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Hakko Ichiu

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Everything posted by Hakko Ichiu

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Hmmmm, well it may not be TOO bad ... sounds to me like an FO ... obviously a conscript so it'll take him A WHILE to get anything on target ... if you can call that kind of error "on target". At the worst he's probably just going to drop some rickets on some Northern Alliance troops ... unless of course ... he's in charge of calling in Daisy Cutter drops! [ 11-08-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]<hr></blockquote> At some point Lorak told me he was a 17D, which might mean something to the grogs amongst us (and we know who you are). Maybe I misread, and he meant to say that he was shaped like a B-17? Of course, when I hear a two-digit number followed by the letter 'D' my first thought is cup size.
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Germanboy: Well, I have gotten ideas for about half a dozen scenarios from the list. So it had some use for me.<hr></blockquote> I look forward to playing your interpretation of 3000 rounds 105mm HE against infantry. Should be a blast.
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>As a wiseass man once said: Still, they understand that for it to be truly breakfast, pigs must die. <hr></blockquote> With that thought in mind, I offer the following: Polymethodical Preparations of Pig Parts From the Old North State. Support our hog waste lagoons. Of course, the true pilgrim will find his way to the cross-roads of I-95 and NC 74 in scenic Lumberton, NC.
  4. I know of no reason the Gunpowder Treason Ever should be forgot. Penny for the Guy!?!
  5. Once again, Übercommonwealth zealots have published a charade of a tissue of a farago of lies asserting that Oztralians have a monopoly on songs about roadkill. In the words of one patriotic American, "this will not stand." (sit down, Bauhaus!). My evidence: Dead Skunk by Loudon Wainwright III Crossing the highway late last night He shoulda looked left and he shoulda looked right He didn't see the station wagon car The skunk got squashed and there you are You got your dead skunk in the middle of the road Dead skunk in the middle of the road Dead skunk in the middle of the road (And it's) Stinking to high heaven Take a whiff on me. That ain't no rose Roll up your window and hold your nose You don't have to look and you don't have to see 'Cause you can feel it in your olfactory. You got your dead skunk in the middle of the road Dead skunk in the middle of the road Dead skunk in the middle of the road (And it's) Stinking to high heaven Yeah, you got your dead cat and you got your dead dog On a moonlit night you got your dead toad frog You got your dead rabbit and your dead raccoon The blood and the guts, they gonna make you swoon You got your dead skunk In the middle Dead skunk in the middle of the road Dead skunk in the middle of the road Stinking to high heaven C'mon, stink You got it. It's dead. It's in the middle. Dead skunk in the middle Dead skunk in the middle of the road Stinking to high heaven All over the road Technicolor Oh, you got pollution. It's dead. It's in the middle, And it's stinkin' to high heaven. Damn I'm proud to be an Amurican. And I edit my posts to piss off the descendants of barbarian tribes. [ 11-02-2001: Message edited by: Hakko Ichiu ]</p>
  6. Somewhere along the line I'm sure I've said, or thought, or at least emoted that I would say somethink nice about Slappy once in a blue moon. As it so happens, tonight is a blue moon, so here I go: Happy Birthday. Wanker.
  7. Oddly enough, I found another photo of the Olde Ones on the Web: Though I think this must be earlier, since Berli has hair...
  8. I'm working on a conversion of CM to Real Life™. I am currently looking for play-testers. As a first stage proof of concept I'll be having Germany invade Poland.
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng: Go Princeton Tigers! WOOT! Peng<hr></blockquote> While the sentiment is appreciated, we Princetonians never say "woot." We leave that to uncouth sheepshaggers from Dartmouth.
  10. My sympathies on your plight, but this is BTS's fault why? The game was released when XP was so much vaporware. To blame them for not anticipating your exact configuration with an OS that hadn't even been released in beta is a bit much. Remember BTS is just two professionals, a bald guy, and a dog. Others seem to be running CMBO in XP w/o problem. Maybe the fault lies with Nvidia? Have you tried whining to them?
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng: It is my understanding that a Totem Pole is an item of pagan worship. The totems carved into the pole are typically animals - not human. It is also my understanding that the order of the totems on the pole is not neccessarily one of rank. The highest up on the pole isn't any better than the one on the bottom. <hr></blockquote> I remind you that none of the animals on the totem pole is house trained. Does that help put the expression in its proper context?
