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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Well, I'm leaving for the weekend and will not have net access. For those of you who who require turns from me in order to live... I will mourn your passing (well, I might piss on your grave anyway)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Have a good weekend Dan. Say hi to the wifey. Enjoy yourself.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: But apparently not smart enough to know that it should be "take a LEAF", not leave ... however you should feel free to LEAVE at any time. Joe<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah yes, well done - I wondered who of you nitwits would be the first to pick it up. Not really surprised it was you. Have a cookie.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem: O boo hoo hoo! I'd pay more attention to your drooling inanities if I wasn't too busy pounding Berli losers into the ground like feldgrau circus tent pegs. Irrelevant drivel deleted<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> LUCK - here, I spell it L.U.C.K. As in LUCKy bastard, or LUCKed out. Geddit. Anyway, thanks to the spoilers it is now assured that noone here will want to play it. Good. Then again, it probably was not Berli's finest performance either BTW - liked the tent peg remark. Was that yours or did your big sister write it out for you? Careful with them Crayons.
  4. Joe, still the verbose old self I see. You must feel better now that you have passed this constirpated post of yours. Now did nobody tell you that this whole 'justiciar' business is just an invention to make you feel wanted? A bit like giving the old folks something to do so that they do not die of boredom? If it was not for this, you would be reduced to sitting in the corner, smelling foul and drooling. This way at least you only smell foul and drool. Take a leave out of Lost Water's book - short, sharp, smart, and even a whiff of funnyness about it. While in your case, all there is is the whiff. Regarding me being here, I do as I please. Regarding this whole Knight/whatever business, I thought that when Elijah left you would have gotten rid of it as well. Shows how smart you lot are. Now go, get your felt shoes, and a blanket. Winter will be here soon. Peng oh Peng... There was so much of a promise about you... And look what you have become... Not edited because I like to show off how much smarter I am than you lot.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Holien: Ok NP German Boy... I will check with her in doors, if she forces me to goto London because of my previous promise then we can meet up and watch the Football, if you are into it? I think I maybe able to get out of it by offering her my DIY services at home... H<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah sure. I just have to disguise msyelf as an Austrian.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram's Ghost: Somebody pooped in Germanboy's cornflakes. Listening to too much Falco, Andy?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Falco was a great but misunderstood musician. Cornflakes are for Weenies. Only two lines from the great work 'The world according to me' (forthcoming). What's with this 'let's spell our names in bold so that we can see how often we get mentioned in the MBT' fad anyway? Not edited because I am smart enough to get it right the first time.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem: Berli: An awesome Germanboy scenario I recommend to all called "Defending the Drop Zone". We've alternated body blows and it just keeps getting more fun, for me at least.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> An awesome scenario? Of course it bloody well is, because I bloody well designed it. Fun? For the poor pixelated paras you keep killing it surely ain't fun, and those are only your troops... You have gotten the small matter of the title wrong though, which explains a lot about the way you play it, the rest no doubt being explained by your single-digit IQ and your aversion to seeing your reflection in the monitor, which no doubt makes it difficult to concentrate on the action happening there. It is called 'Securing the dropzone', not 'Defending'. Now there is a difference, and let me take you by the arm while I brick it into your dense skull. It means that you have to show dash, resolve, that you have to act with vigour (something I am sure you only manage when looking at www.soldiersinhotpants.XXX.com), boldness and competence. It seems that even one of these would be beyond your capacity, let alone any number of them. As for the rest of you sorry lot wanting to play it - if I could I would make my scenarios proof against being violated by you foul-smelling bunch of dimwitted low-lifes I swear I would. What Berli finds in you is beyond me. The ragged bunch that finds its end with Bardolph would constitute a more worthy lot of players than you. Collectively you don't have two braincells to rub together, and if one found a new continent populated by the likes of you, total extermination of the inhabitants would be a welcome act. Since you are all a bunch of weenies it would not even make sense to send you down the mines. Cutting sugar-cane while naked is too good a fate for you. I see all the usual suspects are back here. Good. Maybe you all go get sucked into a wormhole when the thread implodes with the amount of low-intelligence taunting that is going on in here. There's some hope... Sod off. Peng - riddle me this. If sig files are for wussies, how come you have one. You are such a disappointment to humanity, troglodites and your family. Not edited because I don't need to.