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Posts posted by Strat

  1. The war with the Axis countries cannot be compared to the Civil War in the US. There is no correlation.

    The root of the cause of the Civil War was the issue of succession and the root of succession was the issue of government taxation of the citizens and states. Abraham Lincoln reenstated the income tax. One of the primary causes of the Revolutionary War was over the issue of British taxes. The issues concerning the Revolutionary War were still fresh in the minds of most citizens in the early to mid 1800's and was a definite motivational factor in the Civil War. Most of the confederates, late in the war, fought with rags for clotes and no shoes. They mixed sawdust in their food because there was not enough to go around. They were motivated by american history, i.e., Revolutionary War.

    The Confederacy depended on the theft of Union supply trains and the pillage of cities and towns. One union general was dubbed 'The Commissary' by the confederates under Stonewall Jackson. Because the union general's supplies were under constant raids by confederates. Union General Meade's army destroyed railways, burned and pillaged the southern cities.

    One of the bloodiest battles of the war was fought when Lee's army went into Gettysburg to pillage a shoe factory.

    Lee's raid of the North was plagued with numerous tactical errors. It was an attempt to get a victory in the North for recognition of the Confederacy by foriegn countries. The confederate calavary commander, Jeb Stuart, made the error of not watching the union army. Stonewall Jackson wasn't present to scout and direct matters.


  2. As was said earlier...it depends on the level of the unit. Conscripts and greens will take longer to do something simulating the platoon leader issuing orders for eactly what to do. Veterans and higher have experience, advanced training and can very well move from building to building without having to pause for orders each time from the platoon leader. The initial order has already been given. Of course they don't move to the point of being out of contact.


  3. I posted a scenario at the scenario depot. It had 202 downloads in 3 days. On day 4 it said it had 101 downloads. On day 6 it said 39 downloads. Does this represent players returning the scenario? I am working on one more and it will be my last. Too much time spent for nothing. Besides noone ever posts any votes for the scenarios.


  4. Some of my favorite war movies:

    (1) "Hell in Pacific" - Strange ending ...

    (2) "The Great Escape" - Nice scenery and good story ...

    (3) "The Bridge over the River Kwai" - A psychological battle between British prisoners of war and the soldiers of a Japanese prison camp ...

    (4) "Hamburger Hill" - The social interaction between the soldiers in a US Army platoon in Vietnam ...

    (5) "Platoon" - Conflicts between rednecks and dopeheads in a platoon during the Vietnam War ...

    (6) "The Green Beret" - Not a bad Wayne film, dated

    These are just a few classics.


  5. I have been working on scenarios based on battles during the Ardennes Offensive. One battle I am working is huge. It contains 3 or 4 battalions per side, on one map. The game locks up frequently when testing. Is this caused by lack of RAM? I have 128 Mb. Anyway, I have several trucks in the scenario with limbered guns. Does the A/I utilize the gun by moving it into place, with the truck and unlimbering it? All the trucks and limbered guns do are stay in their starting location. Seeing as the calc times for this huge scenario are a few minutes, I have not tested it past turn 6 of 120.


  6. I have had an SS panzergrenadier platoon hold off 2 companies of US Airborne Paratroopers. They had little cover and were in foxholes. They fought till out of ammo and to the last man. They were a mixture of regular and veteran. The platoon had a veteran leader. The AA companies didn't run away either, they kept attacking until the SS platoon was destroyed and overrun.


  7. I visited the Battlefront site a few years ago after finding a link to it while searching for 3D subject matter on the web. I took a look at the screen shots and shrugged it off and said, "Nah". It was forgotten.

    Then about six months ago someone posted on a discussion board, some enthusiastic comments about a very impressive new WWII 3D wargame. I clicked on the link, supplied by the poster, and loaded up the Battlefront website page. I thought, "This looks familiar". For some reason I decided to download the demo and got hooked. Its a great game.


  8. I find the A/I's primary goal is to get to the nearest flag, regardless of cost. In one scenario I created, the A/I sent two airborne companies in toward a flagged position and were almost totally eliminated by two german halftracks and two SS platoons. Instead of waiting for support units, (2 60MM Mortars and an HMG unit), to help clear the area. There is a paved road leading to the flagged area. Instead of using the benefits of wooded terrian, the A/I would always send the units down the sides of the road.

    This offered little cover for the two airborne companies. Is the A/I prone to suicide charges?


  9. Why is it that the AI always takes the first shot and always gets a hit or knock out? AI also appears to reload faster and take twice as many shots.

    I have noticed when playing against the AI that most of my tanks (either allied or german) miss by several feet on numerous shots they take, while the AI damages or knocks out each one without a miss. I realize in previuos posts that BTS had said the AI has no more advantage than the player. This can't be true, the AI has no problem finding a hairline opening in the terrain while the player has great difficulty. The AI rarely misses a shot. It is very difficult to make minute adjustment when making an LOS assessment. Also, as of yet, I have not been able to manuever an armored unit into a hulldown position. Any comments on this? Why do the player controlled soldiers have such a difficult time when scoring hits on enemy armored units?

    In one battle of VoT, I had gotten a panzerschreck within 50m of a sherman for a flank shot. It missed 5 times and ran out of ammo. A german platoon was beside the panzerschreck, holding off an allied platoon across the road.

    I have given an armored unit a firing order on an enemy armored unit in its LOS. Instead of carrying out the firing order it retargets an infantry platoon and gets knocked out by the enemy armored unit.

    I find this most prevelant in the CE scenario.


  10. I have played against the AI for both sides and won both games. I would say the sides are balanced. Three machine gun bunkers, an anti-tank bunker, a Panther plus another german platoon around turn 15 and the mine fields make the game well balanced. Playing the german side, I have used the mine fields and barbed wire to get the allied platoons to manuever into an ambush situation and eliminated two platoons with one german platoon and an HMG unit. The anti-tank bunker, if placed well can take out the two shermans at the beginning with panzerschrecks(sp?), taking out some others until reenforcements arrive.

    I have noticed the AI doesn't move the troops around the field fast. It does a more cautious approach until it eliminates any armored threat.


  11. I have done a little work with fuzzy logic. Command tree branching is not familiar to me. To my knowledge, fuzzy logic works by using a mathematical process that calculates weighting factors to identical variables contained in thousands of samples of data. It is similar to how the brain works. An analogy would be, if you put your hand on something hot while getting a drink of water you will remove your hand from the hot object before drinking the water. One event has priority over another. The brain has a higher weighting factor assignment to the first event than the second.

    Just my 2 cents.


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