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Posts posted by Speedy

  1. All that sort boils down to not liking it because it is different to CMx1. Maybe you might want to try the demo of PC:O.

    I don't have it and have not tried the demo yet but from what I have read of it it appears to be alot more like the CMx1 series than CMBN so maybe you will get more enjoyment out of that one, alternatively you could play CMBN a bit more till you become accustomed to the UI.

  2. I'm too busy trying to untangle squads, 1/2 squads and HQ units from a zillion different movement path icons whilst trying to keep some kind of C&C.

    In a similar vein to Boo, who is trying to untangle the ropes and pulleys he's cunningly fashioned to string his hamster collection together in order to get his Amstrad 600 up to speed.

    I thought you were dead.

  3. Hear ye! Hear ye! As an undeniable and undesputed Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread it pleases me to announce that my CMBN cherry has been broken! True it was Speedy who broke it and it doesn't make me proud to say that Ladies and GentleHamsters but what can you do? I was drunk and he seemed nice and offered me a lift home.

    Anyhoos, first blood (no pun intended) had gone to your Olde Unca Stukey! Yep, some sneeksy Speedyian troops got caught in the open trying to gamily sneeks their way into a building from which they might...might mind you, have had a flanking position on my trusty lads. So a few shots have opened the score and as the FOX reporter embedded with my troops has just radioed in, there are 2 little Speedies laying veeery still on the ground. Either they are shot to **** or else they have suddenly developed an overwhelmng interest in blades of grass. In any case, I claim victory!

    Open the drinks cabinet and lets get the drinking under way! W00T!

    Feh you can't count it's more like 8 little Speedies.

    But I killed the battalion commander old Unca Stukey himself or at least a close personal friend.

    Now I will take that victory bottle of Bundy thank you very much.

  4. Fundamentally, Charles can spend several weeks coding up a "to & penetration chance routine", and then the Betas can spend a week or two testing and debugging this. Or, they can put the same energy into putting another feature into the game, like flame weapons and fire modeling, or gun & mortar pits, or star shells, etc. Personally, I'd prefer one of the latter.

    I'll take the flamers and star shells please.

  5. Due to the misguided 'Repple Depple' system in the US Arrmy during the war injured and lost soldiers were returned to a replacement depot and redistributed to new units. This, it was belatedly discovered, had a result of diluting the quality and cohesiveness of veteran formations.

    Which leads one to think that during the time period depicted game there should probably a wider range of quality per unit.

    This would also suggest a potential for a lower motivation level for US troops, you might be willing to risk your life for a mate you have lived, trained and fought beside for two years but you most likely wont for someone you first met yesterday or a week ago.

    What was the German policy for soldiers returning to the front after recovering from wounds?

  6. I think you are looking at it as a linear progression where as I see it more as an exponential progression. While the training/experience needed to progress from conscript to regular is not a lot, that needed to progress to veteran is quite a bit more and that needed to get to crack is significantly more than veteran.

    As for Elite well I would restrict that to exceptional small units/people such as Wittman, or SAS teams etc.

    Using this progression structure I would class units such as the 101st as Veteran for D-Day and Market Garden progressing to Crack for the Ardennes (even here there could be an argument for that division not to classed as Crack until after the Ardennes). I would never rate any divisional force greater than Crack and very few would get to that level, that said it is possible for a couple of exceptional team or vehicle in that division to be classed as Elite they are easily offset by the majority that are Crack, Veteran or even Regular.

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