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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Whoa. Put your analyst on 'danger money', buddy...
  2. Well, I'll say no more. It must be hard for a man like you to admit to his 'softer side', and embarrassing to admit that you sit around in the dark listening to 'Jenny From the Block'...
  3. Better bring a hacksaw. It takes big brass ones to tell people to send 'Jello's' horrible caterwauling to Satan...
  4. Well, he's figured out something to do with it, but it's not something that would occur to most of us. Make sure he washes his hands before you 'shake' with him on anything...
  5. What an odd picture. Why are his hands on the back of his head like that? It looks like he's trying to force himself to commit an unnatural act...
  6. I think it's important to help those less fortunate than ourselves. And I know that our own Berli has absolutely no MP3s (or AACs, if you're so inclined) or Jennifer Lopez's hit songs. How many times can you just look away? Do your bit. If you have MP3s or AACs of J-Lo's music, send a song to Berli today... Now, I'd do more replies, but I'm simply not caught up on the Thread, yet, and, frankly, I'm not drunk enough to read it all in one go. I've read as much as I can, sober. I'll get caught up later. Although I'm like behind by 6-7 pages, so it might take heroin to be able to wade through it all...
  7. Oberst, you tit, you never answered my question! Which Altan album did you buy?
  8. Well, I've been gone. Away. Off with the fairies. Whatever. So, here's an update on my games (I know how you all hang on every aspect of my life...): Geier: I am advancing through endless fields of wheat. Wheat. All that there is in life is...wheat. I have advanced something like a kilometer, and all I've found is field mice, with not a single fascist sympathizer amongst them. We put them to death anyways. Better safe than sorry. Geier is using rockets. That is unmanly. Boo: Boo is relentlessly...slowly...painfully advancing against me with Halftracks. Fields of halftracks. All that there is in life is...halftracks. He is advancing like a big cream filled eclair. An unmanly eclair. Peng: I am advancing on Peng. He is cowering in a monastery. The irony of it is simply exquisite. His cowering has been, so far, well...what can I say? It's been unmanly. Nidan: I am attempting to advance on Nidan. He is hiding behind a fecking wall, a wall of artillery. He is not only playing an 'unmanly' game, he is dancing across the stage wearing a dress and a large hat with fruit on it, making little feminine yipping noises of unmanliness. Berli: I hold one VL. He holds another. We're both largely 'lying around the other VL' shooting at one another in an exhausted sort of way. He may win. He keeps attacking in a relatively 'manly' way, but his AT guns actually had HE, which was an unfair advantage. That's all the 'Poolers. Oddly, I am playing almost as many games against Outer-boarders. I'm not sure how that happened. Well, two opponents are a college buddy and his 8 year old son. I may beat the 8 year old, but only because he thinks victory can be achieved by parking a Tiger tank on the third and smallest VL. In a wheat field. As far as his father goes, the bugger is kicking, scratching, biting and hair-pulling my troops in a Berli designed horror. He will win, albeit in a way that cannot otherwise be characterized than 'unmanly'. I'm also playing the Latvian guy, Ciks. It is too early to tell how that will go, but we are punching and stabbing at each other in a thoroughly manly way...so far. And Wilbell, who's been in here to make mock, is pummeling me horribly with Canadians. He advances by destroying buildings and then advancing through the wreckage. He's also using lots of very unmanly Shermans. Oh, and in my final game, I am playing Moriarity, finishing up a CMBB game (he returns files even more slowly than myself). He will win. Even my rampant 'manliness' will do me no ultimate good.
  9. Viljuri, lad, I'm flattered. But I don't think it will work out between us. You're Finnish, and I'm short and annoying.
  10. No, no! Keep posting until everyone agrees with you. Perseverance is important. I'm sure with enough repetitions your opinions will win out.
  11. Dalem's skull is over-modeled. Also, parts of it had to be 'scratch built' using plastic resins.
  12. DP. Damn [ February 04, 2005, 12:04 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  13. Sorry, am I late? Dalem, you sad little model building man, when are we going to reschedule 'MST3K Night'?! My friend Melissa is a big fan, and likes beer, and wants to come to it and marvel at our 'Male Wargamers Revelry'.
  14. Here, you bugger. Where's your diagrams, footnotes, and cited references? Don't you have anything to contribute?!
  15. Yeah, but I almost always win against Berli. God hates Satan. Nothing else could explain the wins I've pulled off against him.
  16. Oh, bugger it. The fact is, a buttoned tank is a blind tank. Frankly, the ability of a buttoned tank to take out enemies in the game is probably over-modeled. This whinging about tanks unbuttoning is stupid. A tank at this period in history that wants to actually achieve anything in combat unbuttons. You want the AI to know as much as you do about what's going on? Micro-manage the bugger. Want it to behave like a tank that wants to achieve something? Risk getting your TC kacked. Want it to stay buttoned? That'll happen once your TC gets whacked. So you want your TC to know as much about the battlefield and it's threats as you do, in every locale, under every circumstance? Even though that's sometimes utterly unrealistic? And yet you still want the AI to react with lightening reflexes to the passing of those threats? What a bunch of silly ****e. 'Micro-manage', piss, or get off the pity pot. I agree, that the CM model is utterly ridiculous. Because, don't you know, Tank Commanders had one of the lowest mortality rates in the entire war. Hell, rear-echelon types involved with graves registration had a higher mortality rate than those gravy buggers commanding tanks in combat! What I'm hearing here is 'my chess pieces never have their heads blown off in combat'. Try dominoes. They never button up, or un-button at the wrong moment. Shortly a wonderful, knowledgeable Grognard with a winning attitude will show up to explain this to you in detail, possibly with diagrams, footnotes, and cited sources. Immediately thereafter, another equally wonderful Grognard will show up to acknowledge your arguments and bitter remonstrations about how the 'game engine' doesn't correctly reflect life. Won't change the fact that in modeling combat within the game, you've gotta take an active hand in making sure people don't have their heads blown off. An occupational hazard in wartime, I'm told. It's all the same whinging we heard in earlier incarnations of the game when a tank would button, and stay buttoned, and miss that perfectly obvious and beautiful kill shot into the side of that enemy AFV because the tank was buttoned and apparently didn't spot that perfect shot! Won't change the fact that I've won games with every single tank buttoned, because that utter bastard Berli had taken out every single crack TC with green sharpshooters and MG fire, at one time or another. 'Mom! I don't like these cards! I want different ones!'
  17. I'm a bloody wizard, me. You think it's easy hustling things out of homeless drunks? Don't mock, boyo, until you've done as much!
  18. Take what you need, lad. The Cesspool is here to get out the glad word...however horrible it might be.
  19. You long for our approval. The disgust you feel is self-loathing. Writhe, writhe, and do not go gently into that Goodaler night...
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