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Mark IV

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Posts posted by Mark IV

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ParaBellum:

    I think I don't like you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    If you don't like Mr. Phan, you're going to hate the rest of us. He's warm and phuzzy. I like to hug his Cromwells 'til their little turrets pop out. Gootchie-gootchie-goo, he's a cute lil feller. Tickle his belly with 20 mike-mikes, then a big 75mm smooches to him, little boomkins.

    You stinking lumps (we're done with mr9mm, this is for the rest of you sorry lot): I have been gone lo these many days, as previously advertised, at least partially in the company of a goddess, and not missing you all in the least, also a matter of record. I had to stay an extra day. Just now I have driven 5 straight hours home up the I-5, tastefully averting my gaze at the Rest Area where PeterNZer and chrisl met, and on my return, I find a bunch of mewling, fawning fan mail: "Please, Mr. IV, kick my ass"... "Bitte, Herr IV, vernichten Sie mich"... "Hoot mon, yar knochen the Calvin oota mae trrrooops cairn blarnabagh"... "Don Quatro, you get my imitacion pathetica de la tactica?"... usw.

    It's enough to make your skin crawl. Turns out in the AM and then gone fishin' for the weekend to the coast. Right now I'm getting drunk and catching up on some of the Boardie twaddle. I'm beginning to think they should close the bugger down 4 days every week, except for this, the One, the True, etc.

  2. Since I have only been playing Cesspoolers lately, and the worst dreck of the lot at that, I will point out that I am currently in CM exile in sunny San Diego and will not return to even sunnier and relentlessly horrible Fresno until late tonight or tomorrow morning. So you've waited this long for turns, you can wait some more.

    On the upside, one of my international trainees is a shapely young Brazilian lass of the blonde, blue-eyed persuasion. I haven't missed you scum at all. Still, I'd like to thank Mr. Johnson for fixing the board, and to blame chrisl for breaking it in the first place.

  3. Damn. My first Peng thread, gone. I'll bet chrisl blew it up again, like he did the first one. He has been trying to blow up all of my things lately. I wish he were more like Hiram or jd and drove straight into every possible trap, ambush, pothole, and telemarketing campaign I could conceive.

    I would like to edit this to point out that this is one of the second-dumbest names for the Peng Challenge thread ever, the dumbest being any by JoeShaw.

    [ 05-20-2001: Message edited by: Mark IV ]

  4. Germans had access to 12.7mm and 13.2mm MGs from Breda (Italy) from before the war.

    U-boats were fitted with 13.2mm Bredas late in the war. I don't think the Germans were generally impressed with the idea, except in AA roles, and even then as an expedient.

    However, even if they learned to fear Ma Deuce, the simple fact is that to use captured equipment on a widespread basis, you have to overrun a lot of enemy equipment first. Then, you have to gather up the equipment, provide an ammunition and parts source for it, and redistribute it. For vehicles, you have to adapt mounting gear.

    The Germans did not have this opportunity with Ami kit, like they did with Russian and French equipment, because they were generally holding or abandoning territory in the West, rather than occupying it.

    And someone else has made the other excellent point... the .50 has one of the most distinctive sounds on the battlefield, and is the acoustic equivalent of having a brass band play the Stars and Stripes in your foxhole. I'd rather have one side shooting at me than both of them.

  5. 'Twas glorious. Also, hot and noisy.

    Only 12 of the B-25s made it to town, and only 11 made it into formation today (one crapped out in the warm-up and parked it). You gotta hear those babies rev to appreciate it. Ma Deuce played a significant role, as most of the planes displayed the .50s in abundance (some of the Mitchells have the forward facing side guns, some versions don't).

    Yesterday, they flew in formation to Monterey and dropped flowers for Doolittle's grave.

    There were 3-4 Mustangs, a beeyootiful P47, Wildcats, Bearcats, and other blue carrier-type things. There was also the tres cool Avenger... I took one photo standing in the torpedo bay. Had your trainers and Stirlings, the C-46 China Doll... and the fighters are swarming over my office as I type this.

    I'll be cropping and adjusting JPEGs for awhile... if anyone wants to host some of them, lemme know. If modelers out there want them on a CD, e-mail me.

