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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Where's Rleete? Surely he should be apologizing to me about now...
  2. This is what the devil sells: Broken vows & broken spells Voices out of empty wells Fire in December; Burning horses, burning trees Steps to climb up on your knees Missing days & missing keys And dreams you can't remember
  3. Hope he never meets you, given your muppet like qualities </font>
  4. This just in: Boo has told me that he's afraid of dolls. Also puppets. Told me he voided his bladder the first time he ever saw Shari Lewis and Lambchop...
  5. Cue the all-Dwarf chorus! Hi-ho, Hi-ho! Godsdammit, not that song, you pillocks!
  6. Anyone ever notice how much I resemble the mythological figure of the Phoenix?
  7. Look, you buggers, if we're not going to try Boo, we should at least be all dashing off to bet on my suicide! I mean, we'd know! It's a sure thing!
  8. Goddamnit! We're missing an incredible opportunity, here! Someone's started a pool (hah! Notice the irony?) on the General Forum on when I'll kill myself! It's the Hunter S. Thompson thread. Get over there! We could make some serious money!
  9. The sheer list of things I hanker for would stun a stoat. Get on AIM, you halfwit, and amaze me with your ability to handle technology.
  10. I may, but you're not going to be allowed to mouth, touch, or kiss it, frankly, no matter how much you choose to go on about it. Since 'learning to live with disappointment' is probably your greatest life achievement to date, I'm sure that you'll be able to fit this into the gallery of failures that adorn the 'trophy wall' of your inner self. Now, sod off. Stikkypixie mumbling on about his bedtime is more interesting than your posts.
  11. Thank you for your Post. Here on the Peng Challenge Thread, your posts are sublimely unimportant to us. You were an annoying, weeping pustule on the R.I.P. Hunter S. Thompson thread, and I see nothing you've posted here to dissuade me from my impression that you need to spend a night in the 'tool box'. Bugger off like a good lad, now, or we'll have to shove a sharp spike up the arse of the Veruca Fairy. Dalem: Lewis? Do you really think? He occasionally showed some wisps of intelligence. Check out Wart's posts on the RIP thread...doesn't much read like Lewis. Now, off on fulsome, feathered wings of feckless purpose to do Nidan's turn...maybe I'll do Boo's, as well. But I will be back...
  12. Lad, if I didn't experience them, they never happened! Anything the rest of you did during that period was a collective hallucination. </font>
  13. Lad, if I didn't experience them, they never happened! Anything the rest of you did during that period was a collective hallucination.
  14. Spkr had a birthday? Well, a Happy one to him... How old is that toad, anyways?!
  15. looks around blearily What the hell are you people all still doing here? Shouldn't you all be getting some sleep, or something? Man, I've been posting since 7 AM this morning, and I'm still typing with nary an error!
  16. And that's enough out of you, you bugger! Pull your last bit of thistle out of whatever stomach it's been fermenting in, and be quiet!
  17. You are a generation of vipers. You shall not prosper. And Axe returns files more slowly than a two legged dog attempting to piss on a tree. Doubtless he's trying to get up his little bit of courage and have a go. Do I have to hold your hand, and stroke it, and tell you that everything will be okay, Axe? I didn't think I'd have to play 'Mom'. It's not a role I'm normally comfortable in. But, if that's what it takes... "There, there, Axe! You'll suck like a cheap whore giving a discount, but that's no reason not to return the file! I'm with you, lad. You're never alone. Don't be afraid of Seanachai. Like Death, he's what comes after you utterly fail. Be comforted." Like I say, holding the hand of a Goodaler silky boy isn't my strong point. But defeating him, is. Leave off polishing yer head, you windae licker, and send me back the file!
  18. You are a generation of vipers. You shall not prosper. And Axe returns files more slowly than a two legged dog attempting to piss on a tree. Doubtless he's trying to get up his little bit of courage and have a go. Do I have to hold your hand, and stroke it, and tell you that everything will be okay, Axe? I didn't think I'd have to play 'Mom'. It's not a role I'm normally comfortable in. But, if that's what it takes... "There, there, Axe! You'll suck like a cheap whore giving a discount, but that's no reason not to return the file! I'm with you, lad. You're never alone. Don't be afraid of Seanachai. Like Death, he's what comes after you utterly fail. Be comforted." Like I say, holding the hand of a Goodaler silky boy isn't my strong point. But defeating him, is. Leave off polishing yer head, you windae licker, and send me back the file!
  19. Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for I have spoken, I have nourished and brought thee up as children, and thou hast rebelled against me. The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but the Cesspool doth not know, my people doth not consider. Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken Me, they have provoked the Olde Ones of the Cesspool unto anger, they are gone away backward. Why should ye be stricken any more? Ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment. . This concludes our 'chosen totally at random' passage of the day. You are a generation of vipers. Of vipers, I say!
  20. Begone, halfwit! Even drunk, I'm more deeply sunk in spiritual dilemmas and the life of the mind than you! Young people these days...
  21. You'd have made a lovely Pontius Pilate, Roger. What is truth? But don't fret. After Barrabas, you're my favourite character from the Bible...
  22. I told you you were strange because you are. Thief? Never a one, lad. I'm a fecking lunatic, and I know lunacy. I Challenge anyone to be stranger than myself! With a wannion! Strike me for a Portinsgale Pimp, else! And I'm still waiting for something approaching an official response to the fact that I'm 'almost' completely insane.
  23. Nor should you. Nae King, Nae Queen, Nae Lords, Nae Masters! We will nae be fooled agin! But for an annoying tosser like you, I think that running your tongue over the arch of my foot would simply be a symbol of how much you realize that you're a complete and utter idjit.
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