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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Sten

  1. Royston,

    if you like the game, as you seem to do, don't you want more games like this one? When I was 15 or so (IBM XT, with the 'turbo' it got up to 4.77 MHz, no hard drive) I had lots of more or less pirated games. In the following years I saw more than I wanted of developers going out of business after one game, often a really good one, no less. After realizing that by pirating I (yes, 'I', no-one else) condemmed these guys to chapter 11 , I decided that that was not something I wanted to be a part of.

    Since then I've bought every game that ever was on my hard drive. And I'm damn proud of that because I know that I (no-one else), through my money, have been instrumental in producing the titles I like.

    I don't pride myself with having especially high moral standards, but you should feel gratitude towards ALL the buyers of the games you and your friends pirate. The games are there because of them.

    Either buy the game at full price and enjoy it. Or, don't buy it and miss out on a good thing. Choosing (the non-)option 3, enjoying it without paying for it, for WHATEVER reason just makes you a parasite.


  2. I'd like the Esc key to cancel whatever order I'm giving. I'm just used to it and it bugs me whenever I hit it by mistake. Why have two quasi-workarounds; x to cancel targetting, (backspace to cancel last part of a movement order, which is fine) but if you want to cancel the whole order you've to left-click and then backspace.I'll use Alt-Tab if I want to go to the desktop.

    Just my two Pfennigs.


  3. Realistic?

    Realistic would be to be able to redirect an already ongoing barrage with a very small time delay. ("Forward Observer 1 to Battery Commander: Correct 200 meters west.") No need for new spotting rounds.

    What is unrealistic though, is to retarget, realize it'd take 3 mins for effect, and then be unable to withdraw the order and just continue with the ongoing barrage.

    Or, if there is a system to it all so that a new target within 100 m of the old one takes 1 min, outside of that it takes 2 min. It might just be a documentation thing.


    [This message has been edited by Sten (edited 11-02-99).]

  4. Ahem.

    Fionn, I'm not THAT stupid. wink.gif

    Reread my post and you'll see that the point was to have the confirmation box BEFORE I assign a new target. I know the info is there, but it's only there AFTER I have assigned a new target. I want the dialogue BEFORE I assign, since if it will take 1 min to impact I would want to retarget whereas if it would take 3 mins I might want to keep the original target or choose another one.

    I have been in situations where I hear myself say "Damn, had I known it'd take 3 mins I wouldn't have retargetted at all." And once you have given a new target, it's too late to go back.


  5. When retargeting artillery there is a new delay before the strike at the new location. Sometimes this delay is one minute or less, sometimes it is as much as three minutes. I have not been able to figure out how this delay is determined.

    Wouldn't it be a good idea to have a 'confirmation dialogue' when targeting artillery? Something like: "Time to strike at this location would be 2 min. Do you want to target? Yes/No?"

    This would enhance playability and I think it would be realistic since the FO would have that info. (Or a rough estimate.)


  6. Wouldn't this open the opportunity for a player to start the game up on his computer, all by himself, and playing both sides, thereby learning the exact location and strength of the enemy? He could then just quit the game and continue the PBEM as if nothing happened.

    No, I'm against this. The cheat possibilities should be kept to a minimum, even if they can't be abolished.


  7. Hopefully this hasn't been covered before. If it has, I missed it. Sorry.

    Someone on the newsgroup comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategic (Puddle??) mentioned this and I think it sounds like a good idea.

    Imagine this: You're in your favorite 'overview' position where you can look at the whole battlefield and still retain some detail as to what is going on. Suddenly that sherman starts to move towards the open ground in plain LOS of your Flak-88. To get the feeling of impending doom you click the sherman and hit 'tab'. Camera locks to the sherman and your spirit soars as the turret stops turning towards your Flak-88 and tilts to the left. Another americanishe panzer down! Now where was I.....

    How long will it take you to get the camera back to your good 'overview' position? With a bit of practice it won't take more than 5 sec, depending on how picky you are. Wouldn't it be a great idea to be able to get back with a keystroke? Save certain camera positions with 'Alt' + number and get back to that position with 'Ctrl' + number, for example?


  8. Charles,

    I think it would be a good idea to take out the sounds/visuals when unspotted units get hit. Maybe you could have some sort of probability for a unit to show damage. 100% if the unit is fully spotted, down to 60% if I know what type of infantry, 40% if I know it is infantry, 20% ........ etc., etc.

