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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. That tribute to imbalance was finished weeks ago, you freaking drunkard! I sent you the final screenshot of my humiliation before your last blackout, you unmilked cow's udder! Jesus! Shall I always be subjected to this sort of glory seeking? "Oh, Seanachai, I was too fecking drunk to remember how I beat you like a gong (look, look, everyone, I beat Seanachai!), could you please resend the moment when I was busy wiping my mouth and attempting to pull myself back up into my desk chair to view my wholly undeserved victory, that I achieved by never issuing a single order and ingesting vodka like I was attempting to cleanse my colon by a rigorous program of orally injecting raw spirits? Well, I suppose I could go to the extensive effort of resurrecting the last turn of our carefully saved game, you blinded, gibbering vomit-machine, and send it to you yet again. I'm trying to comprehend what your normal day is like. After arising, and pulling your own underwear out of your mouth, what do you do next? Shave? Bathe? Apologize to the dog? Recreating the lives of the ancient Etruscans from fragmented texts and a muddled archaeological record isn't as difficult as attempting to understand how you spend your muddled days. I like to think, just before you descend into another vodka soaked fantasy of riding winged horses and laughing at the fact that you've won a game against me, you take a moment to reflect on the fact that your liver has a knife clutched in its teeth, and is doing a hand over hand up your fecking esophagus to plunge the blade into your pickled brain. No, nor about the fact that I don't even need to mock your incoherent state, now do I? Jesus! I've owned pets, lad, that could have expressed themselves better! Logic? Semantics? What, did you push your way through the vomit-stained clothing in an old wardrobe into a magical land populated by goblins and Witch Queens and see those words on a signpost? Oh, very nice. I send you a setup? Because you are 'the New God of Chaos'? Oh, deary, deary me! The 'New God of Chaos' is angry! Look, he's just pissed himself! Someone bring a sponge and an adult diaper suitable for a god! But I shall indulge you, oh 'Chaos'. I will send you a setup. Poltroon? I swoon! I am overcome! I am...actually, I'm looking at you, laddie! And not with the eye of favour... 'Poltroon', forsooth. I 'm driven to saying 'forsooth' for the love of all the gods! Let me make this perfectly clear, Leeo, me dear little lad. You are a good sort, but your ability to bandy words with me is like asking a colony of field mice to defy the Thresher. Stand up on your hind legs and squeak as you might, you're vermin. You are soft and downy. You will run beneath my wheels. Your squeals will rise unto heaven, and even the hard-hearted will weep, to see you so afraid and confused. I am the hawk on the branch, and you are the squirrel of the gods. And the gods don't need another fluffy-tailed nut hoarder, lad.
  2. My understanding is, from those older, wiser, and more retentive, is that doing so will lower your global morale. Other than that, no. It's not 'gamey' to drive them off the map. Of course you're depriving the enemy of potential 'points'. War wasn't about 'points', it was about resources. Preserving vital resources for the ongoing war isn't gamey, it's what they did. But it will somewhat lower your morale. Take them off somewhere safe, and park them there. Only drive them off if it looks like they could be kacked. That's gamey, if you like. But only a whiny bugger will make some sort of point about it.
  3. Silence. SILENCE! Send me a setup, you rogue pillock. Send it now! It's too long since you've suffered the endless nightmare of a game with me own wonderous self...
  4. Me for proposing stikkypixie for serf. Mind, I cant' stand his bloody posts. But he's only a Belgian, and it behooves us to raise up our inferiors. He's shown a right good, psychotic will to post here. Doesn't matter that his posts are like toilet paper hanging over the trees in the front yard, he posts all the fecking time. You have to admire that in Euro-trash lunatics. Joe, Old Foul Man of the Peng Challenge! Record it thus: Olde One Seanachai proposes the compleat idjit stikkypixie as a serf. Christ, if he won't go away, he's one of us. Plus, I've always liked his screenname. Pity he's such a boil on the bum. Still, we work with what we're given, not what we would choose.
  5. MACE! I'm talking to you, bush ranger! This Thread title sucks. I insist you retitle it: Mace Pitches the Peng Challenge Because Noba insisted on Being at Bat You bloody, useless, awful, horrible, drunken Aussie pillock. How have you been? Retitle the Thread now. If you need help in figuring out how to do that, simply post here: Duh?
  6. Yes indeed, Joe, I will be available. You see, unlike Lars, who has a woman, and Papa Khann, who has a job, and Dalem who has the Political General Forum (which he uses to do to a much larger audience what Lars does to his woman...), I have only one purpose in life: To bring all the joy and merriment I can into lives that would otherwise be shallow, empty and meaningless without me. As a man who teaches others about Mortgage Banking, and who travels constantly, spending days away from his loving family, you qualify. I know how important it is for you to see me again, and thank me, in person, for how I've filled your otherwise empty existence. Plus a lot of people here in town are asking me to piss off and fill someone else's life with joy and merriment, as I'm beginning to get to them.
