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von Lucke

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Posts posted by von Lucke

  1. Originally posted by Ansbach:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Robert Olesen:

    The Americans and British landed in western Nort Africa in November 1942. At that time they fought the Vichy French, but not, it appears, the Germans or Italians. Yet the Americans appear in the game as a valid Allied force in November 1942, and the Vichy French do not.

    What's the catch here?

    I believe the Vichy French never actually fought against the Allies... I'm sure the links will give the details - let me know if I'm wrong! </font>
  2. Originally posted by WWB:

    IIRC, there were a few skirmishes between US & German forces in the last days of November 42.

    Raff Force (later, renamed the Tunisian Task Force) first ran into German Paratroopers around Gafsa on 15 November.

    The general Anglo-American advance into Tunisia began around 17 November, with Combat Command "B" of the 1st Armored Division moving up to reinforce the British 1st Army's three-pronged attack.

    American forces saw action at Djedeida on 25 November when Stuarts from the 1st Armored Regiment shot up the airfield there before withdrawing.

    Then again, on 28 November, a general attack on Djedeida by British infantry was supported by American artillery and Grant tanks.

  3. Have to agree with antawar. So far, it's been my experience that the M13/40 can take a few hits from a 2pdr and keep on ticking --- but the early Cruisers (up to the A13), are usually put out of action after one hit from a 47mm.

    Going hull-down with a Cruiser only makes it worse: If you don't get KO'd out-right, you'll usually end up with a Gun Damaged or Shocked result.

    Pheasant Plucker put out his own Beda Fomm scenario a little while back. I recommend it as a good testing ground for the M13 vs Cruiser argument.

  4. Good news: The .50cal tripod and Canadian pistol graphics are fixed.

    Bad news: Discovered new OOB error. British '40 Infantry Battalion (available Dec. '40) has an inherent 3in. mortar FO --- one with a radio and 6 tubes. However, if you check the Artillery / Air section, you will soon see that this combination is not generally available until January 1942 --- up until then, it's always wire / 4 tubes.

  5. I posted this before (in one of the Italian threads?), but here it is again:

    During the opening attack of Op Battleaxe (June '41) at Halfaya Pass, a troop of 6 Matildas was put out of action by Italian 47mm ATG's. The Italians new they had no chance of penetrating the armor, so they concentrated fire on the tracks. An imobilized Matilda is just a heavily armored 2pdr --- not much to worry about, when yr at the top of the Heights, and they're at the bottom.

  6. Originally posted by Juju:

    About the Carcano, that bayonet was exactly the reason why I didn't go for that model. Bummer, what? ;) you could attach one to the existing BMP. I know you got the skill, I really liked that Inglis Browning you made.

    About the M1: I just copied the size of the original. I knew too little about the actual weapon to know it's too big. Scaling it down is really simple, though. you could do it yourself. The only problem is you'd have to 'de-pinkify' each and every edge. The weapon itself is used so infrequently (except for its icon) in-game, I wouldn't bother.

    Blast --- yr on to me! My ploy was to get you to do the work for me!
  7. In order (sort of):

    Yes, covered arc normally works for Jeep-MG. Had been working several turns prior.

    Yes, those tracers are out-going (pointy end toward enemy).

    Yes, the TacAI "survival instinct" will, on occassion, cause it to ignore orders (including firing outside of covered arcs) and target other things. But, when it does this, the red targeting line will point to the new target (this is not the case here). It is also not the case that the new target is more of a threat than the one that it should be targeting. Also, if the new target is radically outside the covered arc, the covered arc itself is cancelled by the TacAI (also not happening here).

    As for the narrow cover arc: I didn't want the jeep to fire at anything but that squad straight ahead (it's in a dead zone to other units on the right, which happen to be blasting the same units that the jeep feels the need to shoot at).

  8. snap044.jpg

    First pic shows jeep-MG with very narrow covered-arc and red targeting line. Yet notice that tracers from said jeep-MG are flying off at a 70% angle to the indicated target.


    Same pic, top down angle, shows indicated and actual LOF a bit better. This went on the entire turn.

    For some reason the TacAI seemed to think that an infantry squad with it's face in the mud was more of a threat than a closer squad that was actually firing at it?

  9. Originally posted by kenfedoroff:

    There is actually a good spot for the 82mm on-board mortars in the original (current) set-up zone. The "problem" with this spot is that they are hidden from only two of the three Axis VLs.

