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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. To be honest (that'll be a first), all random is also fine. After all - are we not men!? [blonde bimbo assistant traipses up and whispers seductively]Excuse me Sir, but that should read 'We are Devo!'[blonde bimbo assistant traipses back into shadows] Ah... Nevermind. Yes, all random, fine with me. Regarding Holiens question earlier - yes, getting to the VL first is the key, although now that I have said it, Mr.Blue will probably prove that I am wrong. This is where the superior mobility and tank-descending capabilities of the tanks and men the Rodina endowed us with came into play in the first round. I think it would be in keeping with the spirit of the SEPTIC Challenge™ (is that in any way shape or form related to a poison chalice, BTW?) to just roll dice for who is attacker and who is defender.
  2. Actually, while I can not speak for all my colleagues, I don't think it can be attributed to a lack of interest in the war in the east or CMBB. A number of those contributing to Der Kessel were heavily involved in CMBB, and I expect that some of us will be involved in CMAK. Just look at the number of scenarios on the CD coming from our group. Another group of us is involved in CMMC2 - which includes scenario design for a captive audience, amongst other things. E.g. to add value over a QB, designing a scenario for CMBB is much harder than it was in CMBO. That in itself is a deterrent. I for example find it almost impossible to produce a Byte Battle™ that would add any value over a QB. Designing for CMBB is far more complex, and far more difficult to get 'right' than it was for CMBO. It has nothing to do with a lack of interest in either the game or the war in the east, quite the contrary in fact, I would argue. To do it justice in CMBB is just a lot of work. And as I said, there are other things that keep us busy, CMBB related. A major crapper is of course that CMBB is not OS X capable. I have not updated yet from OS9, because of CMBB - but Greg and Berli have, and consequently are quite hamstrung.
  3. Don't know about everybody else's CMBB, but in mine the 76mm on the late model 43 T34 penetrates the Tiger side armour at point blank ranges partially <100m and fully <50m with no resort to Tungsten rounds. It also penetrates the single plate Stug frontally below 100m. What it does not penetrate is the double-plated Stug. I have no idea whether it should or not.
  4. I must be weird because I like loading up on ATRs. I am amazed that someone would go to such length as indicated in the inital post to win a game. Never even crossed my mind to continually restart the game until you get the result you like. Ah well, it takes a village I guess.
  5. Very valid point. Procurement is absolutely no way to judge the battlefield performance of anything. </font>
  6. Afraid it is Comrade. I repost here my reply to the thread on the CMBB forum. Maybe slightly more relevant, since almost all my work on Der Kessel is CMBO related anyway. In all fairness, I think Der Kessel never quite got running in CMBB. Pulling the plug now is just acknowledging something that has been reality for a long time. I recommend that those interested in my work DL it before 1100 GMT tomorrow. I am uncertain whether I have copies of it on my HDD, and I have no time to get them from the server now. It was fun while it lasted - now back to reading up on events in Africa and Italy
  7. In all fairness, I think Der Kessel never quite got running in CMBB. Pulling the plug now is just acknowledging something that has been reality for a long time. I recommend that those interested in my work DL it before 1100 GMT tomorrow. I am uncertain whether I have copies of it on my HDD, and I have no time to get them from the server now. It was fun while it lasted - now back to reading up on events in Africa and Italy
  8. You must be American, you are far too late to participate in this war Rex - Rex - open the other thread already, I have seen this approaching with a padlock!! :eek:
  9. Before you do that, don't you have an email to write? Dawai dawai.
  10. Could have emailed me... A Mr.Pink, a true "pinko in training" I guess. Good thing you spanked the invaders. Mr.Blue seems to be afflicted by another nasty dose of Real Life™. Well, I just go back to reading the philosophical essays on the Matrix website. If I blow up his SPGs in the forest while the action runs on my computer, are they really destroyed? And was Cypher's steak just right, or a bit too bloody (a bit like Mr.Blue's victims, err, soldiers...)? Questions, questions...
  11. Ease of production? AIUI the 2-plate solution was a field expedient. Also, this may not have been as well understood at the time the decisions were made as it is now.
  12. I will really sulk if the WW I vintage Rolls-Royce ACs are not included. Who cares about KTs anyway? ACs in the Western Desert
  13. It is - you can also scale down the first map and get a good idea of the surroundings. Thank Gore for the internet! Wroclawe
  14. You are mistaken - two Gebirgsjägerbatallione (~1,000 men each) fought in the Vosges mountain range during the September battles. Not the Alps, and definitely not the Italian campaign.
  15. Rob, while you can argue that the game is incompletete without winter textures (although I think that depends on what you mean by 'complete' - the game does not contain certain vehicles that were fighting on the German or Soviet side, so it is not 'complete' anyway by the dictionary definition), I think there can be no question that anyone who bought it should have been aware of what they are putting their US$45 down for. BTW - unless you already have price information, I think arguing that after exchange rate the game will cost you US$45 is a bit premature. People expect that modders will come along, and they should know that winter mods are not included. So I don't really see the problem, and I think saying that BFC sold you an 'incomplete' game for US$45 is not exactly a fair statement of what happened. Just my €0.02.
  16. I do not think there were any Tiger II, and I am not sure if there were any Jagdpanthers in Italy. So you won't be able to do everything if BFC sticks to historical accuracy, as they did in CMBB with e.g. the Elefant availability. Rob, I don't think you are being asked to pay US$45 for CMAK [ April 10, 2003, 03:34 AM: Message edited by: Andreas ]
  17. Tom is not the only one considering a platform move because of this cock-up by Apple. Chalk me down for one.
  18. Speaking of which, you do not have anything about BFC's attitude to the 'traditional' campaign model in your FAQ, unless my quick scan missed it.
  19. Turn 24 out of 30+ - Mr. Blue's stormtroopers are still considering whether once more unto the breach will cut it. Elsewhere, his outflanking footsloggers prepare to go over the top in a rerun of the first day on the Somme. Those VLs are still mine.
  20. Tediously predictable yet very efficient at slaughtering his sheeplike German infantrymen in their doomed attempts to break into my defensive perimeter. Both of us have finally started hitting stuff. Which is a something of a change. Clangs of metal were reported on both sides. The battle continues, but so far the outcome is not in doubt. To me, at least.
  21. Here is a Valenting 6-pdr, no special camo scheme, and a Crusader with a quite different one. All pictures courtesy of Holien, from Bovington Tankfest 2002. Grand day out.
  22. Just remembered this picture, taken by Holien during the Tankfest 2002 at Bovington Camp, Dorset, on a Canon S40.
  23. Not entirely unlikely. I stand at 5'11" (1.8m). The Matilda II in the Imperial War Museum.
  24. Would that be a segment of '1', based in Sevenoaks, John?
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