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Posts posted by Sten

  1. Wolfe,

    13 different batteries opens up on preplotted locations that are exactly on top of the enemy?

    I'd say that 40% losses were about right, (no knowledge, just gut feeling) maybe even a bit low, but that might be due to those heavy buildings.

    But after all that heavy stuff was over, you were left with a company of infantry, right? And you were supposed to attack a force of about 60% * 2000 = 1200 points, right?

    That must have been a total loss?


  2. Although I tend to agree with most of what's being said here, keep in mind that the ultra-efficient smoke does not help the AI to a greater degree than the player. When the smoke blocks LOS in a tank duel and your tank turns his turret the other way, so does the AI's tank.

    *Captain Foobar* said:

    "I just don't like being at a disadvantage when the smoke clears."

    The smoke gives the attacker a bonus, not the AI.


  3. As A. Lennox put it:

    "Don't mess with a missonary man."


    Shogun is great but right now it is getting all the attention. CM is, IMHO, far better and getting no PR at all in csipgs.


    Yes, CM is being noted there.

    For almost two years I read nothing but csipgs, thinking that was enough, and that comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-histroical was too grog-'nerdy' for me. Maybe there still are people making the same mistake?



    Keep your whisky on the rocks and your tanks on the roll.

    [This message has been edited by Sten (edited 06-30-2000).]

  4. This forum is fantastic in so many ways. But due to the quality of the discussion here, not much discussion is seen outside of this forum.

    Comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategic is a usenet newsgroup dedicated to discussions about, you guessed it, strategy games. Many of the locals there are quite opinionated and more than a little trigger-happy if their opinion varies from yours.

    But no matter how much we like this forum, there's no denying that CSIPGS has a wider audience.

    I think it could help CM if some of the excellent discussions held on this board were made a little more 'public' than they currently are.

    Note that I'm not saying that we should all abandon this forum, not at all. This forum is excellent and CM owes a great deal of what it is to this forum.

    I just think that we could increase CM sales by letting the 'not-yet-believers' take part of our discussions, instead of only 'preaching to the converts' as we are here.

    As it is now CSIPGS is swamped in posts about Shogun and to the casual usenet reader it might look like that is about all the strategy-scene has to offer right now.

    Let's show them that this is not so.

    If you decide to post on CSIPGS, please keep in mind that all PR ISN'T good PR.

    Keep it on topic and civil, or have your asbestos suit handy.



    Keep your whisky on the rocks and your tanks on the roll.

  5. PopFreak11,

    remove the spoiler material, please.

    Do a search. The question re realtime has been answered numerous times. Basically the answer is No.

    The reason?

    Because detailed command of 100 men in realtime is very UNrealistic. As a company commander you'd realistically have little or no control over most of your forces once battle is joined. Platoon/squad leaders would than have the control, and hopefully they'd carry out the orders you gave them BEFORE battle was joined.

    It might be fun, but when several military units are involved, real-time = time for the unreal. wink.gif



    Keep your whisky on the rocks and your tanks on the roll.

  6. KOP,

    Go over to the GamesDomain website. Read the CM review.

    Do you still think CM would be a sure loser?

    My only doubt is that due to the chosen method of distribution CM won't reach the same-sized audience that, say, CC5. But if we keep banging CMs drum publically, maybe we can help CM win.

    (Don't bang too hard, though. People tend to find strong and/or incessant drumming annoying...) smile.gif


  7. GamesDomain (my fav site), as well as many other sites, runs a "Game of the year" poll in january each year.

    I prefer GamesDomain due to their thorough and well thought through reviews and interesting columns.

    Computer games online gets second place and they also host a "Best of the year" poll.

    Look around at the gaming sites and decide which you prefer. Then join the polls on as many sites as you like.

    So the answer to your original question is 'No'. There is no one-and-only award for Game of the year.


  8. GreasyPig,

    It's not left out.

    If your HT had a functioning weapon, enough men to man it and any remaining ammo, there is a target command.

    If not, then this is a bug, which noone else has encountered. I think it's more probable that one of the three above mentioned prerequisites were missing, don't you? wink.gif


  9. I've seen my name on several occasions.

    Once I was a tank commander who got shot by a sniper in the beginning of the battle. I found out where the sniper was hiding and proceeded to rain HE on the building until it caught on fire.

    Felt good.

    Sten Friberg

    [This message has been edited by Sten (edited 06-28-2000).]

  10. Let the infantry embark the jeep.

    Plot the move for the jeep.

    Plot the move for the infantry.

    The infantry will remain in the jeep until it stops, whereafter they will proceed to the destination you chose on foot.

    It's that simple. smile.gif


    [This message has been edited by Sten (edited 06-28-2000).]

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