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Everything posted by ARRPEEGEE

  1. They're at Toms, but..Down because of bw restrictions...So,here's what I'm looking for a)Tigers German halftrack set b)Tigers tan Stug set c)Tigers Ger field gun set d)Tigers Ger scout AC set Know if these are up anywhere? thanks a million!
  2. I was wondering, if..like Fionn and Bil's pre-release CMBO 'Sunken Lane' classic, if we could be treated to a CMBB AAR! I'd really, really like to see one..It's been awhile, and, it'd be carrying on tradition! what could be wrong with that? [ September 07, 2002, 11:03 PM: Message edited by: mch ]
  3. Heh..I wonder how many ol' buddies will be on the come back around..I must admit, waiting for CM2 is tremendously more boring without Cpt.Manieri asking when the game is coming out every five seconds....
  4. CM vs. Red Alert? Nahh...We've already had one Lewis vs. Tyson this year...
  5. If it'd been up to me, I'd have subbed one for Citadel..It's fun and all, and the map is amazing, but..Dosen't have the replay value Yelnia does. Oh well..real thing will be here soon enough. Since I'm here..I'll beg for a new scenario too... even though they've already said no, but..here goes: PL-EEEAAAA-SSSSSEEEE! [ September 07, 2002, 08:37 PM: Message edited by: mch ]
  6. From the russian POV, you've just got to keep hammering away until something breaks, and, though it may seem to take forever, something will, eventually, break. A good tactic is to designate one main advance area, and use the conscripts as a follow-on exploitation force. I tend to put my good troops away from the main advance area, and let my greens lead the assault. They'll take a beating, but, they'll eventually get there, just keep the advance going with whatever you can. Once you get there, it dosen't take much at all....In a recent game, my 2B Platoon leader overran the MG34 position on the right, and after that, it was all over... It's just a terrible attack across open ground, but, once you break the line, you can mop them up in just a few turns. The russian troops kick butt in close quarter battles, so, ..what was the saying.."holding the wolf by the ears", or as a Stalingrad vet put it- 'keep them close, and hold them there...like a...lover' [ September 07, 2002, 08:30 PM: Message edited by: mch ]
  7. That's a darned nice looking Panther on that Ad panel above the forum list, but the link takes you to Strategic Command. Just letting you know.
  8. I'd like some chocolate milk, and a big Cookie..Maybe a pat on the head, too... I think ice-cream would be pushing it, though.
  9. But, you also have to forgive our Euro-buddies, they totally fail to see the sheer brilliance in our sense of humor, sometimes. Why else did they think we let the Supreme Court elect Georgie Bush? That's right! To prove every American stereotype true, and, to set a land-speed record in doing it! AHA! we're right! they do use stone roads instead of paved ones. And every one just thinks we're dumb...... [ September 07, 2002, 05:41 PM: Message edited by: mch ]
  10. What's Russia? You mean the USSR, or the CCCP? In all seriousness, though..You forgot the one major component of American naivete The refusal to believe in paved ashvault roads in other parts of the world. I don't know why, but..This one unceasingly fails to find it's way into any, and I mean any conversation with 'foreigners' I've participated in, or overheard. It even extends to other Americans. Living in the south, most west-coasters have asked me about this. (and a rather virulent rumor about shoelessness in the public education system, but that's another story) [ September 07, 2002, 05:24 PM: Message edited by: mch ]
  11. If you can make a good translation of 'Hube's Pocket', I'll ahh...shout out loud and be real happy! I must've played that scenario 100 times, or more. [ September 07, 2002, 02:35 AM: Message edited by: mch ]
  12. Jeez...Diceman, you're lucky. At least it wasn't the infamous SMG half-squad, or, the routed squad of legend...I remember seeing those screens..If you're not farmiliar with the story: Some guy had a very similar SS portfolio that showed a firefly turning to engage a routed squad with a Panther in full view, and similar result..ouch [ September 07, 2002, 02:26 AM: Message edited by: mch ]
  13. In all fairness, though, the AI will always play defense better than offense. The targeting AI has improved alot, but, that tends to help you, the player, too. So, it's a better game against the AI now..Still not as good as a human, but..this ain't chess.
