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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. 90. Pzgren. from Lexikon der Wehrmacht, not sure if this was on Sicily. 90. Panzergrenadier-Division 1943: Panzergrenadier-Regiment 155 Panzergrenadier-Regiment 200 Panzergrenadier-Regiment 361 Panzerabteilung 190 Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 242 Panzerjäger-Kompanie 1./190 Artillerie-Regiment 190 Divisionseinheiten 190 Nafziger is more detailed, but you have to wait for Jon for that. For tanks - 1 Panzer III 50L42, 20 Panzer IIIN, and, err, 37 Panzer IV 75L48/3 (long anyway) Commander when the division went into the cassino sector was Oberst Baade.
  2. Oh, I'll still be around to control the place. there's a war to be waged, you know.
  3. Hmm, in order to popularise my cult, I could take requests. Although this could get embarassing if nobody wants any converted So, other than 49th Recce and Securing the Dropzone, which of my scenarios would people like to see converted?
  4. 2nd FJ would not have been sent, because they were around Rome to take over the area if/when the Italians surrendered. It is almost impossible to imagine any German reinforcements being sent. The Germans had their hands full trying to take over the whole country, avoiding Italian troops cutting them off from Germany by seizing the passes through the Alps, and, oh yes, prepare for a likely Allied landing on the main-land, which they believed could be executed simultaneously with another large landing, e.g. on Sardinia.
  5. Los I thought at Cassino the French had been completely refitted in US kit and weapons. But you are dead-on about Juin (and Dimoline of 4th Indian Division who was sacked for it) being the only one right about what to do at Cassino, on the Allied side.
  6. I will probably redo one or two of mine as well. Securing the Dropzone, and 49th Recce are top on the list. Time permitting.
  7. I shall leave the forum, but only for the weekend, to 'audition' Italian maidens for the performance of ritual dances at my ceremonies. I shall be back.
  8. Because they only started producing them with the 50L60 in November 1941 (or January 1942, depending on who you believe), according to my information.
  9. Just to clarify - HE existed (and I can see no argument why a 2pdr HE shell would be less 'effective' than a US or German 37mm HE shell) for these tanks, produced in the UK. For some reason, the idiots in charge of delivering 'stuff' to the army in the western desert decided to not let them have it. They sent it to the Red Army instead.
  10. Dalem, Jack Carr, and Other Means are now my official prophets. Dalem receives a dispensation, and may drink coffee instead of tea. English coffee. He also may wear a feathered hat while sacrificing. Jack Carr shall be known as 'Bishop of the General Forum'. His first task is to bring order to that unruly place that still does not acknowledge the momentous portents from the CMBB forums. Other means shall be known as 'Chiefclubber Incarnate'. He may carry the holy 'E' on procession.
  11. Californian environmentalists not good enough for you? I was thinking about branching out into ritual seal-clubbing at a later stage. Would that be enough of a draw you think?
  12. Membernumbers, are nothing. But you are obviously too dimwitted to be my follower. I suggest you try Emrys' cult. I heard they take on anybody there.
  13. Right, following a request by Yekodnathon over drinks last night, I am hereby setting out stall for my cult. I shall be known as Andreas the merciless byname: Fountain of Knowledge. First things first. Those not following my cult will be burnt at the stake once my followers have crushed the other cults. They will then enter purgatory in the form of having to run as unknown candidates in constant California recall elections, while being hit over the head with wet copies of OK Magazine. Rites There shall be rites, and they shall involve scantily clad Italian birds. Thus spoke I. Dig out a tape of that 80s favourite 'Tutti Frutti', and you will get the idea. Rites can be lead by anyone who can appreciate the presence of the aforementioned Italians. Sacrifices We start with whiney cry-babies. Once we are through our supply of them, Californian environmentalists. Sacrifices are gory and bloody. Those leading the sacrifices can have a cup of tea while the aforementioned Italians carry them out. Sacraments None of that wine and oblates malarky. A good cuppa and cakes instead. Both will be served in situ by an old lady with a push-cart who has a really annoying Brummy accent. Song and dance No songs (especially not the Canadian anthem), dance only by the aforementioned Italians. Shaking of various bodyparts encouraged. Inquisition I understand that Ethan is already reading up on 'The use of fingernails in extracting useful information'. Book of my cult There could be a number of them (if anyone knows a publisher who does a good deal, call me). They will be known as 'The books of Grogporn' and feature leather-clad SS men with chafing cow-hide thongs, reaming gun barrels very hard, on the cover. So, where's the catch There is none. Follow my cult or I smite you. If you don't want to follow it, you can follow other cults, or make up your own, worshipping breakfast in bed, as far as I am concerned. But don't be surprised if that lightning hits you coming from my seat. That is all. Followers sign up below.
