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Hakko Ichiu

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Posts posted by Hakko Ichiu

  1. Originally posted by WineCape:

    So, in essence my dear sir, your vote an Aye to send it?

    Much appreciated for the lesson in legality, but I'm aware of the federal/state wine issues, unless you own an importer's license, in which case I just might use your offered help smile.gif

    Oh yes, and send along several kilos of boerewors and a couple of melktorte while you're at it. Just as long as I get an invite to the braai. smile.gif
  2. FYI, AFAIK, it is illegal to send alcohol via the US Mail, thus you would need to courier it. As a suggestion, you could send it air-freight to me quite cheaply as I live near a major international airport. I promise the bottles would reach the BTS gang in one piece. Of course, I couldn't vouch for the contents.

  3. Originally posted by Wolfpack:

    I agree with the carrier idea, but for the other, it could be that while air power may not be able to completely destroy a unit, it can cause it to completely lose all cohesion or render it completely combat ineffective, which, in this game would equal destruction.

    Edit - Of course, if a carrier is attacking another carrier, then of course, it could be destroyed while attacking.

    I agree w/edit 2. I still think that a land unit should not be completely destroyed. "No cohesion and combat ineffective" is a pretty good description of strength 1. The unit can still be reformed, however, which is why you ought to have to send in ground troops to finish the job.
  4. I have come to the conclusion that air support is too powerful. I also think there is an easy way to redress the balance. Specifically, I don't believe that air power should be able completely to destroy land units. Weaken them, absolutely, but not destroy them. My fix for this would be to allow air power to take land units down to 1, but no more. I think the experience of tactical air power since 1914 bears this out. Sea units are a different matter entirely, since they can be sunk.

    Conversely, I don't think carriers should be destroyed when they attack. If a carrier loses all its planes, it still has a hull. Again, down to 1, but no farther.


  5. It would be nice to have some sort of intelligence/espionage model in the game. I like the idea of paying MPP for intelligence. It could work like research, w/ a percentage chance each turn of finding out the position/strength of hidden enemy units. Probably w/ a check against each hidden unit.

  6. The Italians joined the war just in time to seize a bit of France. They took Marseilles and moved into Algeria. Strangely enough, after France surrendered and Vichy emerged, the Italian units in France returned to Italy, but the Italian army in Algeria seemed to disappear off the map. No way to repeat this except via another game, but has anyone else experienced similar?

  7. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    It is not like other threads.


    If you go there, you will most likely be confused, and if you ask a question, you will most likely be told to 'sod off', and, in some cases you will be abused and villified.

    True again. We seem to be on a roll here.

    This is not because we don't like you. It's because that is what happens there.

    WRONG!! I'm sorry, you've lost the $100,000 and the timeshare in Jersey City. The Peng Thread™ is a swirling miasma of pure hate, and the thing we hate most -- apart from shameless, untergnomisch touts -- is scum-sucking newbies adding to the general squelch under foot.

    After you've been around the Forum for a while, you may come to understand the Peng Challenge Thread.

    You may even wish to go there.

    It's abundantly clear to me that you fail to grasp the essential nature of Cess, let alone its manifestation in the MBT. And no one wishes to go there. One is dragged into the Cess, kicking, screaming, and frothing at various orifices by an irresistable sixth force(or maybe seventh, I think grog-ness is the sixth force, but I'll wait for Slapdragon to get into a bare-knuckle brawl with JasonC on the matter while all of Australia starts throwing down markers on the result before I say for sure)

    But it's not necessarily for everyone...
    Well, duh.
  8. Seanachai,

    You say it's your birthday

    It's my birthday too--yeah

    They say it's your birthday

    We're gonna have a good time

    I'm glad it's your birthday

    Happy birthday to you.

    Yes we're going to a party party

    Yes we're going to a party party

    Yes we're going to a party party.