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by PeterNZer: I'm in Kalifornia <hr></blockquote> My understanding is that the best thing a Kiwi can do in CA is go to the beach and pretend he's Australian...
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Feh! Its morning... surprizing lack of hangover... must mean I am dead. I don't see Peng's corpse, so I assume Seanachai and Shandorf have already buried it out back. More later when my brain kicks in<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now for what really happened: An urban hell-hole in an arctic post-apocalyptic landscape (surely you mean Seanachai's house? - ed.). Detritus lies scattered randomly: empty bottles, cold-pizza, cigar butts, and something that's vaguely greenish-brown but we don't want to examine too closely. A khaki-clad figure with an atrocious Ozzie accent approaches from the rear (sit down Bauhaus!) The Peng Hunter: Somewhere in here is a wild Peng, Podus Hungoverensis Maximus. He loves to burrow under mounds of used liquor bottles and old copies of The Complete Works of Ian Hogg. Let's see if I can flush him out. The greenish-brown thing moves slightly, dislodging an empty bottle of Old Horsetrough 16-week-old "Skotch Wiskey." I think I've found him! Crikey, he's a real beaut. I'm going to try to catch him before he can sneak away. The Peng Hunter leaps on the greenish-brown lump and wrestles with it briefly, pinning it to the ground. He brushes away the accumulated layers of scum to reveal an adult male Peng. Aww, check this out! See this beard-like growth around his face? He can store food in here for up to a week! And look at his fingers. With them, he can grab a bottle of liquor, remove the screw top, drain it and puke it up faster than you can blink. Now, let's see if I can pry his mouth open. Come on gorgeous. Look at these teeth. They're not venomous, but see how green they are? One bite and it's off to the hospital for you with a nasty, suppurating infection. Now, I want to show you something fascinating about his genitalia. As The Peng Hunter attempts to do this, the Peng becomes enraged, exudes a noisome, greasy substance and escapes from the Peng Hunter's grasp. The Peng bites The Peng Hunter on wrist, drawing blood. Arrgh, he bit me. Naughty, naughty Peng! Well, I'd better get to the doc faster than a dingo on crank, or this thing will turn septic. Looks like our little friend is running back into his natural, wild habitat, which is where he really belongs. So long, gorgeous. Arrrrrrgh!!!!!! Mrs. Peng Hunter: While Mace gets air-lifted back to the Minneapolis Center for Rampantly Infectious Diseases, now's a good time to remind all of you at home that Pengs are wild animals. You should avoid them if at all possible. We're trained professionals, but most of you would just curl up in fits of nausea at the sight of one in the wild. So be safe, have fun, and stay tuned for next week's edition of The Peng Hunter! Cue stupid Ozzie-style theme music. Roll mind-numbigly atrocious Ozzie-inspired credits. Fade mercifully to black. The producers of The Peng Hunter have made every effort to assure that no Pengs were harmed in the making of the show. (Edited because it annoys those of a Teutonic bent, not to mention bent Teutonics) [ 10-22-2001: Message edited by: Hakko Ichiu ]
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon: Good luck Larry, and don't worry, if Hak keeps her company she will be 10 times as thankful to have you home.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, constant sensations of extreme sexual pleasure can be a bit wearing over time. BTW, what the frak is the MBT doing on page 2?
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak: sorry guys, Thought I'd check in again after packing. Wasn't trying to be cryptic. Thought some of you ex-military types would catch the "indef" curse. When your tagged with an exp date of "indef" and you recieve a nice brown envelope.... it is time to pack and go. Hopefully I'll end up someplace where I can still get net access regulary. If not it will be hit or miss. Thats why I say send e-mail to my regular addresses. I can grab all of those at once. I still have a few days here to get things in order(at work, home,ect..). So I'll try to check back in a time or two more. Later guys Lorak<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OK, does this mean that Mrs. Lorak will be in need of "companionship". Hey, I'm just down the road and always happy to lend a helping hand. (serious) Give'em Hell, Larry. Don't stop until there's an Awful House in every tanj-forsaken donkey corral in Taliban land. We'll make sure they serve double bacon w/every breakfast platter. God bless you and keep you.(/serious) And we never did finish our game...