  6. Why is Panzer Bleeder starting an irrelevant thread on the CM forum? It really adds to the clutter here and I find it offensive. I want to know why tanks can't engage other tanks at 500m with iron sights after optical damage. How can I explore this with these endless meaningless anti-Peng threads? This is why Search takes so long. Grr grr mumble mumble...

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd:

    need sleep gack<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I pity all those who are dependent on sleep gacks. My poor old granny had to use a sleep gack in her later years, and the noise and the bruises made a lasting impression.

    Prior to engaging the gack and tightening all those straps, could you please return my one little setup turn, so that I can at least ponder the map while your therapy continues?

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ferdinand:

    Microsoft's consumer dedication is not exactly the same at BTS's (have you read the Microsoft manifesto ?), besides they have enough lawyers to take care of themselves.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Dunno which is more amusing, the lynch mob or this moral logic.

    If you're gonna report a pirate, do it and shut up. Don't show up here for your gold star.

    If you're gonna shoplift, do it and shut up. Don't try to justify it.

    'Scuse me, but Dell's customer service sucks and I have to go smash a store window and steal a computer. C ya.

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

    So, how long does it take to drive from LA to Fresno? :D<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Where in LA and what time of what day? I can do Fresno to Glendale in about 2:45 without raising too many legal eyebrows, if I miss the rushes. Anaheim, three and a half, but anything can happen on I-5 between there and Glendale... you know the deal.

    I'm going to see if I can snap a quick digital preview right now....

  10. BTS seems to be pretty smart. Here's why I think they wouldn't do that:

    The biggest market by far for PC games is the US (nothing personal, meter-heads, it's just numbers). The setting of CMBO has the broadest appeal to the largest market (Americans) 'cause their daddies and granddaddies were "there", plus full appeal to the grog niche, and sufficient appeal to the Euros, since they were not only involved, but hosted the historical event. So CMBO was wisely targeted to the biggest possible chunk of the market.

    CM2 starts getting a little narrower in appeal. Many American gamers are only dimly aware of this little series of obscure skirmishes in a remote area with unpronounceable names. It will not leap off the virtual shelves to casual gamers (unless CMBO has already set the hook). Grogs will lap it up but there aren't that many numbers in that segment. Euros may not have as much general interest, either. And many Russian gamers will acquire it at (ahem) greatly reduced rates through unofficial channels, the great Russian pasttime.

    So: Throwing the broad-market product in as a freeb, on the CD for the narrower market product, would be a curious thing to do. It'd be backwards. It's like saying, "buy the first tank of gas, and we'll throw in this free Chevrolet!" instead of the other way around.

    Now, what would eventually make sense when the product has truly declined, and CM 2, 3, & 4 are all on the street, would be a monster reissue of the 4-volume set as "WWII in the ETO" with updates, designer notes, and a T-shirt at a package price. WWII from Finland and Poland, all the way to Berlin. This is what works, which is why the gaming companies all do it. Fence-sitters and newcomers buy the whole shootin' match at deal pricing and you get new cash flow out of the moldy old code.

    Of course, the logic above would virtually guarantee CM5: The PTO, wouldn't it? Doh....

  11. You never did answer the question about pods, however:

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>It is true. I am heartless and I have no mercy. It does not appear in my user profile but I think I have mentioned elsewhere that I am a Pod. Pods are not human. Sometimes we like to help the humans, but mostly we just like to irritate them. We especially like to send countless numbers of 3D animated humans to flaming deaths, both the enemy and our own. It is the one thing in life that gives us pleasure (other than substance abuse, spousal abuse, self abuse and rodent abuse {DIE, MICKEY MOUSE, DIE!}) OK 4 things give a Pod pleasure, and maybe watching a little TV now and then and sometimes a nice walk in the woods...6 things. Oh, and Dark Chocolate Cheese cake!!! 7 things!!! there are Seven Things that make a POD HAPPY!!! And when your youngest is finally toilet trained! That's great. Yeah, No MORE DIAPERS! THAT MAKES PODS HAPPY!!! AH AH AH HA HA HA HA HA HEE HEE HEE OH I'M SOOOOO HAPPPPYYYYYYY!!!!

    Peng out <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Peng Lore

  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

    I will personally send a cheque for $5.00 american to the pooler who can dig up my Very First Post as MrPeng. The first to re-post it here will be sent the prize.