    If you could modify the terrain so that the direct LOS from this depression hides the mortars from all three Axis held heights, then that would be great. Changing the map might make it un-historical, but it could simulate a good base to fire from (using an HQ as spotter).

    At present, they are positioned for direct-fire, so I wanted them to be able to see all three VL's. Initially, I'd simply had a 3in. FO, but later thought that being able to split fire at individual targets at a moments notice was more useful.

    My fears about exposing my mortars were confirmed when my assault troops started taking fire from "my" side of the Gorge. Whoever is firing from "my" side could well spot my mortars. (None of this would be a problem, if not for "Borg" spotting).
    Not to give it away, but I'm fairly sure that yr 3in. are far enough away not to make very good targets --- though I could be wrong: That's for you to find out, eh?

    I apologize for the "collapsed cliff" question. It seems "Captain Unconscious" (Commander of the Allied attack) must have his Landmarks turned off... Duh.

    Some might complain about adding such trivia in the briefing, but I enjoy reading them for the info and sources. I can usually find the (used) books used for historical reference at affordable prices on the internet.

    "Ummm, I say Brigadier, but you need to take the lens covers off first...". Actually, I usually write up a few pages for the Briefing, then end up editing out most of it. I try not to go over 2 or 3, and try to stick to the major focus of the battle.

    Is there a mention of a possible enemy presence on "my" side of the Gorge in the briefing? I could have made better use of my battalion/regt. security team with such info.
    I mention it in the "Historical Outcome" portion of the main briefing, and then again in the Allied briefing. Maybe I need to emphasize it more though, because yr not the first one to say something about it.

    While I appreciate the Allied air support, the incredible spotting abilities of these aircraft borders on the ridiculous (they appear to be targeting individual squads that are hidden in foxholes). Again, this is just my personal prefs, but I would tone down the CAS or give the Axis the appropriate tools (and a chance) to reduce or nullify the Allied CAS. (Then again, we are playing blind, and my opponent may very well have his possible AAA on "Hide" or mis-placed).
    The RAF was a last-minute addition that, from comments and viewing a few turns, I think will be removed in the final version.

    Von Lucke (You sorry bastich). You made the mistake of allowing/asking for opinions, not realising I would stumble in here and scribble like mad.


    I prefer this to the typical, "I lost, so you're scenario sucks!" type opinion.
  10. Originally posted by kenfedoroff:

    I am the Allied attacker.

    Is the reason for the road ending stated in the briefing? If it is, then I apologize.

    Well, since the road has nothing to do with the attacker's objectives, I didn't bother to mention it in the briefing. Since the end of the road is covered in a big pile of rocks with the words "collapsed cliff" over it, I figured that would be enough.

    The Allied 82mm (on-board) mortars are the key to the attack, but I'm afraid to use them because they may be spotted. They need a position where they are completely out of LOS of the enemy and can use an HQ for a spotter. I know it's tough to be creative playing with 8 meter elevation tiles, but with "Borg Spotting" they need a hiding place. I wasn't able to find a spot in their limited set-up area.
    I see what yr saying --- I have them more set up for direct fire. Increasing the set-up zone shouldn't be a problem.

    Ok. enough whining for now,


    Not whining --- feedback. That's what I "hired" you for!
  11. Originally posted by JonS:

    Cheers vL.

    Say, did you do a mod for 11240? I seem to recall that there were one or two floating around for CMAK a while ago, but I can't find any, and there's nothing at the depot.


    Just sent you an e-mail about that very thing.

    There are half a dozen for CMBB hanging around, but I haven't seen one for CMAK yet --- though I'm slowly putting some division icons together.

  12. Originally posted by JonS:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

    The '43 TO&E for US parachute infantry platoons WAS 2 squads per platoon, I believe.

    Just so.

    Inf Para Regt, Feb 42 has 2 squads per pn.

    Inf Para Regt, Dec 44 has 3 squads per pn.

    Not sure what happened in between. Gliders had 3 squads at both times.


    JonS </font>

  13. Originally posted by Gordon:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by von Lucke:

    Verraw nawce.

    But you want to see wacky? Check out the Deacon: Looks like an ice-cream truck crossed with a destroyer.

    Now that begs for the Gordon Makeover.

    Fernando said it all when he said that it looked like a U.S. Civil War Ironclad with wheels. smile.gif

    I'm not sure it needs a make-over. What's the matter, you don't like Mikey Mouse Ears camo? :D

    Gordon </font>

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