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Überwort... get it right<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Environmentalist groups around the world are lobbying the US to stop the bombing in Afghanistan because it endangers the only known habitat of the Pashtun Überwort, which is a varietal of the more widely cultivated South Asian Wortweed. But then you already knew that, didn't you.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: Ryori no tetsujin the Japanese TV programme was atrocious, but this particular ryori no tetsujin is really a waste of space.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You can't really appreciate Ryori no Tetsujin properly until you see the dubbed version. It's my 4-year-old's favorite show. OK, maybe it's tied with Croc Hunter for that honor.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tero: (Stuff about GI use of captured German Übersturmvolksgeschirrspülermaschinenkatzenellenbogen)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The reason for your second quote seems indicated by your first one. The flanking troops were told to open up on the Germans w/MP-40s after the Germans had gone past in order to confuse them about who was firing on them. If they heard MP-40s rather than M-1s, they might think they were hit w/blue-on-blue (or is that gray-on-gray?).
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon: Now Swedes I know better because Grandma. She used to hit me on the back of the head with a spoon and say "tush-minnie" or something like that. And when I would burn something down she would say "stoll yee" and pop me again. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So much explained in so little text.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Simon Fox: You seem to have mistaken this thread for the Peng thread. They're not particularly fond of serious historical discussion in there so you should fit in pretty well.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Watasi no kioku tasika naraba, but Sakai-san already attempted to steal air from the lawful denizens of the MBT and was summarily dealt with in the appropriate manner. [edited for consistency in transliteration] [ 10-16-2001: Message edited by: Hakko Ichiu ]
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: But GOOD GOD, man, didn't you have PARENTS??? That's not a drink, it's like running the kids' trick-or-treat bag through the blender. A frickin' Mai-Tai umbrella would fold up and retract rather than be seen in such puerile trash. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah, but the chicks dig it and it gets'em hammered...hehehehehe
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: Ethan - that made me smile. Thanks. I noticed you had to edit it. Too bad you are a pillock too then. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I just hate run-on italics...and run-on teutonics for that matter.
  24. Scene: The windswept Danish shore. OK, it's just a bare stage because we're cheap, but let's just use our imaginations, shall we? Rosencrantz: flips a coin Heads! Guildenstern: Why do you keep doing that? R: Heads!...Doing what? G: Flipping that coin. We have far more important problems at the moment. R: Heads!...Like what? G: We're not on the List. R: Heads!...List? G: Yes, the List! R: Heads!...And we're not on it? G: Exactly! R: Heads!...Which list is that? G: The Peng Challenge Thread Reading List! R: Heads!...They can read? G: Yes! R: Heads!...And they have a reading list! G: Yes!!! R: Heads!...And we're not on it? G: THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN TRYING TO TELL YOU FOR THE LAST FIVE MINUTES!!! R: stops flipping the coin. A shocked look passes over his face You realize how serious this is? G: Of course I do. That's why I've been trying to get it through your thick skull for the last 10 minutes... R: I thought it was five. G: Alright five. R: But what's five minutes between friends? Anyway, this is a serious situation. G: You're telling me. R: Yes. I am telling you. G: That was rhetorical. I was telling you. R: So you were. Pray continue G: I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation. R: No one understands gravity yet. It the Earth is spherical, why don't we go spinning off into the Void? G: Will you please focus on our situation for a minute. R: Down from one to five, I see. G: Forget about that. If we are not on the Peng Challenge Reading List, then those poor, benighted, pustulent, malodorous, coprophagous scum-sucking newbies will have missed out on the century's greatest exposition of the absurd flip-side to all tragic investigations of comedy, the role of the theater in society and existence it self. R: You mean the last century's. G: Will you please focus on the point. R: Oh, the point is much worse than you make it out to be. G: How now, serious? R: We are, after all, engaged in a debate on the nature of reality. Yet we know that the arbiters of reality are the Kniggets and Old Ones of the 'Pool, the Mutha Beautiful Thread that Will Always Be There. If they ignore US, if they deny our existence, then can we be said to exist at all? I would say that for us there is no more urgent calling then to be placed at the very top of the List, or near it anyway. The alternative is too awful to contemplate. G: The rest is silence... R: Quite so...Heads! [ 10-14-2001: Message edited by: Hakko Ichiu ]
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: 'ronin squire', forsooth! We ought to have Hakku Ichiu kick you right in the bollocks. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Better late than never, I always say, at least to the ladies. *KICK*
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