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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Check out my Challenge in the Peng Challenge Thread to you, you scavenger, and see what I think is special.
  2. Like you're paying for the bandwidth out of your own pocket, you posturing rogue! I could touch myself publicly three times a day wearing bells and dancing a lusty tarantella, and I wouldn't make half the fool of myself as you do with every post you write! Perhaps, Australian, you haven't been properly whipped back into the kennel, lately? Perhaps you've grown so complacent being 'merely stupid', that you've forgotten what it's like to lose to your betters? Why don't you put your time to some better use, seeking out a scenario so heavily weighted in you favour that even a god couldn't defeat you, and send it to me so that I can show you that curs that yelp too loudly can still be beaten into silence.
  3. Ah, a post redolent with the bacony stench of Canada... An axe is probably one of the most noble weapons. Tool and weapon both...but here, alas, I see only 'tool'. Axe2121! Cat piss is more like wine than the posting of a Goodaler is like wit; and while both cat piss and wine have a bouquet, the posting of Waffler is an odorless industrial pollutant. Would that you could raise a stench in the nostrils of the knowing, but the best you can do is make the eyes water—primarily with pity. See the tears? See the tears?! If you were to set all that you are against all that I know, I wouldn't simply have to give you change, I'd have to change what you know, just so the exchange wouldn't be so unfair. You work that out on your fingers and toes, laddie, to make sure you realize it's an insult. Now, it's unlikely that a little piss-pot like yourself will come back here to check your own post, like a dog revisiting the last place it spewed up, but supposing you should, I Challenge you. I will treat you, godless Goodaler that you are, to the full rights I would a Cesspooler. That is because I am one of Nature's Nobleman. And you? You are one of Nature's mistakes. Like the Irish Elk, or the Giant Ground Sloth, or the Australians. So, I will insult you. I will mock you. I will taunt you. And you, like the little 'growly' faced using lackwit that you are, you will probably shift from foot to foot in the puddle of your own fluids that's collected at your feet, and ignore me. Why would you not? Canadian coyotes will lick up their own spit when a timber wolf howls. But, should you choose to actually play me a game, let me know your terms. I have all three games, from BO to AK, and will take whichever side, in whatever conflict, that you feel you can't win at. But you cannot win, in any case, Axe2121, Because you are a dirty, runny-nosed little horror from Canada who hikes up his kilt while piping 'Scots, Wae Hae' in a falsetto, and wondering if the polyester of your latest 'dress skirt' will pass for an authentic kilt at the next meeting of your 'festival of the clans'. You're an unshorn lamb, waiting to shiver in the cold of defeat. I've got the shears, laddie, if you've got the time, and the stones you're all too likely to lose, come the season of decision. Now there. A Challenge.
  4. Well, well. I have reached a decision. Peng posts again. Geier is back. Mensch is not only insane, but quite possibly insane in a Scottish way. I think I shall begin insulting you lot again. It's been a while. For all too long, I felt like any attempt at a good insult was like fouling your own pants rather than going to the pisser. An annoyance, and a bother, giving the illusion of relief, and making you look like a fool. But...perhaps.
  5. Here, That God Damn Mensch, hae a face full o' head! Taek that wee, Glasgow Kiss, ye' scunner, and go powder yer nose!
  6. A man who would play a Rune scenario is a man who would lie down in the gutter with mongrel dogs. Wait. That's unfair to mongrel dogs. A man who would play a Rune scenario would french kiss a cat. SODDBALL! WHERE IS SODDBALL?! I'VE STILL GOT OUR SCENARIO HERE, YOU CAT KISSING BASTARD!
  7. A man who would play a Rune scenario is a man who would lie down in the gutter with mongrel dogs. Wait. That's unfair to mongrel dogs. A man who would play a Rune scenario would french kiss a cat. SODDBALL! WHERE IS SODDBALL?! I'VE STILL GOT OUR SCENARIO HERE, YOU CAT KISSING BASTARD!