    Any takers?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=001937]The Nascent Peng

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I am the "friend" of whom Elvis speaks. and while i have to agree with him about tcp/ip i feel i must warn you all that he is a swine, a liar and has an abnormally large head. that aside, he only wants tcp because my head is so fat i can't get the pbem files to download correctly so we haven't really been able to play that way.

    i am not a shoot em up player and i like to have plenty of time to think about how to best shred my opponent, but i get into trouble if i spend too much time thinking about it.

    Elvis has spent many too many hours accross an ASL board waiting for me to move and then sluaghters me because i over-thought the move. It almost seems like cheating to spend too much time planning a move in CM. i felt guilty playing against the AI if i looked at a turn from too many angles or more than once. (I was surprised to learn that the evil Elvis looks at turns many times.)

    IMHO the game is designed not as a leisurely stroll with plenty of time plan but a bloody mess with gore and the stench of cordite, guts and fear and the loosed bowels of dying frightened men... sorry, got carried away.


    Mr Peng <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Hope that bowel thing cleared up.

    Please make check payable (memo in my name) to www.laphroaig.com

    Do it for the children.

    [ 05-10-2001: Message edited by: Mark IV ]

  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phillies Phan:

    My flanks are bruised and sore from all of the probing. Brave Polish lads scurry here and there in anticipation of him driving his German made armor things over to my backyard. Just a little closer, Deli boy. This won't hurt much. Its a Rune Scenario, so I look forward to laying a pimp slap upon his poor ego once more. Have I mentioned yet this month that I once had a draw against Mark IV?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I must admit I am impressed with the unorthodoxy of your recon technique. Kudos for striking out on your own, thinking outside the box of hidebound historical precedent, and stretching the envelope of tactical thinking.

    However, to inject a pedantic arithmetical note, there is nothing so far to suggest you will not duplicate your previous record score against Elvis, while there is quite a bit of smoldering evidence that you will. I know it's early yet and that you have a fecal-load of Allied arty to launch.

    But the score right now is Me: an undetermined but large number, You: 0.

    I am curious about the scurrying hither and thither. It reminds me of the description of our economy as "sideways waffling". I didn't think economic theory and tactics had much synergy, but I'm learning a lot in this enjoyable adventure.

    And keep your pimp away from me. Your business relationships have nothing to do with this war, you flippant little hairdresser.

  14. More velocity, and not enough lead. 5.56 is fine if you're not going to hit anything anyway, but ya need some THREAT behind all that suppression. Slight exaggeration... but in a NATO environment, as opposed to jungle, I just never thought it was enough lead.

    The web site M. Username cites is a long-standing favorite of mine. It has a bone to pick with Marshall & Sanow, and the probably bogus Strasbourg goat tests, and I tend to agree with it. Fackler's the man for military wound ballistics (Jeff Cooper is immortal, but not an infantryman), though the FBI studies in ballistic gelatin provided a lot of good physics that apply to all bullets, even if the focus was boring old handgun ammo. Debunking the hollow-point myths alone, was a better than average return for my tax dollar.

    SO: nothing in modern wound ballistics proves that velocity is bad. However, everything points to "bigger is better", because depth of penetration AND tissue damage are the key to "stopping power", up to the point where the rifleman can no longer lay down effective suppressive fire due to recoil. Hence the "intermediate round" as exemplified by 7.62 x 39mm Soviet, where "bigger, faster, more controllable" all come together. And we all know where it came from... the MP44.

    Fackler Sampler - Military Wounds

    Or as a real student of the subject puts it,

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>"The only method of reliably stopping a human with a handgun is to decrease the functioning capability of the central nervous system (CNS) and specifically, the brain and cervical spinal cord. There are two ways to accomplish this goal: 1) direct trauma to the CNS tissue resulting in tissue destruction and 2) lack of oxygen to the brain caused by bleeding and loss of blood pressure." <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    This does apply equally to a rifle bullet. It is only more efficient in achieving these ends. The .30 carbine, being closer to a handgun cartridge in performance, diminishes the range at which it is an effective incapacitator. On the other hand, at ranges over 100m we are not as worried about a few seconds of hostile capability after impact. We would still like to penetrate cover and vehicle skins.

    AP in your squad's fire support weapon makes sense because you don't know what you'll encounter next. It wouldn't help "knock a man down" (over standard ball ammo), but it might make you feel better about being prepared for it. Good psychology, bad science. I think AP in the BAR was more the "ready for anything" mentality but await correction on this point.

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