    For immersion it might be an idea to keep the reactions every time a 'figure' is lost. It is probably realistic even from far away that the shooter would somehow notice if more than 1/3 of his target went down.


  9. Heh, that's why I rarely dig foxholes (or do any type of gardening) with anything but a 15cm howitzer. smile.gif

    I see what you mean, and I agree, it is a good system.

    *Academical question mode on*

    Ok, but what if my guys in the foxhole engages an enemy (50m, level terrain) and then I decide that they bit off more than they could chew, so I tell my by then spotted guys in the foxhole to hide. Realistically they should be able to get out of LOS, but as I understand "cover rating" that would not be possible, right?

    *Academical question mode off*


    (Who is facing charges for reckless endangerment for the howitzer stunt. "It was Steve, I tell you!" "He made me do it!!" - NOOOOooooo...... Finally breaks down and whimpers in the squad car.)

  10. Bil, thanks for the link, but my main question has not been explained, nor discussed, earlier. The thread you're referring to was the very one that led up to my question. The LOS into a shellhole could be done realisticly if CM had had an 'elevation -1' level. I was wondering how it is done now that CM doesn't.

    Can a small number of men (i.e. an FO team) be OUT of LOS from an enemy fairly close by and on level terrain?


  11. OK, I see.

    Brian, thanks for explaining the level 18 hill and mineshaft-like shellhole problem. I would NEVER have figured that out for myself. wink.gif

    Could the 'elevation -1' be implemented in a later release then?

    With CM's LOS rules a deep shellhole should be able to completely hide a small team from view. I don't know if that is in fact already so, but I got the impression that if two combatants were 50 meters apart on level ground, they could trace LOS to each other even if one of them were in a shellhole. Is that the case?


    [This message has been edited by Sten (edited 10-22-99).]

  12. Steve, you said:

    -One of the major improvements, on the tips of many of our brains, but brought out by Fionn first,was the request to double the number of terrain elevation levels (20 now instead of 10). This allows for slightly smoother slopes, or more subtle dips and rises. Very nice addition which is already in use!

    Regarding an earlier discussion about whether shellholes were really 'holes' or just dark flat patches in the terrain, albeit with the proper defensive bonuses. Couldn't we have all the standard action take place on level 1, allow 18 levels of elevation above that and reserve level 0 for shellholes, basements or fords?


  13. Fionn, Martin, Patrick, Steve and Charles;

    My heartfelt thanks to all of you for your efforts, your diligence and your humour. The AAR's has been like a constant infusion of some wierd drug. I'm at a total loss for what to do now that they're gone. I'm hooked and beginning to feel the abstinence already. smile.gif

    Thanks again for a wonderful trip to CM-land.


  14. Bravo, Pixman!

    Adequate, well put and to the point. I would have said it myself, had I the eloquence, but alas, I don't. frown.gif

    "He said that we could destroy all the nuclear weapons in the world and it would matter naught if we did not destroy man's determination to kill his fellow man. Truer words were never spoken."

    The same quote has been used by people arguing against gun-control laws. NRA representatives are especially fond of it. This is really ironic since Einstein was one of the strongest voices on the "gun-control" -side of the argument. In his own words (modified by my memory):

    " The everyday mans lethality can hardly ever be reduced to zero, but not taking steps in that direction is sheer stupidity. "

    I don't want to start the "gun-control or not" debate. But I'm pretty sure Einstein would have wanted to... smile.gif


  15. Both Fionn and Martin have submitted at least up to and uncluding turn 33. (Or so THEY claim. smile.gif )

    Did Fionn send PatB_TGN a contaminated email, thereby making him ill as well? Did any of the two combatants submit so tactically unsound moves that CM just refused to execute the action-phase? Might it be a conspiracy thing? That must be it! You are all reading and discussing the AAR's in a secret forum, keeping me out out of pure malevolence.

    Stop it immediately!

    Now look what you all did. I gotta go see my therapist again. Where did I put those Demerols?

    incoherent ramblings......


  16. What happend to them?

    I used to look forward to these things with shinier eyes than a kid at christmas time. And I used to get it every day! smile.gif

    But now there's been only one in the last week.

    Is Fionn or Martin ill? Did any of their computers break down? Did they TIRE of the game? (No, scratch that. That's too unthinkable.) Is it like a pusher-thing, first 31 turns for free, rest of them for only $5 a piece? wink.gif


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