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Posts posted by Silencer

  1. hmm, can't see my first post, second try:

    the test,

    I'v put some PZIV, tigers, JT, KT, JP, P, and some other tanks wich main gun was larger then 50mm.

    Also some HT with standard MG-guns on it.

    Not one of the tanks shot at the planes, no tracers, nothing.

    IF IRC, the famour first AAR of Fionn, where he lost HT's and panther due to jabos, he said that in the final version the HT would shoot back at the planes. I'not seen it happen yet.

    So there is no modelling of AA-guns on the german tanks. If someone has screenshots that show ORANGE tracers being fired at planes, plz post.



    "Has anyone tested the skf AA HTs?- Do they have to turn the ht to the back before shooting"

    Nope, the AA-HT and AC have rotating platforms or turrets (like the 234/1).

    but the react faster when faced the right direction.


  2. the test,

    I'v put some PZIV, tigers, JT, KT, JP, P, and some other tanks wich main gun was larger then 50mm.

    Also some HT with standard MG-guns on it.

    Not one of the tanks shot at the planes, no tracers, nothing.

    IF IRC, the famour first AAR of Fionn, where he lost HT's and panther due to jabos, he said that in the final version the HT would shoot back at the planes. I'not seen it happen yet.

    So there is no modelling of AA-guns on the german tanks? If someone has screenshots that show ORANGE tracers being fired at planes, plz post.

    Madmatt, Fionn help...


    there are a few HT with AA-capability.

    one with a slow 20mm turret, one(well, more an armoured truck) with a quad 20mm and another with a 30mm. And the AC, 234/1 with a 20mm.

    they do not have to turn to fire, but when faced in the right direction, they react faster, especially in the first case.


  3. "Remember secondary vehicle MG's don't show targeting lines"

    Aha :). yes, now you say it. You can als hear it when allied armour shoots at planes by the sound of the 50cal.

    Donno of i heard the german AA-MG fire on the tanks? Gonna test this evening.

    MG guns on SPW, yes, that shield looks heavy.

    But if they face the right direction, and the plane is still far away, the elevation isn't so high.

    Madmatt, do you know if AA-MG on german tanks is modelled?



  4. hmmm,

    another test I ran with some 10 AA-vehicles.

    they never shot down 1 plane, very strange.

    Always missed (elite crews, almost every tank KO after the battle)

    This only happened once, and before I installed the 1.01 patch.

    Never had this occur again.

    Do you want to know if a plane is shut out of the sky? zoom out completely, and you see the shadow over the ground. Sometimes the shadow just disappears, (and some explosions noises). One plane down!!

    What wonders me is that none of the german tanks have the AA-MG guns installed on their tanks. Especially 44-45 was this a important matter IIRC. Sure one tank with a 7.62mm won't do any harm on a plane, but when a platoon of tanks is spraying lead against the pilot.....

    Which tanks had a AA-MG guns on them? (almost every late war tank HAD fittings for the MG IIRC)


  5. Doesn't AA work??

    try this test:

    senario flat map:


    buy 6 wirblewinds, 6 ost's. (vets or higher)

    place them in a circle, oriented outwards.

    Do not button up, they will spot the plane far to late.


    buy planes of 10 , with 3 reinforcement, so that you have 40 planes.

    (oh and a few infantery in woods somewhere).

    let the fun begin

    my result was:

    32 planes dead planes,

    2 tanks KO


  6. Sten,

    "Why would you want to target an already burning tank?,"

    I don't, was just observation.

    Paulus: you can never recover a Knocked out tank. (abondonned yes)

    depends on the senario I guess.

    In the Villers-Bocage senario.

    I had 2 tanks that where immobelised on my part of the map, way back actually. During the 2 and the 3 battle they where abandoned.

    I think there has to be some time between 2 battles to recover vehicles, like a night or half a day....


  7. hmmm,

    "You can always target ENEMY tanks, knocked out or not, even in the same battle. Sure you weren't trying to target a knocked out friendly tank?"

    --> well, just knocked out tanks you still can retarged. But (now, i'll have to recheck this evening to be absolutely sure) burning tanks you can't in the same battle.

    for example; an abandoned tank. you target your tank to destroy it. your tank will continue to shoot at it UNTILL it explodes or burns. (even when the msg says knocked out, they will continue to shoot).