  8. Yes indeed. I did my Masters on: The Incidence of Female Disappointment When Confronted With Loud-Talking, Inebriated Australians With Money to Spend. I remember one young prostitute who told me: "Australians are the worst! It's okay that they don't want to 'do it', but they're not like most guys like that, that just want to 'talk'. They want to shout, and sing, and you have to drink beer with them until you puke! Throwing up for an Aussie is like having an orgasm! How's a girl s'posed to take that?!" I was denied my Masters, by the by. I was told by the Academic committee: The exploration of the deficiencies of Australian culture is not a fit subject of study. It is a given. This candidate might as well have done a dissertation on 'Is the Earth Round', as wasted the committee's time on discussing the lack of culture of Australians. Then we all went off and got piss drunk. Say what you will about Academics, but there's no one like them for drinking beer and throwing up on the belly of a teenage prostitute while attempting to sing 'I Helped Her Wind Up Her Little Ball of Yarn'. Did I mention that all of the Examining Committee where visiting professors from Australia? Just my luck it was an 'Exchange' year...
  9. Yes indeed, oh Dingo Licker. Taking culture to Australia is like taking your genitalia to a brothel. It'll cost you money, no one there will truly appreciate it, and the chances are it'll suffer debilitating contamination from contact with the locals.
  10. Catch 22 - if you're that easy to please, then you probably don't need our advice since you'll like whatever you play... </font>
  11. Say what you like about Treeburst, he's full of helpful info and insights. And he really put the 'female' back into 'female impersonator'. Give Roxy our love. We miss you both.
  12. All truly witty, intelligent and interesting people watch 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'. The inside jokes on any given episode make it almost bearable to be living here in the 'final days' of American Culture, when Japan has it's final revenge for Nagasaki as they watch us sinking deeper and deeper into programming like 'Fear Factor' and the endless glut of urine soaked 'Reality TV', all of which dreck had it's roots in the very worst that Japanese television had to offer the world. As for Europe...what have you people done for the freaking world since the Renaissance? Frankly, I look for the next cultural boom to come out of Canada...
  13. Yep, can't live with 'em and can't live with 'em ... if you've forgotten a Valentine's Day card that is ... so I'm told. Joe </font>
  14. No. I insist that Mace never be naked, in any way, shape or form, even under his clothes. Perhaps if we graft some sort of polyurethane covering directly to his skin...
  15. Quick, everyone! There's only 58 minutes Central Standard Time left in which to wish Boo Radley a Happy Birthday! For you wankers on the East Coast, the best you can do is a 'belated'. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BOO!
  16. Oh, Joe, Joe...tell the Lacedaemonians to damn the torpedoes!
  17. Well, not to put too fine a point on it...yes. Now, climb out of your 'Gross Deutschland' jammies (and I use the term 'gross' in a very English specific way, here), and help the bugger with his enquiries...
  18. We talked about beer, dead dogs, live dogs, newborn children, and why God saw fit to make so many Australians and decided that at some point in the 1700s there must not have been enough beer on the planet. Since then, God's probably had to rethink the whole 'Australian Solution', and realized he'd created a closed eco-system, in which there is no net benefit to the production of beer in the world because the Aussies consume it all. Conceivably in the coming century we'll hit the 'Aussie Event Horizon', and world beer stocks will actually begin to fall at a faster rate than they rise because of Australian consumption, leading to an eventual collapse of the entire beer drinking economy. One must be very careful and foresighted when introducing a new species into an environment, for fear that they will do more harm than good. In terms of the 'Beer Environment', Australians may prove to be as horrendously counter-productive as the Caribbean mongoose, or the brown tree snake.
  19. Congratulations, mate! I spent years fighting off having the little buggers, and now I think I rather dropped the ball on all that. I envy you.
  20. Now, now! Shall we let the man get on with his topic, please? Although it is true that he doesn't seem to have a clue as to what a 'Luddite' is. Nor even a 'neo-Luddite'. Perhaps he'll find another term of opprobrium. Now, where are the grogs? What about this 'HC charge of 150mm guns under modeled' argument, eh?
  21. Even a blind pig finds an acorn occasionally. Keep the Belgian pixie bugger, I guess...
  22. No one has tripplebock on tap...you found a place that has tripplebock on tap?! It's one step away from barley wine! Peng, you magnificent bastard!
  23. I didn't wish to sidetrack sand digger's thread (German Inf Guns Hollow Charge Ammo), but am I the only one who thinks he doesn't actually know what the hell a Luddite is? He keeps using that term as a sort of 'all purpose' put down, and the strain of hammering into place is beginning to show...
  24. Or government workers, maybe. Yes, definitely government workers.
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