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Holien: Any news on Saturday or any other night for a meet up? I need to set my lady's expectation. H<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Doesn't look good. So far it would only be me, and how much more boring can that get. I will be in the city anyway. Email me privately to sort it out. Same for anyone who wants to come.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hon John Howard MP LLB: Actually I was the one calling for the quote not Mulga. I am not he and he is not me (thankfully - never could abide push-bikes). Still did not provide the quote. Cannot find any perchance ? Anyway, at least two of the photos that were published were of the tripod used for ground fire (one in Korea, one in training in Australia)- how does this prove your case and/or dispprove the original poster ?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Look at your own posts here, hard to quote you on something you did not say. Yes, one in Korea (actually two I could find). So? What is the relevance to WW2? You also conveniently 'forgot' to mention that it was Korea. The second picture you mention is actually not clearly in the ground role, but general weapon training by the looks of it. Even if it were - what is the relevance of training in Australia to the discussion here? Mulga Bill also asked for clarification of something. Unless you two are a split personality (and really, I find it hard to believe that Australia can not only produce the amount of denseness I witnessed here recently, but also that all of you frequent this place - what has happened? Shipment of PCs with modems to the hillbillies of Australia?), I wonder what he means. Face it, you are firmly in the clown camp, together with Brian, the unlamented poster known as Kim, and your buddy Mulga will have a way to go before even attaining clown status. Get some evidence beyond the AWM pictures wheeled in, and we'll talk. I am out of here.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Commissar: Germanboy, When you mentioned "map design", do you mean the in-game "world" or an actual map? Ive had some experience with the former, but Im afraid the later would leave me stupified. In any case, where can I look for a position of this sort? Things have been slowing down lately, and random QB's at CMTH aren't the same anymore. Nice to be a "part of something". Thanks again, btw.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sorry - what I really meant was making maps in COCAT (you need a PC), although there maybe a need for making maps for battles (unlike in CPX, maps are bespoke in CMMC). Contact me at the email in my profile.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bobbaro: Weapon rarity might be better handled with fuzzy logic rather than buy points except in designer scenarios. One might REQUEST rather than buy certain types of weapons or units and the game engine handle whether they are available. Whether this thought might have wider application or indeed have any - - -<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yep, very good. If this is then combined with the type of scenario, after more types have been created (e.g. Crocodiles only for assaults, mine-rollers/Crabs/Scorpions only for breach), it would be a very realistic system.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hon John Howard MP LLB: [/qb]Can I have it pointed out to me where I have "...Sweeping the parts of the evidence that contradict your opinion under the carpet..." ? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thingy, you dragged the AWM as support for your thesis about the tripod, and conveniently 'forgot' to mention that all it proves is use of the tripod mounted Bren in the AA role. Which makes it irrelevant. As I set out before, but since you obviously have problems understanding my English, I just reiterate. Mulga Bill, grow up.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Commissar: Germanboy, What is involved in being a member of the "staff" in the CMMC campaign? Thx.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Being able to run COCAT, taking work of the commanding officer, e.g. creating map files, collating spotting info from various units. Assisting in planning, helping to keep the fort down at HQ, that sort of thing. Leg work. Nothing glorious, and you have to take orders. The enticement is that you get to watch the operational game unfold, and are a part of it. Smaller engagements are often fought by staff officers who volunteer for fighting, but don't want a permanent command.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chad Harrison: WHAT HAS BTS EVER SAID ABOUT A CONTINOUS CAMPAIGN?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That they won't do it in the style you describe. You can have a look in Russel's FAQ, where I believe he quotes me outlining the reasoning, based on a number of posts by BTS, or you can do a search with Steve's member number and campaign as key. Will be a while back though. Or you can trust me.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Duquette: Why thank you for the kind invite Germanboy…you're a scholar and a gentleman. Unfortunately I'm in about the same boat as Marcus in that I love head to head play, but don't have the sort of time I would like to devote to head to head play. I typically have one or two pbem games going than wife time or work time takes over. Ok…I'm whipped…I freely admit it. I would like a solid campaign game add-on to the CM system that I can play solitaire on those occasions when the time becomes available to me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks for the compliment, Jeff and Leland. Jeff, considered some light staff work? Much less work, and no commitment in terms of battles that have to be finished. Positions going on both sides I believe, but inquire with James. As interesting as actually fighting the battles, if that is your poison .