  14. Three questions I maybe able to answer from my trips to Italy. Haven't been everywhere though, so regional variety may make this invalid. 1) Churches - I think these are often in the centre of the village. In towns you may also have a lot more than one church. 2) Cemetaries I think are often outside villages though. 3) Railway stations - in the Anzio (Pontine Marshes) area, these seem to be centre of the villages, because the villages were quite new. In particular when you have hill-top villages though, the railway station maybe quite a way away (e.g. in Assissi it is about 2-3km or so), but it may then have a small cluster of buildings associated with it. 4) Autostradas - making a guess, I would say they are likely to be hard surface roads. AIUI they often followed the Roman roads, which were hard surface, so I think it unlikely that they made a step back when constructing them. Roman roads were perfectly serviceable into at least the 19th century in parts of Europe, I think.
  15. I don't know if this affects anything, but I hate tea. I'd definitely have to be part of the non-tea side in any schism. -dale </font>
  16. Sure enough, I don't qualify. Do you really expect lots of people with such restrictions ? JeF. </font>
  17. Ah well, since you are kind of cute when you pout, why not If you want to come to the UK anyway, you are welcome to attend, if you make it past border control with that face. Oh, minor matter - are you a follower of the Cult of Andreas?
  18. Tell her it is for a good cause. Still up for a December event?
  19. Yeah, my lodger has an exam on the 22nd, so I thought the weekends either side of that would be unfair on him. But then he is off to Canada (snigger!) for three weeks (snigger! snigger!). Saturday - afternoon and evening.
  20. Ah, that reminds me. Can't have a proper church without an inquisition. Unfortunately Berli is the competition, so he is out of the race to run it. Hmmm... tricky. How about Ethan? He would be a good inquisitor. I know - I'll take Kip as responsible for upholding, and Ethan for reinforcing the faith. Can't get organised too early, you know.
  21. Hmm, that sounds interesting Jack. Say, how would you like to be my representative P-P amongst mortals (Peeon-Pope)? Next thing we could do is organise a schism, and have a nice 100 year religious war that lays waste to the heretics following Dorosh. What do you say? The enslaved members of the heretic sect would be doomed to make me cups of tea until judgement day. I like that.
  22. Yes, but only if you look like this (no wigs, Klocks are optional). Hubba hubba
  23. At my place in SE London. I have a few people who already contacted me after I initially announced this in a thread by Rune. So, for those of you who do not follow the forum closely, Gorbachev's maxim seems apt. If you are too late, life will punish you. Or sumfink. Anyone interested who has not already emailed me, please do so, and I will see if I will have one or two previews, based on numbers. Seeing that the weather is slightly less great than it was for the CMBB previews, numbers are a bit more restricted. Terms & Conditions (aka - the 'Small Print'): - No renditions of the Canadian anthem are allowed. - First come first served, no appeals to moderators will change that. - It is BYOB, I may serve up some traditional food (that means stuff I scrounge from the inside of my fridge), but I sure as hell am not going to water you lot. On the contrary, you will have to bring booze for me. - 1-3 people maybe able to crash at my place. - You have to laugh at my jokes.
  24. Yes, quite. Anything is possible, if doom does not descend beforehand.
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