    When the tank burns and you want to target it again (just to test), you can't select the tank anymore. (but i'll have to recheck it this evening)

    " Optics taken in consideration"

    --> for CM or CM2?


  8. Scott, yes, cranking up the experience does help for great distances, but sooner or later they will also fight under the 500m, so that doesn't work well.

    As a sidenote, a see the BTS even included Gyro's in some Shermans, even though they where allmost never used in combat due to be unreliable (and had to be recalibrated every time). But for the realism they where included, which is good. OTOH Zeis optics wern't included, which was far more important IMHO.

    If it's too much of coding to include in a patch, leave it that way. I can only hope that the Optics are included in CM2, where armoured engagements often happend at 1000+.

    (and the terrible Russian optics)

    as to the bugs, here are the piccies:

    enjoy :)



  9. ok.

    operation Villers-Bocage:


    First one, have been able to reproduce.

    when a tank is knocked out, (in my case an allied cromwell)in the first battle,

    when you shoot at them in the 2e (or 3e) battle (to get an explosion or for fun), the crews will bail out again!!!!

    happens every time with every tank.


    Once a tank is Knocked out, you can't target them again in the same battle, but the battle thereafter, you can again, and with the crews bailing out again.


    In the second battle, again, i shot up an abandonned tank from a previous battle, and as expected the crew bailed out again, but this time they kept coming. every 3 seconds new crews bailed (with the hatch sound being played again and again).

    After 4 turns it stopped, but there where lying over 50 dead crew bodies from the tank till the nearest house,

    not to speak over all the survived crews that scattered.

    I have taken screenshots of it, but i dont know how to paste them here. I also have the save-files.

    I also wanted to adress that the lack of the better German Optics where not taken in consideration. As discussed before, most engagements where taken under 1km, where it wasn't that important, but for example in Villers-Bocage, the main long road was over 2.2 km long, and I had several duals with a distance over the 2km.

    At this distance the allied optics was pretty much useless, but the optics of the germans still worked pretty good (zooming and distance regulation by the triangles).

    So I ask BTS to plz include the better optics as it was a DECISIVE factor on ranges +1000m.




  10. hehe, Madmatt.

    yup I did, I check it everyday for updates!

    btw Winter tiger looks great, only the number on the back of the turret?? when you have 3 tigers, they all have the same number.

    bit funny, anyway, what was the use for it?

    back to the AA stuff,

    yestaday I applied the patch, and now it works great!!

    I had some 12 osts/wirblewind positioned in a large circle for excellent defence.

    result: in 25 turns, 31 planes shot down, 2 tanks abandonnned (none destroyed!!)


    One strange thing though. When buttoned up, they can't(won't?) NEVER shoot at planes.

    (prob to fast planes and not good spotting when buttoned up)

    But they can(and will) still shoot at infantery when buttoned up with they main guns. Does this mean when the crew buttons up, they go in the lower hull or just duck, out of sight and sit between the turret armour??

    In the last case though, they still should be able to spot planes easily coz it's an open turret!!.

    any ideas (Fionn?)


    ps; want some fun, place a few perchings against 10 ost's/wirbles at +1000m.

    watch the fireworks. (with me the perchings bailed within the first 2 turns :)

  11. hi Fionn :)

    well, I tested it several times, same results. Last night I added about 7ost's and 10 wirblewinds against 2 planes.

    created a flat paved terrain of approx 500 at 1500m.

    results where 8 dead/emty tanks.

    Can you see in the After action report when a plane is Killed? (is it listed there?)

    hav'nt seen it yet.

    Maybe the high score of the plane is due to the pure flat terrain i created. Anyways, i'm gonna try this a few times more.


  12. Last night i was testing the editor.

    just for fun i trew in some 10 wirblewinds/ostwinds (vets/elite) against 1 american plane(regular).

    Result, 5KO tanks??

    how is this possible? should't the plane be outnumered and have no chance?

    what i notice is that the AA-units fire very low at the plane, and suddenly the plane is very high dropping stuff. Especially the 50cal of the plane is deadly.

    my question: why don't the AA-units won't work properly?


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