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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. I don't pay any attention to anything you say except the insults, because I figure that's where what little ability you have will manifest itself. Besides, I believe that most of what you have to say to me falls into that category, O member of my House. You can at least go over and show solidarity with the disenfranchised, can't you, you right wing nutter?
  2. Well, that deserves a song! Oh Lydia, oh Lydia, say, have you met Lydia? Lydia The Tattooed Lady. She has eyes that folks adore so, and a torso even more so. Lydia, oh Lydia, that encyclo-pidia. Oh Lydia The Queen of Tattoo. On her back is The Battle of Waterloo. Beside it, The Wreck of the Hesperus too. And proudly above waves the red, white, and blue. You can learn a lot from Lydia! When her robe is unfurled she will show you the world, if you step up and tell her where. For a dime you can see Kankakee or Paree, or Washington crossing The Delaware. Oh Lydia, oh Lydia, say, have you met Lydia? Lydia The Tattooed Lady. When her muscles start relaxin', up the hill comes Andrew Jackson. Lydia, oh Lydia, that encyclo-pidia. Oh Lydia The Queen of them all. For two bits she will do a mazurka in jazz, with a view of Niagara that nobody has. And on a clear day you can see Alcatraz. You can learn a lot from Lydia! Come along and see Buffalo Bill with his lasso. Just a little classic by Mendel Picasso. Here is Captain Spaulding exploring the Amazon. Here's Godiva, but with her pajamas on. Here is Grover Whelan unveilin' The Trilon. Over on the west coast we have Treasure Isle-on. Here's Nijinsky a-doin' the rhumba. Here's her social security numba. Lydia, oh Lydia, that encyclo-pidia. Oh Lydia The Champ of them all. She once swept an Admiral clear off his feet. The ships on her hips made his heart skip a beat. And now the old boy's in command of the fleet, for he went and married Lydia!
  3. Ignore the one that sounds like Mickey Mouse. I'm pretty sure that one's evil. I love the one that sounds like Liv Tyler doing Arwen Evenstar. I almost always do what that one says.
  4. Gods, you are a disturbing relic of an earlier time, aren't you? It's lucky for you that I expect a sense of history and weirdness from my thuggish henchmen. Why, earlier this morning Berli and I were discussing Aleister Crowley. Do you really want to know that? Do you, Boo? Do you want to be there when I show you? E'en as we speak, the Recycling Guys are smashing glass into their truck bins in back of my building in their bi-monthly, early morning ritual of making sure that everyone, whether abed or not, knows that it's another 'beautiful day in the neighbourhood'. It's a crisp, clear 24 degrees Fahrenheit day here in Minnesota, oh Boo! How could one remain in bed on such a bracing morning?! The buses are running, the air is filled with the songs of birds (well, at least birds making noises that we will, for the sake of argument, describe as 'songs'), and people all over this great, Northern State are bustling off to work. I, of course, have been brooding on versification. In the throes of rendering Dalem into so much partially processed rum product, I have allowed the time to slip away from me. Why, many has been the happy day that I, after a night of no sleep, greeted the new and dawning day with a merry 'tra-la', and a hearty laugh at my own energy and disregard for the hapless parceling of time that we humans indulge in! But you have brought me back to myself, oh Boo. I will now slide off to my coffin of earth, there to while away the hours of daylight in a sodden, barely sentient lump until darkness once again pulls me to my feet, invigorates me with it's sensuous touch, and sends me forth to post my light-hearted, jolly quips and tendentious and thoughtful insights. Now, be a good thug, and go mock 37mm. With feeling.
