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Joe Shaw

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Posts posted by Joe Shaw

  1. 2 hours ago, ng cavscout said:

    The value of hours played to dollars spent for CM is off the charts. The only game I've purchased that equals the value of the CM family is ARMA2/3. The community is also fantastic. I met one of my best friends, @Joe Shaw through these forums back in 2002 or 2003.

    One of? Seriously he’s quite right. The whole concept of CM blew me away when I saw a screenshot and slim description ... somewhere more than 20 years ago. It’s still very unique with the WEGO and Tac AI and dedication to accuracy. And, of course, it’s the reason for the BFC forum coming into existence which was my community for years. Mind you in those days it was BTS (Big Time Software). So many friends.

  2. 14 hours ago, Seanachai said:

    Maybe I should have handed this off to Joe Shaw, the Justicar, or Bauhaus (who is sitting), but I'm not tired, yet, or quite drunk, so I will post.  

    I am The Seanachai, of the Peng Challenge Thread.  Today, at 4:15, CST, Dan 'Berli' Brown, Gotz von Berlichtingen, died.  He was diagnosed with leukemia (neither capitalized, nor bolded) on the Wednesday before Christmas.  It came on like an unstoppable enemy, and despite the best efforts of the hospital he was at, and despite Berli's indomitable will, it finally put him down.  

    My last words to him were:  Peng and I will see you again in the Wasteland.  I know he will be waiting.

    Mostly to kick my arse all around and about.  But that's okay.

    He stomped upon the Terra.

    No my friend, far better from you. Thanks on behalf of the Mutha Beautiful Thread.


  3. Just wanted to pop in and wish all you wankers a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and a very Festive Yuletide. May you all find joy in this holiday season.


    Shut UP and Sod OFF! What kind of a Peng Challenge Thread has this become? "Hail Fellow, well met." ... "I say, do you happen to have any Grey Poupon?" ... "Thanks awfully old man, I do appreciate the kind words and advice"

    It's enough to make one vomit in disgust ... in MY day we had a Peng Challenge Thread worthy of the name, with naught but bile and innuendo ... some of it was actually true. And now to see a bona fide Knight of the CessPool wishing everyone Holiday Greetings (and don't start with me, I refer to the multiple holidays mentioned ... not that I much care WHAT you lot think of my views on the subject.)

    In MY day if you wanted to bold something you did it properly, as men do, with UBB code surrounding the words.

    In MY day we had GIANTS here, GIANTS I say. These mewling kittens that skitter about now aren't worthy to sop up the spillings from the piss buckets carried by the Squires in those days.

    No doubt some will take the opportunity to ATTEMPT to debase my comments by suggesting that I'm of ancient enough lineage as to rival that of Arthur, but by GAWD I know my Iron Chef Sakai from my Chupacabra from my Hakko Ichiu ("Hewhosenamesoundslikeasneeze") and in any case there's not a one of you who has the caliber to dent MY glacis.

    Were there still Knights of such stature I might still choose to inhabit these parts ... but it's too sad now, it's too hurtful to see.

    So piddle along as you choose, I remain the Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread and I STAND FOR THE CESSPOOL!

    Sir Joe Shaw, JFLPCT


  4. OGSF and Nidan1 ... aren't we privileged ... at least I think we're privileged, with OGSF it's hard to tell what he's saying so he could just as easily have been ordering a pizza online and came here by mistake. He gets that way when he's in his cups ... and when isn't he. As to Nidan1, well lads he's had twelve too many roundhouse kicks to the head to take anything he says at face value ... a good thing too since I've seen photos of his face {shudder}.



  5. Overnight? It's been MONTHS Boo Radley and he has successfully completed the course of study required of aspirants to the mantle of Knight of the Shavian House ... granted it was a correspondent course but it was comprehensive and covered all the major facets including respect for and acknowledgment of my status as the Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread. And he has posted a sufficiency of AARs in my humble but correct opinion. 


    Jealousy ill becomes you Boo Radley ... but then pretty much everything ill becomes you these days. Maybe it's just YOU.



  6. I would remind you speedbump2 that it's the custom of the Shavian House to properly bold the names of full members of the Peng Challenge Thread. It's not a requirement of course but certainly should be considered a best practice.


    We covered that during your Squireship ... week 14 as I recall from the syllabus ... "The Sacred Traditions and Honors of the Peng Challenge Thread and How to Best Clean the Greasetraps in Tunnel 3."



  7. I have been lax my friends, not to be confused with Ex Lax though the results of that are much the same as one sees here.


    My young friend and protege, sburke has been toiling valiantly in the vineyards that are the Cesspool and I ... well, I have not. But he has upheld the honor and glory that is the Shavian House and is to be commended for that.


    As a result, and in my capacity as Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, I hereby announce to one and all that the Squire sburke is now and shall be known as Sir sburke


    He is and shall always now be, a full fledged Knight of the CessPool and a fully accredited and promoted Knight of the Shavian House.


    Arise Sir sburke and serve your House well.


    Sir Joe Shaw, JFLPCT.

  8. I am back lads ... but now I have to be gone again. A full week in Texas has to be followed by another full week in Texas followed by yet another full week in Des Moines. Those are some full weeks but I'm consoled by the reminder that the honor and glory that is the Shavian House is well maintained by Sir Speedbump and that Most Loyal and Trustworthy Squire sburke. Lay on with a will lads, these miscreants can only hope to contain us, they can't stop us.

  9. In related news ... well not really but it's the only news that's important to me (other than reading with great pleasure the exploits of that scion of the Shavian House, Sir Speedbump), I'll be out of town in Texas for the next two weeks. Do make the attempt to carry on in my absence. You won't be able to of course but make the attempt.



  10. I'd like to express my usual disdain and disgust at the majority of you present, excepting of course the THREE members of the Shavian House who grace our humble abode and lend some class to an otherwise undistinguished gathering. I'd like to but the holiday spirit has once again taken hold and I'm obliged therefore to wish you all ...


    A Rollicking Ragnarok!



  11. My good Noba (and I won't even attempt to translate that as Nooba..no, no too easy), the recognition of Sir Joe Shaw upon my return is nothing more than recognizing my superior in the Shavian House.  Clearly this is a concept that should be instinctual to you as everyone is your superior....


    File will be on the way soonest...



    Welcome Home my lad, it is good to see you Sir Speedbump and the Shavian House will always be your home away from home. In fact I believe we still have your old desk in the attic. You remember the one that you scratched a crude figure of a woman with an arrow pointing toward her and the inscription ... "Speedbump goes here"? For old times sake I could likely lay on a three hour seminar on the subject of "Nidan1, a Really Stupid Name or What?" Or perhaps you'd like to take a shot at presenting "Australians, You Really CAN Live Somewhere Else" ... I'm sure that Our Most Loyal and Trustworthy Squire sburke would appreciate your insight.


  12. You mean like you two right?

    Actually My Most Loyal and Trustworthy Squire sburke that's not entirely accurate. Those two ASPIRE to being the usual run of knuckle draggers. Once they master the tricky aspect of dragging both knuckles at once they might attain that lofty, for them, goal. And, to be fair, it may be a difficult task for them. You and I, of course, can't really appreciate the problem as our species has evolved beyond knuckle dragging, grinding rocks and living in Ohio or Washington. So on this Christmas Day I urge a bit of compassion for our less fortunate brethren.


    Your Liege

    Sir Joe Shaw, JFLPCT

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