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About Cueball

  • Birthday 03/22/1960

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  • Location
    Auburn, NY
  • Occupation
    Systems Engineer

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  1. Ironically, one of the first things I did after installing it wasn't playing it, it was looking at the encyclopedia. I was fascinated with the individual details of the units. One of the odd things I noticed was that the penetration figures appear to be off. I noticed for example, that the long barreled PZ IV (F-H) has less penetration than the M4 Sherman's short 75. I know it's picky and probably silly, but they appeared to be off in others as well, at least compared to figures I've read and seen in your Combat Mission series. Are the figures in the Encyclopedia representative of actual game play?
  2. The Panther’s gun not only penetrated more armor, but IIRC had lower dispersion of shot, making it a better firing platform. The Tiger’s gun fired a heavier shell, making it more effective against soft targets, and likely a greater chance of knocking out a vehicle if the shell penetrated. The Panther’s 80mm sloped glacis also protected it better than the Tiger’s 100mm.
  3. I just bought the game, and have found it frighteningly addictive. However, one of the things I noticed it that by the time my pilots earned enough XP to take a 109e, I was facing non historical match-ups in 1 vs. 1 dogfights, like the P40n. My last battle was a 109F vs P47’s … something that rarely occurred. I understand what the computer is doing. It’s matching up point value vs point value, but it’s putting the points into the planes instead of the pilots to make the fight even. I have discovered that by flying escort missions, it spreads the XP out to the opposition and that fixes the problem. The last battle, my 109e’s were escorting Stuka’s and facing 4 Hurricane I’s. Felt just like the Battle of Britain. However, I would like to do a quick 1 vs. 1 dogfight, and get something more historical. There just doesn’t seem to be a way to do it. An interesting option might be 1 vs. 2. That would spread the XP out, allow historical match-ups, and one could feel like the beleaguered Germans during much of the air war. I’m going to try campaign’s next, as that may be more my cup of tea. However, I wanted to point out a possible issue (match-ups) and a new option (1 vs. 2) and see what people thought.
  4. I bought the game for use on my laptop, but unfortunately it doesn't support wide screen resolutions. I -can- change the resolution on the laptop to coincide with what's supported in the game, but that results in distortion. Any thoughts or help?
  5. What might be interesting for CMX2 would be a "reliability to battlefield" percentage beside each vehicle. You buy a company of Tigers, and you might only get two of them. You buy a company of Shermans on the other hand, and 97% of the time all of them would be there. Then the Sherman's true asset, reliability, would shine.
  6. Well, in a recent QB with a good friend of mine, I certainly wished he had decided to avoid buying CAS. We were playing CMBB, and he bought one...just one, veteran IL2-3M. That single aircraft destroyed 5 of my tanks using a combination bombs, rockets, and strafing runs. The irony was my opponent never knew what was happening, as all my tanks were out of LOS at the time. CAS can truly be a nuisance to your own side when you buy it, but sometimes it can be frightfully effective.
  7. Bah! Who needs a Tiger II when you've got a Ferdinand.
  8. Does anyone know why the lend lease M4A2 has greater armor penetration with it's 75mm gun than it's American counterpart? Was this new information brought to light since CMBO or was it Russian ammunition?
  9. I've played this game for quite a while now, and have noticed several different effects of a crew being "shocked" -- Stug III penetrated by a bazooka round,and the Stug just sat there for the remainder of the turn. Halfway through next turn, it continues it's plotted move. M10 was shocked, and sat there for remainder of game. Tiger crew shocked by commander hit. (I am guessing a sniper) Paused briefly and continued movement.
  10. A while back, someone produced a unit database in Excel. Does anyone know where I can find it?
  11. B&W G3/350 rev A. oc'd to 400. 512MB RAM, Sonnet Tempo IDE controller w/2x60GB drives. MacOS 9.1 32MB PCI Radeon makes a BIG difference. For those of you still with the ATI Rage 128...Make the switch. CM flies on the Radeon
  12. Well, I was hoping for a serious answer. FM radios are less prone to LOS problems.
  13. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't German AFV's use FM radios and the Allies use AM on their vehicles? This could make considerable difference on LOS issues for command control with tank platoons. Anyone know whether this is true or not?
  14. I've had a Hummel taken out by a .50 from the front. It has just enough power to penetrate the superstructure. I was most annoyed.
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