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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. I made it through the front lines Somehow I made it through Didn't know how lost I was Until I found you I was beat incomplete I'd been had, I was sad and blue But you made me feel Yeah, you made me feel Shiny and new Like a German victorious for the very first time Like a German When your orders ring out with mine Gonna give you all my effort, sir My fear is fading fast Been saving it all for you 'Cause only combat lasts You're so Uber and you're mein Make me strong, yeah you make me bold Oh your orders thawed out Yeah, your orders thawed out What was scared and cold Like a German victorious for the very first time Like a German When your orders ring out with mine Oooh, oooh, oooh You're so Uber and you're mein I'll be Sturmtruppen 'till the end of time 'Cause you made me feel Yeah, you made me feel I've nothing to hide Like a German victorious for the very first time Like a German When your orders ring out with mine Like a German, ooh, ooh Like a German Feels so good to advance When you order me, and blood flows, and you send me out to die Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Ooh, Grog Dorosh Can't you hear my heart beat For the very first time?
  2. SILENCE! I am communing with the soul of Papa Joe Stalin, e'en as we type. Hmm. It's a little unclear. Something about 'hot Indian pickle relish' and blonde girls...
  3. Ah. It seems I overlooked someone. So here it is: By the authority of God Almighty, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and of the undefiled Virgin Mary, mother and patroness of our Saviour, and of all the celestial virtues, angels, archangels, thrones, dominions, powers, cherubins and seraphins, and of all the holy patriarchs, prophets, and of all the apostles and evangelists, and of the holy innocents, who in the sight of the Holy Lamb, are found worthy to sing the new song of the holy martyrs and holy confessors, and of the holy virgins, and of all the saints together, with the holy and elect of God,--May the Justicar be blessed --'We bless, and praise him, and from the thresholds of the holy church of God Almighty we sequester him, that he may be improved, bettered, and delivered over with Berli and Peng, and with those who say unto the Lord God, Depart from us, we desire none of thy ways. May the Father who created man, bless him.--May the Son who suffered for us bless him.--May the Holy Ghost, who was given to us in baptism, bless him' --'May the holy cross which Christ, for our salvation triumphing over his enemies, ascended, bless him. May the holy and eternal Virgin Mary, mother of God, bless him.--May St. Michael, the advocate of holy souls, bless him.--May all the angels and archangels, principalities and powers, and all the heavenly armies, bless him. May St. John, the Praecursor, and St. John the Baptist, and St. Peter and St. Paul, and St. Andrew, and all other Christ's apostles, together bless him. And may the rest of his disciples and four evangelists, who by their preaching converted the universal world, and may the holy and wonderful company of martyrs and confessors who by their holy works are found pleasing to God Almighty, bless him, the Justicar. May the holy choir of the holy virgins, who for the honour of Christ have despised the things of the world, bless him--May all the saints, who from the beginning of the world to everlasting ages are found to be beloved of God, bless him-- May the heavens and earth, and all the holy things remaining therein, bless him. May he, the Justicar, be blessed wherever he be--whether in the house or the stables, the garden or the field, or the highway, or in the path, or in the wood, or in the water, or in the church. May he be blessed in living, in dying. May he be blessed in eating and drinking, in being hungry, in being thirsty, in fasting, in sleeping, in slumbering, in walking, in standing, in sitting, in lying, in working, in resting, in pissing, in *******, and in blood-letting! May he, the Justicar be blessed in all the faculties of his body! May he be blessed inwardly and outwardly!--May he be blessed in the hair of his head!--May he be blessed in his brains, and in his vertex, in his temples, in his forehead, in his ears, in his eye-brows, in his cheeks, in his jaw-bones, in his nostrils, in his fore-teeth and grinders, in his lips, in his throat, in his shoulders, in his wrists, in his arms, in his hands, in his fingers! May he be blessed in his mouth, in his breast, in his heart and purtenance, down to the very stomach! May he be blessed in his veins, and in his groin, and in his hips, and in his knees, his legs, and feet, and toe-nails! May he be blessed in all the joints and articulations of the members, from the top of his head to the sole of his foot! May there be only soundness in him! May the son of the living God, with all the glory of his Majesty itself, bless him! And may heaven, with all the powers which move therein, rise up for him, bless and uphold him, the Justicar, unless he repent and make satisfaction! Amen. So be it, so be it. Amen.
  4. It's the Klingon Birthing Dagger, you halfwit. And you can't have it, Berli and I are taking it on our mission.
  5. Affirmative. We're going in, for sisters everywhere. I mean, what's with this? I bet Ashcroft is just sitting there right now drinking scotch and looking at pornography. The Almighty could at least spread some of this crap around.
  6. I have an 'old soul'. I was born 30 years old...
  7. Berli: Have acquired map of Heaven and plans of defenses. Operation 'Kick God in the Fork' is a go. Repeat, operation is a 'go'. See you in the drop zone...
  8. What is it now, ParaBellum? This had better be important, as I was in the middle of oppressing someone...
  9. Well...good enough. But I'll be watching your spelling, young man!
  10. Elvis, Congratulations. The planet will soon be overrun with little buggers singing about the 'mystery dance'.... [ August 29, 2004, 10:12 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  11. Hiram, I'm saddened beyond words to hear of your sister's passing. My thoughts are with you. I've been all too worried for a while that I might be echoing your words, so know that I hope only the best for you and yours in the future. My best to Morraine, and yourself. Hang in, and I hope the days to come are better. Bless your sister, and her struggle. She was a fighter.
  12. No.... If I were a caring and generous person you'd get my pity... How 'bout a kick inna fork? You seem deserving </font>
  13. Welcome to the Forum! ... ... Oh, hell, who am I kidding. I can't stop myself. You spelled 'weasel' wrong. I mock you, unless you can come up with some great story as to why you chose that particular misspelling.
  14. Dear God, where is everyone? At least the Australians must be up by now and starting to get drunk? Hello? HELLO! Is this microphone on?
  15. Well, only Chicago Democrats. Chicago Republicans couldn't organize a bottle party in a distillery...
  16. Actually, I vote him 'Most Likely To Have His Wife Leave With Some Bimbo'... Remember, in Texas 'Family Values' means giving short change in your parent's business. Where is the Justicar? I want to make 'Third World Poster Boy' my Squire. It's been ages since I had a new Squire (and let's skip the obvious, smutty remarks there, lads, eh?). Wisbech Lad, I hope you realize that, during this time of stress for you, I was thinking soothing, lubricating thoughts.
  17. Well, if you're going to 'bump' a thread, but have nothing to really add, then you might as well try and make it entertaining. Our work here is done, Boo. Let's ride!
  18. YankeeDog is lying to you. Don't trust him. Only trust me. Immediately retreat all units off the map.
  19. What the hell? This is how business is done in the Third World?! It's almost as bad as Chicago!
  20. eyes glaze, drool puddles at corner of the mouth Practically perfect in every way...measure me, Mary Poppins! Measure me... Sorry, what was I saying? Now look, you lot, the sort of fetishistic, boorish posting that's been going on here lately is inconsistent with our charter as 'rakish, world-weary but with hearts of gold Gentlemen'. So I want it to stop... just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down the medicine go down the medicine go down... alright, who's singing? Boggs was that you? Please do me the courtesy...go down, the medicine, go... [Cough]. Yes. Well, enough of all that. Let us return to our roots. Let us once again remember that it is we, by our wit, that set the tone of this Forum, that...why didn't she ever spank anyone, do you suppose? In any case. Let us have a damn sight more wits, and less...less...well, it rhymes with wits, and we'll leave it at that. Bloody chimneysweeps always get the girls, the filthy sods...
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