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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. Crikey - aren' those Nazis in them Kübelwagen? I knew it Andrew, I knew it...
  2. He was busy commanding 4th Armoured Brigade in NWE at the time, after its commander had become a casualty (or been relieved), during the Odon battles. I do believe he was in Italy as well. [FROM MEMORY]Famous for his stand-up row about whether or not his tanks should go in at Maltot. He first refused the order, then selected 'The Scots Greys' to lead the charge, knowing full well that the annihilation of the only professional Scottish cavalry regiment was not an option for his higher-ups. So that got the order rescinded. [/FROM MEMORY] Don't know if it is true, but a great story anyway. I think it is in Steel Inferno.
  3. Oww, ouch. The interview has an ad for the travesty that is squad assault next to it. After Matt's last set of comments on that, he probably won't be too chuffed about that. Where is von Shrad with the van when you need him? Wasn't Martin called 'Turewicz' or sumfink last time I checked? Wonder what happened there... or is there another Martin. How can I, as a beta tester, be so clueless?
  4. Bah, I hate this classy 90s subdued colour look. Looks as if Habitat has had a hand in it. Can't anyone do a mod that gives CMAK/CMBB the same garish, funky 70s Alitalia plane interior colours that CMBO had? And women with big hair and spandex clothing? What has the world come to...
  5. Well, I just found a nice example of what cab ranks could do when they worked. 22nd April 1945, near Segni. Unit is 17/21st Lancers. 'A Squadron on the right lost two tanks to German Panther tanks and the Hurribomber - Roger David - was called in. This resulted in a direct hit one Panther and the other badly crippled.' Treat that as as reliable as any eye-witness account. This is from the IWM book on the war in Italy, Field Marshal Lord Carver.
  6. He did not mention sheep in it though. I am apalled at your lack of principles.
  7. Bah, you zealotous Taleban. clearly the mediums need to do the interdiction, which we otherwise won't see in CM. Clearly we can see now what reading Bidwell does to one's brain. Send me a turn and stop yapping.
  8. Just another bit of info on the FF incident I quoted. The distance from the Durhams' startline to the German line was 800 yards. I guess that would count as reasonably far in terms of an infantry attack.
  9. Oh please let it be A. That would bring back such fond memories. </font>
  10. funny, that is almost exactly what Lt. Russell Collins MC (later Col. Collins) of 16th DLI carrier platoon says about the time when he had enough of leading his platoon from the front.
  11. I don't think you are quite old enough to live vicariously through my relationship, Joe, old boy. Now, since Seanachai's mortal enema has had his second thread locked, and the first one taken over by those who-have-a-clue, we at Biermann-Bet-A-Lot™ are now taking (you guessed it) bets on what his next thread will be about: a) The absence of Bren Tripods in CMBB Why can't HMGs run in CMBO c) Funnies in all shapes and forms d) Mine dogs e) Horses and their pityful absence f) Why CM would be r0ks0r in real time (yeah, I know I suck at lEEt speak - comes with the phenomenal IQ I have) g) September 11th conspiracy h) The bombing of the Baldwin residence Answers on a postcard
  12. I hate to say that, but I think it is all going to end in tears. Ps. All that comes before the word 'but' is a lie. Pps. Lars, if I spell it in a particular way, it is not 'wrong'. It is the new standard. get used to it.
  13. You missed the bit about the beer and wine, didn't you? {Now, where did that bottle of Bourbon bugger off to?...} </font>
  14. Andreas- In the spirit of unity and the occasional reminder of how bad internet message board weirdness can really get, I offer the services of House Persiflage to you and yours. All hatchets buried, all misunderstood jokes forgotten, all dalem silliness flushed. And stuff. </font>
  15. Idiot - it is 'Je ne sais quoi'. You can thank me by long-time grovelling for pointing it out before somebody else does.
  16. Debbie is a very nice person, not just because she let us run amok in your place. To let her read the Peng thread must be the ultimate test of how well the relationship is going. Congratulations, I am very jealous! Elvis, I let Seanachai have him. Having my own stalker would bore me very quickly, and Seanachai will do much better with him. After all, he seems to like Canuckians. Just a good thing the chap is not from Ohio, I guess.
  17. [WORKING FROM MEMORY] The attack on Caen was a waste of time, IIRC. It mostly killed French civilians. The attack preceding GOODWOOD was much more successful. The one preceding COBRA was successful twice, some people say. First it was a FF incident, but managed to get rid of Gen. L. McNair (architect of the US tank destroyer/tank divide), then it worked, and pretty much smashed up Panzerlehr and everything else in the immediate way of the breakout. [/WORKING FROM MEMORY] Here are two pages on the topic: cobra - oops Cobra - let's try that again Edit to add - this site seems overly friendly to the USAAF. Never mind. Michael - no sly stab at John. I think he will know what I mean, and he was not the consultant in question. [ September 19, 2003, 05:11 PM: Message edited by: Andreas ]
  18. Well, 21. PD was right behind the beachhead, and in its case I think it was command failure to concentrate it, nothing to do with air attacks. 12. SS PD Hitler Jugend managed to put a strong counter-attack in June 7th, but failed against the resistance of the Canadian infantry. Thereafter it probably had more to do with the continuing widening of the front, and the refusal to send infantry divisions for the relief of the Panzerdivisionen out of the frontline that made concentrating them an issue, since they all held frontline, and were not in reserve. So no, I don't think that is correct, especially not in the light of the post by Bastables earlier dealing with it. As he said, while Panzerlehr is often quoted as an example of interdiction, in reality it lost about 100 motor vehicles. Out of a theoretical strength of probably >2,000 vehicles. Also, the division functioned quite well in Normandy, IIRC.
  19. As regards to FF incidents, I just came across one that I am sure is not in the famous list of all 14 FF incidents that ever were in WW2, according to some defense consultant. This one is from 'The heat of battle', regimental oral history of 16th DLI. 15th Nov. 1944, 13.29
  20. Sorry Mike, I was just re-emphasising your point. Obviously, it needs a lot of repetition to get through. How much, we shall yet see. Since Mr. 'I am so polite and cultured that I can just call Mike Emrys a Nazi' has preferred to open his own thread, I hope he won't come back here again. He'll be more happy talking to himself anyway. Jon - regarding Kassel. I did not know the RAF thought it was one of the more successful raids in 1943. I was surprised to see that the RAF claims the German fighter direction chaps had figured it out. One reason given for the high level of destruction in the exhibition on the 50th anniversary in the town hall of Kassel was that deception had actually worked, and the fighters were waiting on the approach to Frankfurt. BTW - I know I deserve the JasonC Gold Star for High Level and Statistical Analysis for that one Seriously though - I was just telling the stats, not venturing an opinion on it. I don't know enough about the strategic bombing campaign. I just used this one as an example because I know a bit about it/could find the needed info quickly (everyone knows there are gazillion websites on the Tiger, so no trouble finding the production numbers).
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