    I would like you to dance--Birthday

    Take a cha-cha-cha-chance-Birthday

    I would like you to dance--Birthday


    You say it's your birthday

    Well it's my birthday too--yeah

    You say it's your birthday

    We're gonna have a good time

    I'm glad it's your birthday

    Happy birthday to you.

    Down a malt for me.

  9. Seanachai,

    You say it's your birthday

    It's my birthday too--yeah

    They say it's your birthday

    We're gonna have a good time

    I'm glad it's your birthday

    Happy birthday to you.

    Yes we're going to a party party

    Yes we're going to a party party

    Yes we're going to a party party.

    I would like you to dance--Birthday

    Take a cha-cha-cha-chance-Birthday

    I would like you to dance--Birthday


    You say it's your birthday

    Well it's my birthday too--yeah

    You say it's your birthday

    We're gonna have a good time

    I'm glad it's your birthday

    Happy birthday to you.

    Down a malt for me.

  10. Originally posted by Madmatt:


    2nd Battalion 485th Rifle Regiment

    Major Fedorov commanding

    Battalion at ~80% strength, men weakened due to long marches with insufficient supply, forcing them to live on reduced rations for a week.

    This is blatant fascist enemy propaganda. No units of the Glorious Red Army have insufficient supply. All have full rations. Gospodin Jefremovich will be hearing from his Political Officer shortly.
  11. Originally posted by Diceman:

    Actually the problem isn't where I was found, but rather where I was left. So you insidious purveyor of creative bookkeeping, got room for one more game?

    Egads, a challenge. Good thing I was wearing my brown trousers. You want a piece of me? Fine, first show me evidence of Kniggethood and then we'll talk. I've got standards to maintain.

    If you meet that hurdle, then get a neutral party (e.g., Andreas) to put together a set-up, or a scenario that's double blind. Something in a 1000-1500 points range, no crazy crap. I'll be Germans, Yanks, Canucks, Poles, Über-Finns, anything but French. Combined arms, armor, infantry, field brothels, I don't care. Attack, defense, what is it to me? I'm too lazy to pick my forces, but not too lazy to pick my ass. Or kick yours.

  12. Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

    While I grant you that Pertwee was amusing, Tom Baker was clearly the superior Doctor

    You would say that, wouldn't you? Sorry, but Venusian Karate beats a sonic screwdriver and a bag of jellybabies any day of the week.

    As to Star Trek babes, Ensign Penthouse, aka Tasha Yar, takes first place, while the Vulcan chick w/the bodacious tatas comes in second. Note that this is not a value judgement on a "spread" in Penthouse vs. a spread in Maxim/FHM/Stuff/Loaded, merely an observation of the obvious.

    As to those who find this particular incarnation of the MBT slightly below par and generally lacking in taunting goodness, I would remind them that this entire conversation started with a taunt from yours truly, so there.

  13. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    Furthermore, I'd like to apologize for my harping on a mere movie star and hereby promise not to talk about John Wayne for a while ... besides, how can you compare John Wayne to a Starship Captain like Jean-Luc Picard!

    Here's a comparison: John Wayne had more hair. Cpt. Picard was, according to all the documentary evidence, a total slaphead, except when cross-dressing as a Romulan streetwalker. I have heard rumors, however, that Scott Bakula is a tripod.
  14. Originally posted by edward_n_kelly:

    Too true.

    Have a mate who was the M-60 gunner in a section in Vietnam. He was 6'1" and played top-level Australian Football before and after going "on tour" - he weighed in at just on 149 lbs when he was admitted to hospital (for a football injury

    6'1" and 149 lbs. What was he, the goal post?
  15. Originally posted by Andreas:

    What? Marcus Aurelius biting Seanachai in the arse? Afraid not, the movie is the poorer for it.

    I believe it's in the director's cut. Seanachai had challenged Oliver Reed to a drinking contest, and that was the result. Overmatched like an M5 receiving a 88mm PAK shell up the turret rear.
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