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Everything posted by joethejet

  1. Would that be why my 81mm mortars don't get more rounds when they're empty? I moved a ammo carrier next to one that was empty, but it didn't give it any ammo.
  2. So, I can potentially arm my tank crew via buddy aid, but from the excellent links you referenced it seems that they won't share what they pick up with anyone other than the other tank crews that might also dismount as, apparently, they only share within the same "team". Is that your understanding? Thanks so much for this info. It is very interesting.
  3. How does that work? I know how to dismount, do they just follow along with some infantry and help that way? And then they'll pick up weapons?
  4. LOL, yeah, as long as they don't have panzerfausts or panzerschreks handy!
  5. Well, I opened the hatch and gave them orders to "area fire" to the rear of the vehicle. You would think that would have the 50 cal fire right? I guess I could find some enemy to drive to, but I think they wold just end up closing the hatch.
  6. So, that's probably the reason that the 50 cal also won't fire? I did test that late last night to see if it would fire backwards, but it doesn't nor did the tank or turret rotate that direction. Sgt, the reason he is "brave enough" is because the battle moved on from where he is still sitting while I try to figure out if there is anything useful I can have him do!
  7. Ha, I'll have to try firing backwards with the 50 next and see what happens! As for the hull MG, maybe it's the radio guy who was a casualty and that's why it won't fire. I don't really care if it's accurate, I'm just trying to figure out if I can use the Sherman for more than just ferrying infantry around.
  8. Ok, looked at it some more. I did have a casualty, the guy next to a machine gun. Doesn't appear to have a name. I have Commander, gunner, loader, driver. There is another guy who, apparently, doesn't have a title. Weird. Also, the weapon controls are out in the tank. So, even though the 50 cal would appear to not need any weapon control and be fired by the commander, Apparently you cannot do so. Oh, and I cannot "Target light" only target. Very strange. A bug maybe?
  9. Thanks guys, The target command *is* still usable. I unbuttoned and the 50 cal still didn't fire. I sort of expected that it would otherwise I don't know how it would ever be used. I don't know if the weapons controls has a red X. I will check when I get home tonight. If it matters, I don't believe any of the crew is listed as a casualty. It would be *great* to be able to specify weapons. The only way I know of to, sort of, do this is to "target light" which will make the tank use the coax MG to fire at a target and won't use the main gun. Huh, come to think of it, I'm not sure I tried "target light", maybe I'll try that and see if it will use either of the MGs.
  10. So, my Sherman was hit with a panzershrek and the main gun and coax MG were disabled. However, the hull MG and the 50 cal are still good. Is there ANY way to get the tank to use these weapons?
  11. Thanks Guys! Wow, that site has a lot of info! I will have to check it out.
  12. So, I'm playing through the Tutorial campaign for CMFB and I have some questions. 1. What is the best way to move infantry forward? So, as you may know, you get reinforcement infantry on tanks in the scenario. One thing I figured out quickly is you better make sure they have a covered approach even if it means dropping smoke to hide them. But, once they reach the intersection, it was no longer safe to advance them down the road on tanks. They had to advance the 200 or so meters on foot. Now, just using the Move command will work, but time starts being an issue with the scenario length. Plus, you probalby have to cross a road or will be open to fire at some point so you need to use quick or fast at times. Is there any "best practice" for moving infantry forward wherein you don't tire them out, but you keep them safe and don't take all day? 2. There is no longer an advance command so when you want to attack a building, you need to use Assault BUT, you cannot do this unless your squad is big enough to break up. So, do you just use Quick? If you use Hunt, they will stop when they see infantry. I guess if you use Hunt with a short overarc, maybe it will work, but again, if they see something to shoot at, they will stop. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.
  13. Ah yes, you can see them there, just not in the place where you can change them! I think I have it straight now. Thanks to all for your help.
  14. Oh, I see, they do'nt have a hot key assigned, so you have to assign to override the default! Now I just have to figure out which keys aren't being used by anything.
  15. Thanks, Yeah, that's how I made the change, BUT, I think if you look at the hotkeys on the menu within a game, some of the keys (e.g. X,Q) have what are, apparently, non-changeable settings. So, it would appear that these keys are not changeable and if you assign a hotkey to them, it will do BOTH actions! Ugh. Anyone that can tell me I'm wrong?
  16. Hey Guys, I'm trying to make Q the hotkey for moving "quick", but it always also moves the camera to the left. I can't seem to find where I would change this. Any ideas?
  17. LOL Yeah, that was probably the case! I was just taking a look at them and watching all the new AFVs shoot at each other just for kicks and grins.
  18. Ah Gotcha, I was having trouble finding the place where you change the date. Now I've got it! Thanks!
  19. Hey Guys, Just got this game and I'm just wanting to see some of the AFVs and I cannot figure out how to purchase a Jagdtiger. Any advice? Thanks, Jet
  20. Hopefully I didn't miss a post on this, I did search for it. Are there any plans to port this game to the Windows Phone platform? I have a Nokia Lumia and think it would be fun to have. Since the game was already on windows you would think this would be easy (but probably not!) Thanks, Jet
  21. Hey Guys, I was looking for a simple scenario that includes Naval Fire. Does one exist? I did some poking around, but I didn't find one. I know I could build one, but figured *someone* must have done so already. Thanks. Jet
  22. A couple of quick thoughts. Be nice to have LOS check for a unit to be able more reliably know what it can see. In addition, in cmx1, you could tell what terrain was when you used this (or targeting I believe) but in CMBN, you don't know what the terrain is unless you can decipher the pics in the manual. Also, with all the Bocage, it's hard to tell which direction your infantry (or vehicles) are going to go when you tell them to make a move. It would be nice if, once you plotted it, it would calculate and display where the units are actually going to go. Again, I think cmx1 did this, but it may have only done it after the first turn. At least, at some point, you could see where the computer was going to actually send your units and you could change them. Agree with the earlier comment about Hunt. Anyone have a guess for when the next module will come out? Jet
  23. Best ever that I read is "Panzer Commander" Written by Hans von Luck with Stephen Ambrose. This guy was the German's Forrest Gump. He fought in Poland, France under Rommel, Barbarossa, in Afrika when they took Tobruk and was part of the 21st Panzer at D-Day. Amazing story. One of my favorite books period. I highly recommend it. Jet
  24. yes, and this is exactly my point. I love to play, but I don't get as much time as I want. To determine whether I should open fire, or which target is more likely to get destroyed is something you only gain with experience, of which I don't get much of, but something I would hope the guys in the tank have either been told (e.g. "don't open up on a Panther unless you're within xxx yards") or learned through experience. It would make the game much more playable (and fun) for the noobs and some time players if *some* sort of indication of probability of hit and kill were given. It doesn't have to be precise, but hopefully better than "you can see it, try it and see. If you're wrong, it just means death. What are you worried about?" Jet
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