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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Runyan99

  1. Climate change? Yeah it's happening the Earth's climate has been constantly changing for the last 4 billion odd years.

    Yeah this seems to get lost on a lot of people. As far as I know the planet has undergone climate apocalypse several times in the past, and the idea that we can stop or prevent it from happening in the future seems like vanity. Much of the religion of Global Warming seems based on the myth or supposition of 'normal' being a permanently benign and temperate climate.

    If the climate changes, we'll just have to adapt or die. Hell you cannot even get people in the USA to switch from analog TV to digital on schedule. You think humans are going to act collectively on some climate agenda? I doubt it.

  2. If GM is paying pensions, it is no myth that the dollars are going out the door. This buzz I hear about '$70 being a big lie' is just another example of union spin. If a guy works for 30 years and takes a pension for another 20, it seems reasonable to work that into the accounting regarding hourly compensation. Once again the unions are trying to misdirect attention from themselves. Look at the corporate jet!

  3. Anybody playing this? I'm about due for my annual shooter purchase, and was thinking about giving this a try for the PC. I'm also curious about the online multiplayer which appears to include maps with the Germans and the Russians, in addition to the USA and Japanese in the base game. The reviews I have seen on Amazon are very mixed.

  4. Runyan,

    Where do you get the 90% layoff pay stat (do you mean the GM Job Bank) or the 105,000 severance package? And do you mean to say that the "big 3" do not owe its retired/current workers a pension or health care?

    This was discussed during the Senate hearing on Tuesday. I'm not making up the figures.

    As for what is 'owed' and not 'owed', that's just idealistic talk when the reality is the companies must borrow money or die. It's nice to say that workers need to be taken care of, but what if the cost is too high and the money to pay simply isn't there? Then you are in the realm of hard choices.

  5. When I see all the small businesses that over the years have been killed off due to a monopoly-encouraging economic model lovingly fostered by the richest folks in America, I get nauseated to my core by this.

    It used to be said that the business of America is business but in fact the business of America has been the enrichment of a few at the expense of the rest of us. The failure of the auto industry is symptomatic of the way these people create wealth-creating corporate monstrosities and then they abandon them and run off with their riches, bonuses and perks, leaving the workers and country holding the dinner tab.

    That's the Marxist spin. The real truth is the people running off with riches and destroying these three companies are the regular union workers with their job pools, 90% layoff pay, and $105,000 severance packages. The destruction of these wealth creating corporate entities is directly attributable to their inability to downsize their workforce in a weak economy and thereby cut costs and capacity to remain in the black. This is what happens when unionized labor sucks a corporation dry to the bone. It's silly to point to the CEO's corporate jets, when the cost must be dwarfed by pension and healthcare liabilities owed to the union labor force.

  6. If they had started CMx2 with Gettysburg, they would have avoided a lot of complexity with modern squad tactics, and only needed tacAI that would stand in line and fire weapons.

    On the other hand they would also have to have workable code that modeled thousands of soldiers on the battlefield at one time.

  7. They say the overloaded muskets were the result of nervousness, but personally I cannot imagine being too nervous to fire. I'd want to fire more than anything.

    I suspect in a religious time, many of the men were uncomfortable killing on the battlefield, and perhaps loaded and loaded so as to appear as to be doing their job.

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