesting a woman in your person. Your posturing only reveals the fact that you're angry at the world for filling you with desire, while leaving you incapable of either a good taunt, or the ability to interest or satisfy the Fairer Sex. You came in here hoping to meet chicks. Instead, everyone on this Forum is trying to look away from the fact that you look like a little child posturing over the fact that you've developed pubic hair. Dear God. "Don't get laid, much?" I've owned fecking pets that had more on the ball than you. I've already told you about the rabbits, dangerousdave...
  12. Ah, gods, how I live for a thread that brings up that complete and utter military humbug, poseur, and lying sack of ****e, 'Sven Hassel'. Or for another thread debating whether 'Guy Sajer' ever did ought but write a book as an Alsation Frenchman. It's then that you get the Grogs indulging in real satire. Frankly, from what I've seen, the various 'Adventures of Sven Hassel' are about as realistic as Nazi Party Heroic Singsongs, and less likely to be real than Eric Von Daniken's "Chariots of the Gods?". Mr. Salt: A very nice reference to how fecking stupid 'Sven Hassel's' works are, with a nice nod to Peter Rabbit...
  13. Behold! A thoughtful soul. A clear thinker. Sensitive folks? Logical question? Sigh. Please attend, you slovenly, lackadaisical puddle of poodle urine. Verbose tirades? You don't know verbose tirades from a love song about Eva Braun, you bugger! 'Cooler Chicks'? I remember this one time, your Mother asked me about who I found more appealing: Her, or the ghost of Emily Bronte. I went with Emily, and believe me, I hate everything to do with the fecking Brontes. Your Mom tended to natter on about 'how my son might someday stumble in here and posture like a complete bloody fecking trollop'. Although I felt her pain, I didn't want to encourage her son to weep a bit before shuffling off to look for a Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Cowardly Lion before he began his search for the certainty that no matter how bloody stupid his posts might be, that there is a special providence that watches over his almost magical inability to understand what's going on in this Thread. Now, go back and consider the fact that you're the dullest, most corroded bloody penny in the fountain, and wonder what it is that you might have missed, eh?
  14. Is anyone else here seeing what I'm seeing? Something is boasting about their ability to club others into submission using a variety of Pawn Shop purchased utensils? What the feck is this, the WWF?! "Ohmigod, wouldn't it be so righteous if one of the Aussie halfwits picked up a metal folding chair and clubbed him in the head, eh? Awesome! And Dude, did you see where he almost posted like he wasn't a freaking idjit?!! I damn near pissed myself I was so taken with his 'relative ability to string together a few lame threats', while fumbling to do up his zipper!" Really, people. Do I have to remind you that we are an Ancient Order who's roots are lost in the passage of months? That we never, ever succumb to simply being another place for idjits to have a quick piss? I'm after thinking that perhaps each of the Old Ones should be looking for a new avatar. Time to let it go, and move on.
  15. Silence! You lot have not, of late, been worthy. I've signed on with a new Forum. It's very intellectual there. The forums are about writing, and literature, and art, and all manner of thought provoking things. Of course, my first action, taken without hardly thinking, was to get Gaylord Focker banned. Again. From an entirely new venue. But I'm a good sort, and asked that he be reinstated. And he was. I have a heart twice as large as the thuggish Radley, and almost as large as RLeete's ego. Which is saying something, whichever way you look at it. Practice, my children, practice, and evolve. The exchange of posts here is starting to look like another Saturday playground experience. Without the pretty Au Pairs.
  16. I will drive to your house, set it on fire, and kill you with swords as you run from the flaming ruin for saying that, you vile slug.
  17. Well, I wasn't all that familiar with the recent stuff, but even a gibbering non-Grog such as myself was more than aware of the opening history lesson. I enjoy your excitement about all this, though, Skellen, and I'm not being sardonic. Amazing stuff, to be sure. Now, be a good lad and run out and watch the sunset. The glories of nature are almost as exciting as man's own achievements in the pursuit of killing of his fellows....
  18. Wonderful. Dorosh has gone mad again. Boo, hand me the dart rifle...
  19. Oops! Sorry, ICQ is down, right now. I updated it, and something...broke. I will spend the rest of the week seeing if I can get the bugger working again. But now, sadly, after an evening of watching Gaylord Focker behave exactly like Gaylord Focker on a completely different Forum, I must away, to that land of happy dreams that we all enter when we sleep. It's the same world that Berli will often call just about the time I get truly asleep. Hopefully he won't do it tonight, because I must get up very early...
  20. You seem troubled, Kittykins. Perhaps if you were to use the spurs and the crop on Dalem, you'd feel better...
  21. I think he may, in fact, be making a reference to the ancient song: Il Porcupino Nil Sodomy Est
  22. I think he may, in fact, be making a reference to the ancient song: Il Porcupino Nil Sodomy Est
  23. Perhaps it's time we had that talk, Dalem, about when a psychotic first becomes legally insane...
  24. My Junior High School Spanish teacher thought it was an intentional play by Silverheels of "quiene no sabe" or "he who knows nothing". I like "dildo" better. </font>
  25. Tonto was a fecking god, you halfwit! Is there anyone who didn't think the bloody Lone Ranger needed a good kick in the fork and four stout lads to pull the broomstick out of his arse? I mean, they went to Jay Silverheels for some of their 'authentic indian lingo', and he gave the world his own twist on his role by taking the name 'Tonto' (Tonto basically meaning 'fool'), and 'Kemosabe', by all accounts, being a Ute or associated tribe colloquialism for 'dildo'. And Boo, as bad as Sky Kitty's singing of the horrible 'Green Beret Song' might be, nothing excuses singing 'Good Morning Puppy Fluff', or whatever that abomination you were singing was. Now, as your penance, rub this soothing salve into the uncomfortably deep spur wounds on my bum. Gently!
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