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: Sounds good. There were some good comments towards the end of the other thread as well. I don't have anything to add to the discussion, but like what I am seeing.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> He's a uniform grog, but anyway, what he said basically. Except for the exit conditions. I hate exit conditions...
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael emrys: You and the infamous "Bill" repeatedly and continually accuse Slappy of this, and I assume that it is what you believe. This I find most peculiar, since on the basis of what he has actually posted, this is not in fact his position. This is a fact that he has patiently repeated in various forms several times. Each time he exhibits patience, he is further accused of "being condescending". This puts him in a no-win position where no matter what he offers he is simply wrong because he is "Mr. Slapdragon". Slappy does, like myself and others, make mistakes and deserves to be called on them when he does. But I find the kind and level of criticism that has been directed against him in this and other threads recently goes completely beyond reason and civil discourse. Michael<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well said Michael.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vanir Ausf B: IIRC it was 11% of the pilots got 90% of the kills. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I see you have a new sig
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brian: Such is the vagaries of being brave enough to put one's hand up, I suppose.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh how exciting - now we get treated to the Brian against the rest of the world routine. Yeah, it is a tough life, but I am sure you feel very Messianic about it. So that's alright then. Your photos - fine. Your reasoning based on them, very dodgy. An 'F', and a 'must try harder'. I am normally not getting so upset at these things, but I have really had it with some people who come in here with the flimsiest of evidence making wild claims, and when challenged resort to intransigence instead of engaging with the arguments.
  20. Quite frankly Brian, you have nothing to add to this thread. You have made your point about the pictures, obviously you failed. You should gracefully accept the failure, curse us morons who don't believe in 'The World according to Brian', and move on. Maybe go and prove somewhere that the Valentine was the greatest tank of WW2. Or better yet, pick up a book on qualitative research methods and read it.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brian: And Germanboy, perhaps you'd care to tell us the difference between a Bren AA tripod and a Bren ground tripod?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Brian, stop arsing about. You know as well as I do that the pictures of tripods shown are almost all (if not all) showing the gun in an AA role. I don't know whether that is a different tripod, but my guess would be that it is not, there was only one tripod, which was used for the Bren in an AA role. In the ground role pre-Korea, there are no pictures of the tripod being in use amongst the 310 I scanned through. But you know that. All the training pictures bar one - AA training (and that one is indifferent). You are still a clown Brian. A 3rd rate clown at that. Bring some more evidence. So far you have proved to me that the tripod existed. Now go and prove that it was used in a ground role. Hint - the picture gallery won't be enough. Alternatively, get yourself a funny car, a few cakes, really big shoes and a bugle. That would be more amusing. Grow up already.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brian: I'd suggest you go back and reread that thread.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> While I would suggest that you just read what you like, and not what other people wrote. How about you go back and re-read the thread?
  23. Tripod mounted AABrens, even. I look forward to Brian addressing that point.
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brian: [/qb]I was astounded at some of the responses to Kim Beazely's comments on the film he saw, "fake" "impossible", etc. Essentially telling him that he was mistaken in what he saw being enacted on the film. Its no wonder he went ballistic. Its no wonder why I get pissed off IMO.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bollocks, on both counts. People told him that this film was not necessarily a realistic portrayal of combat action. He then dug his heels in and insisted that it was. He never even bothered to find other proof, he left that to others, e.g. Simon Fox and me. If you get pissed off because of his stupidity, maybe you should take a chill pill. Your attitude to historical research and people making valid criticsim is deplorable. Fortunately enough I know that amongst Aussies, you and whatshisname are a minority.
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: Would this be unrealistic, necessarily? How many troops in the immediate vicinity of a croc were able to stand their ground?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I have read one account where the German position surrendered when the Crocs tried their flamethrowers on a few bushes, before anyone fired a shot. Some other accounts show that once the first strongpoint had been flamed the remainder would be very willing to 'make give up'. This was not always the case, and it may well have been rare. But I have never heard of another weapn with that effect.
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