  7. Yes indeed, Joe, I will be available. You see, unlike Lars, who has a woman, and Papa Khann, who has a job, and Dalem who has the Political General Forum (which he uses to do to a much larger audience what Lars does to his woman...), I have only one purpose in life: To bring all the joy and merriment I can into lives that would otherwise be shallow, empty and meaningless without me. As a man who teaches others about Mortgage Banking, and who travels constantly, spending days away from his loving family, you qualify. I know how important it is for you to see me again, and thank me, in person, for how I've filled your otherwise empty existence. Plus a lot of people here in town are asking me to piss off and fill someone else's life with joy and merriment, as I'm beginning to get to them.
  8. That's because I'm smarter than you are. On the other hand, you will probably always be better paid than I am. Everything balances out. It's rather like the fact that women want me, but end up with you. Life is made up of small injustices that seem to offset each other according to some ineffable plan that won't be made clear to us until we no longer give a good goddamn about it.
  9. That's because I'm smarter than you are. On the other hand, you will probably always be better paid than I am. Everything balances out. It's rather like the fact that women want me, but end up with you. Life is made up of small injustices that seem to offset each other according to some ineffable plan that won't be made clear to us until we no longer give a good goddamn about it.
  10. Rune, my dear little lad, you have to remember that 'The Rules' aren't engraved on a stone plinth somewhere. They are simply what the people in charge say they are, and get others to believe they are. Most of the time the inmates are so hammered that whatever Joe reminds them the Rules 'are', they go with it. This is because, so far as we know, Joe probably is the only one who is carving them on stone tablets somewhere. All very right and proper. As to your specific act of being screwed over on a Squire, where Joe claimed precedence because you were Navy, I believe Berli (a former Marine) signed off on it, Peng said: "What? Where's my beer?", and I said "The only song I can remember about the Navy is by the Village People, so bugger the squid, says I, because we're not having that song around here." The Seniour Knights, many of whom have played Rune scenarios, and suffered through the hideous 6 hour bout of incontinence that normally results upon its completion, raised a rousing chorus of agreement. Clutch your NDA, stiffen your upper lip, and carry on, laddie. [ September 30, 2004, 10:49 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  11. Rune, my dear little lad, you have to remember that 'The Rules' aren't engraved on a stone plinth somewhere. They are simply what the people in charge say they are, and get others to believe they are. Most of the time the inmates are so hammered that whatever Joe reminds them the Rules 'are', they go with it. This is because, so far as we know, Joe probably is the only one who is carving them on stone tablets somewhere. All very right and proper. As to your specific act of being screwed over on a Squire, where Joe claimed precedence because you were Navy, I believe Berli (a former Marine) signed off on it, Peng said: "What? Where's my beer?", and I said "The only song I can remember about the Navy is by the Village People, so bugger the squid, says I, because we're not having that song around here." The Seniour Knights, many of whom have played Rune scenarios, and suffered through the hideous 6 hour bout of incontinence that normally results upon its completion, raised a rousing chorus of agreement. Clutch your NDA, stiffen your upper lip, and carry on, laddie. [ September 30, 2004, 10:49 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  12. He's one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypso. That's like being an Olde One, but to a wider audience. The Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge acknowledge the Four Horsemen as visiting Heads of State, as they are the true controllers of the Combat Mission Forums (outside the Peng Challenge, that is). Acknowledging them is fairly easy to do since one of them is and Olde One of the Peng Challenge, and another is a Seniour Knight in their own right. You should address him formally as 'Famine', or, if you are on familiar terms with him, address him as 'the bastard Emrys. Michael is here because things have gotten rather 'dodgy' on the rest of the Forum. He's here on a 'tour of the Colonies' until the political situation calms down.
  13. He's one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypso. That's like being an Olde One, but to a wider audience. The Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge acknowledge the Four Horsemen as visiting Heads of State, as they are the true controllers of the Combat Mission Forums (outside the Peng Challenge, that is). Acknowledging them is fairly easy to do since one of them is and Olde One of the Peng Challenge, and another is a Seniour Knight in their own right. You should address him formally as 'Famine', or, if you are on familiar terms with him, address him as 'the bastard Emrys. Michael is here because things have gotten rather 'dodgy' on the rest of the Forum. He's here on a 'tour of the Colonies' until the political situation calms down.
  14. At what point between being transported for petty crime and making up a language based on serial drunkenness did you lot become the Mother Country?
  15. At what point between being transported for petty crime and making up a language based on serial drunkenness did you lot become the Mother Country?
  16. First, let me say: Happy Birthday, v42below, you bloody thirst maniac! Next, let me say: Happy Belated Birthday, Dalem! I would prefer in the future, though, that you have your Birthday on a day when I am not at a Memorial Service. That said, what chance this Saturday that we could do something to celebrate your birthday? (sorry, v42below, but I can't get together with you to celebrate your birthday, because you live in Pulpy Green Fruit Land. Dalem lives here in my town, so I can get together with him to make him feel more miserable.)
  17. First, let me say: Happy Birthday, v42below, you bloody thirst maniac! Next, let me say: Happy Belated Birthday, Dalem! I would prefer in the future, though, that you have your Birthday on a day when I am not at a Memorial Service. That said, what chance this Saturday that we could do something to celebrate your birthday? (sorry, v42below, but I can't get together with you to celebrate your birthday, because you live in Pulpy Green Fruit Land. Dalem lives here in my town, so I can get together with him to make him feel more miserable.)
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