  14. Et Tu, Pud? Good..wasn't just me..that's a real mean trick to play on an opponent. [ September 05, 2002, 11:08 PM: Message edited by: mch ]
  15. Friendly discussion aside, Spoons, we're glossing over the important on the arcs question: That people hear that the tank targeting was 'fixed'! I was surprised by Pak40's response to this, because outside of the CM community, it's the complaint most often heard about CM, in my experience. That highly contraversial line undoubtedly made customers, So, good job! I didn't see any problems with the review, here. [ September 05, 2002, 10:55 PM: Message edited by: mch ]
  16. Silvio: It would have engaged it, had the MG team not been off to the side of the tank..So, you're right.It just wasn't inside the arc. Pak: You're right too..'covered' is technically different than a 'problem fix' as it's described in the review, however..No points off for using it as such. I suppose it was a problem to some more than others..I saw alot of folks using it as a sort of 'cheat' in QB's..they'd get an elite squad and split it, and charge it at a nearby tank, and while the tank was hosing it down, and chasing it with the turret, Up pops the enemy armor..knock-knock, AP round! end of the tank... Trying to select it to target the tank wouldn't work, because the infantry was close, and, the turret turn time meant you were as good as dead, anyways. And just in general, Tanks would get real creative targeting ideas from time to time, and they still do. The other day, I lost a PzIII to a rear turret hit from a 45mm while it was turning to engage an ATR, both in plain LOS. Covered arc commands really nip that in the bud, quick. And...I like it! [ September 05, 2002, 10:17 PM: Message edited by: mch ]
  17. Actually, went back and checked it out again, and the covered arc commands DO fix this problem..I just ran across a situation where I had a PvIV that let a MG team just pick up and walk from about 10 meters away from the panzer because I wanted the tank to focus solely on the AT traps. Excellent!
  18. err..I could take issue with that issue being a non-issue
  19. Try it as the russians giving the Axis +200% That was one of the hardest fought games I've ever won..Damn fun, though.
  20. Ahh, so that's how it works! Yep, I was attributing alot of the oddity to the crew, but..you never know.
  21. I think this is what he means: Ok..nothing too major. I think Legend's confused..The briefing ISN'T going to say what the OOB of your and your opponents forces are..To do that would be the equivalent of condemming the QB to a quick and painless death. [ September 04, 2002, 11:42 PM: Message edited by: mch ]
  22. It seems to work better after contact is made, but..The tank will do some darned funny stuff under this command, including nothing at all. I wonder how the CP process for this one works. Does it look for hull-down positions along it's current facing, threat, or just look for lower elevation, period?
  23. And likewise with the U.S Nisei units in Italy. After posting that..I should probably go into hiding...Stephen Ambrose might come looking for me...... [ September 04, 2002, 10:44 PM: Message edited by: mch ]
  24. As I remember it, in BO, you couldn't retreat off the map in an operation, as it would end the operation. So, if you were in a bad way, you couldn't trade space and wait for the follow-ons. Please, please, please tell me this got fixed and is currently implemented in BB
  25. Yep! Every nation did indeed use it's men in a rather cynical manner throughout the way, but...that's war. Some of the more blatant (and hence stereotype forming) instances were when the military got choked by political officials. And, in this area, Hitler was just as bad (if not worse) than Stalin..For every Smolensk, there's a coresponding Stalingrad. And I won't even start on the British, or Yanks...the 'soft underbelly' and Dieppe speak for themselves. Also, this DEMO's inf battles take place in the early war...Every nation in WWII had it's slower starts, heck, the yanks got seriously embarrased all throughout their first combat meetings with the enemy on both fronts. It's not that the russians were just mindless automatons. On the contrary, they were a smart, determined, and overwhelming foe-The Germans considered going to the west front a vacation, of sorts..there's a reason why.
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