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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. This, actually, is an interesting project. C'mon, you lackwits! There are roles to be cast! Say your piece! Cast your vote! Mine: Rick: Berli (they're both misanthropic bastards with a heart of gold...at least, in the movie they have a heart of gold) Captain Renault: Myself. But, if the crowd is against me: Peng (it pains me to give this up...but...well, it is Peng) Ilsa Lund: Emma Yvonne: Kitty Sachsa: Mace Carl: Old Foul Joe Major Strasser: Rleete (Red state hugging bastard...) Ferrari: ? Ugarte: Some have suggested another short, dominating figure... Sam: ? C'mon! Round up the usual suspects! [ December 28, 2004, 01:43 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  2. Kitty as Yvonne, of course, with Mace then as Sachsa... "Because, Kitty, I love you!" "Oh, shut up, Mace" "Alright, alright. For you, Kitty, I shut up, because, Kitty, I love you!"
  3. You are all simply jealous of me because, when they finally make the movie of 'The Peng Challenge Thread', I will have all the best lines. And I'll get the girl! So, let us cast the 'Peng Challenge' remake of "Casablanca". I see Rleete as Major Strasser... And Carl? I'm picturing Joe saying 'Liebchen, what watch is it? Such watch?!'
  4. You see, Texas Aggie? A testimonial! Of sorts. Consider this: I've only been banned once! And that was only for a month! Seemed like a bloody century, I might add. But I'm after guessing that everyone else found it very restful.
  5. Don't take it amiss, lad. Baseless, ill-founded suspicions from someone like me...well, that's like a kiss from anyone else, eh? Ask anyone here about me.
  6. Coulda done that from the get go, eh? No toe in the water? No 'Oh, woe is me, where shall I get another manual' post? I'd hang my head in shame for my vulgar, thoughtless, small-minded suspicions, if I wasn't a roight bastard. But I do feel bad. Really. I'd like nothing better than for BFC to come in here and tell me that I was a right bugger, because you were legit. I'd abase myself in my contrition. Wouldn't be the first time! But if you really do love the game, eh, you could see where someone might look askance at someone who'd simply post a vague 'I lost my manual' thread? I mean, if I lost my manual...it was here a minute ago, I'm almost sure...I'd simply contact BFC about it. A vague 'and where shall I get the info I need' thread simply seems like 'fishing'. But then, I'm a horrible little man.
  7. I was thinking, Berli lad, that we might want to consider making a scenario over at Brazzaville. There's a Free French garrison, there, you know...
  8. We are sad for you. Please, everyone, look away. Allow him a moment to tuck himself all back together, and sod off.
  9. It's not even Midnight, and all you pissants are asleep. I might as well gnaw my own hand off, escape from the computer, and go to sleep in disgust. What, are all the bail bondsman eating turkey with their families, and couldn't be reached because they'd turned off their cell phones? The world continues to deteriorate...
  10. Perhaps a pirate with a sense of shame? The old "I'm not paying $45 for the game, but I'm willing to pay a great deal less for a printed manual" type of shame? I blame Gaylord/Tim the Enchanter for making me so cynical and embittered...
  11. Damn! I think I left my manual in my other pair of pants!
  12. Bloody double posts! I thought I had this sussed!
  13. Bah! No email address, no location, the absolute minimum of info in the profile. I'm going with 'Arrrrrr!' Ask BFC to replace it, using the info from your original order for where to ship it to.
  14. I'm torn between my natural desire to by 'The Nice One', and a certain, low, mean-spirited desire to say: Pull the other one, that one has bells on it, Pirate Boy! Arrrr!
  15. You're as weak us Finnish piss without honey. I could write 2500 words about your useless arse without even breaking a sweat. Young people today. No moral compass. No intestinal fortitude. Apparently, no ability with language at all. I despair. I truly do.
  16. Damn Swedes are getting as weak as Finnish piss with a dollop of honey in it (honey to give it some colour and body...)! I'll wait. I'm basically going to be gone until January 2nd anyways. Time enough for you to cinch up your Rune induced emotional hernia, and pull on the leather jacket of Squarehead courage.
  17. Woot! Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 6 on DVD! And they say my life ain't working out?!
  18. A Happy Christmas Eve to you all, a Merry Christmas tomorrow. A joyous Solstice, and a Happy Hanukkah, and a Kwazy Kwanza.
  19. Can you hear the ducks, Fernando? Can you hear their hideous quacking, as it floats in from the lawn? Merry Christmas to that bugger too.
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