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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Okay, addressing me as 'Mr. Achai', given that 'Seanachai' is as much a title as a name, was dim, but within the realm of 'well intentioned stupidity', but 'Mr. Rad', where a clear 'first name' and 'last name' are present is simply a rather poor attempt at smirking arseholery. I see that the 'Gaylord Wannabe' (man, talk about a lack of ambition!) has made his way here. Kwazy assures us that 'Tim' doesn't share the same IP as 'Gaylord'. At this point, my assumption is that Gaylord's family moved to another State. Possibly because even moving him to another school district didn't stop the name calling and abuse. Whether he is, or he isn't, I see no reason to repeat past mistakes, and without demur I say 'Coventry'. I anticipate no cry of outrage. See, Joe? Even my anti-Elitist, egalitarian, near anarchistic tendencies have a limit.
  2. Okay, I would love to gather with the Minnesota Miscreants for more depraved silly wargaming. But I will be departing this Saturday for...Disney World. Again. Doubtless, as Berli assures me, to be sodomized by Mickey Mouse. When I return, I demand a night of non-stopping gaming, horrible, debauched talk, and having Sten the dog piss on Lars' shoe (this time).
  3. Actually, John, thanks for stopping by. Until the link was posted to the original 'Let's Invade the GF' thread, I didn't even realize there was an 'oppressed and disenfranchised' SC community. You lot ought to come up with a catchy name for your movement, like 'The People's Front for Strategic Command', or something. While I appreciate your Chief Joseph style 'I will post no more forever' approach, it seems ill-considered. Your concept was good, it was just your execution that was execrable. It was like watching Anarchists plan a State dinner party. You know, this SC Forum is quite commodious. After rodent control's been through, and a few high pressure hoses have been applied, along with knocking out some walls, it would make a great place for the Peng Challenge Thread! But I digress. Seriously, the whole 'Those CM buggers are dominating the GF' thing was bizarre, to say the least. I wasn't even aware that there was an 'unterclass'. It's the General Forum. Surely anyone is free to start up a topic of discussion, but perhaps having Kuniworth do a paean to the Gaylord school of posting multiple threads where no actual discussion was desired, although supposedly invited, was perhaps not the best way to 'make your mark'. But I, for one, excuse all simply for the reading of JJR's 'made man' ranting. There's nothing like having Christ's 'Capo de Familia' get behind gibberish and push to make you appreciate the vagaries of Reality. One wonders: How many men has he made? Now, I must away, to return to conspiring with so many others as to the best way to control a Forum dedicated to recipes, silly news stories, other games, computer questions, favourite or odious songs/movies/games, and the proper and prescribed way to hate Grog Dorosh.
  4. Oh, good. C'mere and get your shoulders up under this weight...yes, right there. stretches spine with audible cracking noises... Ah! Now you just stand there and bear it up until I get back from the pub, won't you? Here, where did you go? looks at small, sticky patch crushed under the weight of the Thread Shrugs Saunters off to Men's Room...
  5. Silence, insect! There's no room on this Forum for those who choose Substance over Form!
  6. I'm taking Sten the dog and Joe the cat to a Safe House in St. Paul and demanding the mayor of Columbia Heights have you neutered for reasons of National Security.
  7. Gee, I was hoping for a pound of his flesh. Preferably with the blood still dripping from it. I want my money back. Michael </font>
  8. Sorry, Michael, but I simply can't see taking your 'Henry Ford' approach to Hate. It's not right for my...idiom, or somefink. I don't want a casual 'donation' to Hating me, I want their own, unique Hatred of me. It's not the Hatred equivalent of 'Save the Children', after all. I mean, your solutions are like Hating the Government, or the Phone Company. I want to be Hated for myself, not as some sort of generic icon. And what do they get with this little 'Donate, so that Grog Dorosh doesn't go to bed tonight unhated?' A picture of you in the mail with a Bio filled with relevant reasons for hating you? The ability to casually mention at the next charity ball that 'I've recently contributed to the 'Hate Grog Dorosh Campaign. Here, here's a picture of my little Hated Dorosh'? They're only doing it to assuage their consciences and pretend they're a good person. No, I want them to tell me, personally, that they Hate me. How much, and why, and with any telling revelations about why their Hatred is important to them. Hell, I've gotten CDs with songs of Hate on them from other nations! Can your 'Hate the Dorosh Foundation' ever equal the joy of that? I think not. Hating Seanachai is more like the whole 'Habitat For Humanity' project. When everyone has done their part, I will have a solid, comfortable Hatred that I can move into and call forever my own.
  9. That's why I love this Board. When I was a wee lad in 'Juniour High', we weren't taught about this sort of thing. Of course, World War II was still being called 'The War Where America Saved the World and Converted Evil Nations Into Loyal Allies Against Godless Communism, While the Rest of the World Cheered Us On and Later Forgot to Say Thank You'. I believe it was shortened to World War II to save on textbook printing costs...
  10. But for all the wrong reasons... And I think this is a good idea, that being 'a greater variety of nationality appropriate facial types', but I have to say that I try and avoid paying much attention to the faces of troopers on the Level 1 view, because it brings back uncomfortable shadow memories of my 'lost time' incidents, and a vague discomfort when I view things like the Washington Monument, or find myself looking at the Ford Probe auto (who came up with that name, I might add. Apparently we are seriously running out of names for cars...) [ October 09, 2004, 10:20 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  11. Don't forget Woody Allen doing Michael Jackson songs... When he did that jackknife splits and came straight back on to his feet, I think Peng did a spit-take onto that table of drunk German tourists...
  12. I can't believe that you, of all people, are slow about getting CM set back up. I mean, if nations honoured wargaming geekdom, there'd be a Dalem's Column in Trafalgar Square...
  13. Breakthrough could have you arrested for obscene exposure if you reveal your 'divinity'. Mace </font>
  14. This from a man who belongs to a nation that thinks a galvanized pail perched beneath the lip of a desk chair is the ultimate in Executive Office chic...
  15. Oh deary, deary me. I'll just run out back and begin work on the helipad that'll be needed when all those flying pigs have to occasionally come in for a landing, shall I?
  16. I'm sorry could you repeat that all i heard was Maidens in peasant blouses... </font>
  17. When you figure out anything, a National Holiday will be declared in Belgium, and there'll be dancing in the streets. Maidens in peasant blouses and tight vests will hand out flowers, and the beer will be free. We wait with bated breath, and longing...
  18. Oh, c'mon, Joe. It followed me home! Can't we keep it?
  19. Well, we can't have that, fer the love of all the little angels. Justicar! I propose Shosties as a serf of the Peng Challenge!
  20. Excellent. Now we shall destroy the intelligentsia, as well...
  21. Pass. And the gods have mercy on your horrible, drunken, Aussie soul...
  22. Yes, it is. And I will hate each and every one of you until they come to take away my keyboard. I will hate you all until the Sun falls. I will hate you all until the stars fail. I will hate you all until the Universe is reborn in wonder. I hate you all a lot. Until then, I hate each and every one of you in a special way. I hate you in the way that each of you deserves. As the Sage Pratchett has said: Hate is simply love with its back turned. I turn my back on you all.
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