  5. What are you on about? And here I was just sitting here, composing a poem entitled 'Ode to a Thuggish Henchman'.
  6. Rleete! ROGER! Russellmz is asking about Health Insurance/Cobra issues in NY State over in the General Forum, 'Health Insurance' thread, and I know that you dealt with some of that stuff when you were out of work. Pop over there if you can give the guy any info, would you? [ November 11, 2004, 04:41 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  7. I think I'll be gone for a couple of days then... for those poor souls who’ll remain here & need support, remember I'm here in spirit… if not actually </font>
  8. Dalem couldn't versify against me and win with a scout axe in either hand. He's a complete fraud, you know. Sure, he gets up after Noon, but he still goes to bed at a reasonable hour.
  9. Who's for a jolly, 'going to work' singsong, eh? Down at Barnum's fair One evening I was there When I heard a showman Shouting underneath the flair Oh, I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, There they are all standing in a row. Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head Give 'em a twist, a flick of the wrist, That's what the showman said. Oh! I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts Every ball you throw will make me rich. There stands me wife, the idol of me life, Singing Roll a bowl a bowl a penny a pitch. Singing, roll a bowl a bowl a penny a pitch, Roll a bowl a bowl a penny a pitch, Roll a bowl a bowl Roll a bowl a bowl Roll a bowl a bowl a penny a pitch. Oh, I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, There they are all standing in a row. Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head Give 'em a twist, a flick of the wrist, That's what the showman said. Oh! I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts Every ball you throw will make me rich. There stands me wife, the idol of me life, Singing Roll a bowl a bowl a penny a pitch. Singing, roll a bowl a bowl a penny a pitch, Roll a bowl a bowl a penny a pitch, Roll a bowl a bowl Roll a bowl a bowl Roll a bowl a bowl you son of a bitch.
  10. The only reason I would ever be actually 'getting up' this early, as opposed to 'not yet gone to bed', is to go to Canada. Normal people do overtime at night.
  11. Is this real verisification, or where we rip off and horribly alter other, better men's versification in order to vilify each other? And why aren't you in bed?
  12. Brunch. Sunday. Check. Santorini's has a great brunch and bottomless drinks. They also carry the football game. Or dalem could get us all tickets, of course. </font>
  13. You know, I'd forgotten that you lot are so literal minded (an uncomplicated way of approaching language, and therefore befitting you), as to be almost 'magical'. I was, in fact, quite impressed with the firestorm of bloody-mindedness that greeted my last demand. You all have my blessing. If I decide to shower you with free verse from a considerable height, it'll just be because it amuse me, and I'm a bastard, what am I?
  14. It's 3 AM, again I'm alone, again The 'Pool is empty Not even a drunken Aussie in sight Where is the Great Post The Post that makes All Things Clear? I am waiting. I am always waiting Waiting for that one, pure, brilliant moment of laughter of mockery of wit Like Quixote I sit Mired in the ****e That small minds bring To the feast of great souls Bring me giants! I shout In a moment, without doubt Mace will show up to ask me Giant what? glowers at the Thread Everyone post something significant by tomorrow night, or I shall indulge in another bout of free verse.
  15. Moon must be banned for not indulging in more bannings...
  16. Well, that was only a couple of years after the battle was fought, wasn't it, Michael?
  17. I probably haven't said this before, and I should have. You're a very strange man, junk2drive.
  18. Papa actually pays attention to him. The rest of us simply ask him to stop eating the leftovers off the counter behind us. I can't believe you threw away those excellent sausages I'd brought over simply because the cat had licked and gnawed on them. Hell, I would have eaten them. Joe the cat is undoubtedly cleaner in his personal habits than Lars. For one thing, we know where Joe's tongue has been. And cats don't remodel.
  19. I demand that Sanok be banned for gullibility! And I demand that Sergei be banned for making another poster look gullible! I also demand that Michael Dorosh be preemptively banned, primarily for being Michael Dorosh, and to bring up the tone of the place. And why haven't I been banned yet for demanding that all these people be banned?
  20. I am trying to turn the image this presents into something...innocent. Childlike. Playful. I cannot. I cannot alter the image that Boo is, somehow, involved with an act of 'pay for play', to put it nicely.
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