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Everything posted by Darwin

  1. Madmatt, a veritable Mother Theresa to the CM community, how kind and gracious of you've been to us I checked out the scenario depot and it looks great, very freakin cool.
  2. For those that found the Molsen quicktime funny http://bbs.infantryzone.com/Forum1/HTML/003585.html I found this sound file parody of it, good stuff http://bbs.infantryzone.com/Forum1/HTML/004012.html
  3. I remember during the previous debates about tiger vs panther comments were made regarding the width of the shell vs the thickness of the armor being impacted upon and it's having an effect making the 88 a better nutcracker than the panthers higher velocity 75. If someone knows what I'm talking about please enlighten us
  4. Hmmm tricky ground... I don't know if my situation should count as I think my last girlfriends need for constant attention was beyond the norm, however, my use of the computer would allways make trouble. But then again so would my attempts to read in peace or attempts to pay full attention to news, movies, whatever. It's unfortunate that our needs differed so much, she cared a lot but... Adios babay Although I would hate to have my interests ruin a relationship, why must it be one or the other? If I cant spend at least a small portion of my time doing guy stuff (mountain biking, basketball, hanging out, playing wargames, whatever) then perhaps the relationship is not what I'm looking for...
  5. I've been in a pbem game of CE since January 2nd... SERIOUSLY!!! I dont expect a return file for at least a week from this particular opponent. Actually regardless of content he'll take at least 4 days to get back to me Turns generally taking longer than other mails. At first I got confused and generally thought our game was falling apart but I still recieve the occasional file. I hope to continue the match as I've come to savor our battle much more than usual. It's been 4 months and we're still playing cat and mouse, I'm germans tally so far is 2 shermans down to one stug out. I would love to descibe the current tactical situation but... "I know Nuthink" On the otherhand I sometimes play marathon games straight through, either hotseat or via ICQ.
  6. People are asking for the beta demo scenarios to be included in release just as we clamoured for the alpha scenario that Fionn and Moon played to be included before. I wanted these things as well but have changed my thinking on it. I think the scenarios that are coming out with the full game will ROCK Not that the scenarios we've seen so far are bad but with the people who are involved and the ability of the editor I'm expecting to get these old scenarios off the net with fresh stuff on the CD.
  7. check out this quicktime, funny http://bbs.infantryzone.com/Forum1/HTML/003585.html
  8. I've been playing infantry lately which allows you up to 8 aliases. whenever someone gets a kill it's shows up printed across the bottom of the screen (so and so killd by...) so you'll see names like "a heavy piano" or "police brutality" "some gay guy" etc. Pretty funny sometimes. BTW if anyone plays there I go by Cleo.
  9. Cool, thanks for responding. The last history I read started with the teutons already there... need to get off my arse and delve
  10. Teutonic, wasn't Prussia founded by those very individuals?
  11. Darwin started as sort of a joke "helping to weed out the coc gene pool" and it stuck. I had gone under Lokesa for years (an incarnation of the hindu god of death, conqueror of worlds) but for one it's too obscure and another it sounds kind of feminine. Darwin's better
  12. What the hell Capt? Nevermind all those crusty old grognards, they're just jealous cause your young
  13. Ah the French, pepe le peu a fine example Give us a break eh. These guys eat snails fer christsake.
  14. LOL@Foobar aka the gambler if you pull it off your a hero and great player, if luck says no you end up looking like a newbie
  15. You guys are aware of the campaign club for CM right?
  16. WOW! That is too freacking cool. And I wanted a Squad Leader port, sheesh
  17. something just hit me we could have dungeon masters, er I mean, um, game masters who through scenario design and editing lead us through through WWII adventures
  18. We jesusized a free porn site and it replaced all the nudie pics with those paintings, I was rolling, very funny.
  19. Let me guess, cuddly is your pinkish imitation fur condom which comes with (unbuttoned in this case) matching pants???
  20. 31, started with Squad Leader and Third Reich at 9 or 10 but only played sporadically through the years.
  21. I had several persona's in my childhood war fantasies. When we would tramp though the neighbors yards at night, jumping fences and running from dogs, etc we were essentially sas or airborne. Most of the time however was spent daydreaming about tactical situations in whatever locale I happened to be in. I really thought Rommel was the coolest, so I guess I aspired to be like him until sid vicious took over the idol role.
  22. This has all been gone over before and it was decided that human's are instintually mad killer's and to suppress this burning hunger inside us is the kind of thing cancer comes from. must we reason it all out again???
  23. The jeep is very cool but my favorite is the halftrack with the german infantry running behind it, nice shot
  24. No kidding CM has grown way beyond any expectations I had in the beginning.
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