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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Foobar

  1. oh man i suck.. i hate it here... i hate myself. please destroy me.
  2. What the hell is going on! I hate the colors. Where is everyone! I hate change. umm... Roborat, send me a turn, you f*cko. I will just hold my position here until reinforcements arrive.
  3. i say code it. I've got a tnt-2 video card and I'm ready to squander half my processing on smoke columns! (tongue in cheek)
  4. I know this thread is long, but I want to make a couple of points, to BTS/FIONN/managmement... 1) Any dork who would spend his precious free time reading & posting countless messages would have to be either a) Some kind of compulsive freak who needs some serious help. Some kind of gamer who is absolutely in love with the product here My perception is that you guys feel besieged by a bunch of malcontents with no appreciation for all your efforts and hard work.Only OSCAR posts messages without positive intent. Even if the people don't express it to you enough, This game is a GIANT LEAP. And I have also never had so much response by game designers to comments I post at my whims. So I for one want to say thanks. (And I'm not just trying to get a free Tiger poster.) 2) The leader/micromanager analogy is great. I find myself to be naturally hesitant, and every time I jump around the corner in a bold move, I get my d*ck in a vice. But we micrimangers who are posting REALLY wanna play.Now there is a list of survivors in the AAR, could this somehow be accessed during the game (alt-?) 3) So here is my real suggestion (and this is for the final version), or a download. We need some sort of CM101, where we can learn this VISION you guys have. And I encourage micromanagers to try to get outside of our comfort zone. I'm enjoying the game, but I am always missing details. So teach us how to do it your way, and thanks again. ------------------
  5. well, I have played 3 times on last defense as axis. I have a cumulative loss of 9 armor units, and one confirmed hellcat kill. The hellcat was killed by artillery fire. And just as I'm plotting my revenge, with my arty spotter "ok, jerky, HERE COMES THE PAIN!!!" , an unbuttoned hellcat spots my FO at 800m +. The only thing more painful than waiting 10 minutes for 105 shells from a shaken spotter, is to have a Tiger Commander greased by small arms fire... man what a game though, I'm having fun even when they're kicking my butt!! (less fun, mind you)
  6. you know, I hate that all the posts become unmanagable sometimes, but it's FUN to talk about... any chance that there could be a chat area for CM-ers??? If any of you have considered that, tell me.
  7. sorry fionn, should have checked the search.
  8. OK, Ive read the posts where BTS has no intention of making a game soundtrack. So instead of whining like a retard, I'm taking my own problem on here. I want to build an wav format database of german march music/ and corresponding american music, which I can burn onto a cd and play while I'm in the game. If ANY of you are interested,OR have resources please post here and contibute! We could make this a collaborative effort. BTS if you have any response to what I'm doing please let me know.
  9. Yeah!!! when I play a hotseat game with my brother, I want to play it back for him, and HIGHLIGHT THE MOMENT I STARTED HANDING HIM HIS BUTT!!! excellent idea! ------------------
  10. Now I've only played 2 full engagements so far, but I found the enemy armor to be rather hesitant in acting. On last defense as axis, I barely managed to take the town by the time the hellcats arrived. They killed ALL my armor units from long range. I parked my last Halftrack on the bridge (hoping to exploit a bug that doesnt exist anymore), and dug in. They continued to wait on the hill, and I won with a minor victory. NOW THIS MIGHT HAVE BEEN FOW, BUT I FELT CERTAIN THAT THEY HAD A SUPPERIOR FORCE.
  11. Hey guys... I would have to say that I'm somewhere in the middle on this. I don't agree with the "need" for the unit list. But consider this. A commander would probably have on paper the name of his units. He would have an overhead map of the area he was attacking.(as was displayed on the AAR, sorry fionn!!) Personally I found myself sketching out the area, and trying to list out my units on a piece of paper. BUT , if I'm going to be honest, I've found that the last time I played, i did that a little less.Whenever you break the mold, people end up having to make adjustments. Overall though I've been enjoying the hell out of the game.
  12. ok, that explains alot, If this is realistic, (which I don't know 1 way or another) , I guess we'll see in the final version. I'll wait and see.
  13. If there are any home remodel specialists here, I need to figure out how to install build a computer cabinet in front of my toilet, I am getting tired of having to get up and deal with stuff like that. Needs room for a microwave and mini-fridge. While we're talking new guy questions, what is fow, and for that matter, can someone post at thread of all these darn abbr.? (that's short for abbreviations, but include ATAT) all the acronyms too...hehe ------------------
  14. Couldn't you guys just add some space filler to make me feel like I'm getting more? My ratio on new games is usually $.10 to .15 cents per meg, and this is going to be way out of proportion with what I usually spend per meg on my hard drive. All that high efficiency coding is just leaving my 10 gig idle!!!! Actually guys I'm just trying to fill it up to justify the purchase..hehe
  15. I just finished defending rieberg as germany, and even though I scored a total victory, it was just luck that my 88 killed the shermans on the road. The AI actually advanced w/ no armor and managed to take 3 buildings from me! High score, but close margin, I thought I was going to lose through the first half of the match. BTS, you guys have delivered big time!
  16. Harold, you are my hero, I was just about to say that I am preparing my own blistering firestorm of criticism, but where you're wrong is that you need to FLAME WITHOUT ANY FIRSTHAND KNOWLEDGE. If you don't know better, noone can argue you out of your position! (i.e., Im too lazy to read prvious related threads..)
  17. QUOTE: "We have all degenerated...into a deranged band of silly people" Since I was apparently the one that sent Preacher into a tizzy, by sharing my knowledge of pre-atomic color defecits,I feel I ought to respond to this one. Let the record show that I have not degenerated, as I have always been a deranged, silly, person; making degeneration completely unnecessary. Furthermore I am a low-brow non-grognard, adrenaline junkie, halflife playing, blue-collar worker, who just likes to have fun exercising my brain at what limited capacity I have. Talking about smoke trails on panzerfausts for 50 pages is a little dull,(no offense anyone). So if there are any other others of my subhuman ilk, make yourself known! hehe
  18. I just went to radio shack, and got a good set of OPTIMUS (in house brand I think). Anything that's comfortable with a quality sound. I haven't used my speaker's in weeks, since headphone sound is so much more focused. Oh, and I spent about $30 or so.
  19. P.S. , I just reaslized that I've been bothering you all a lot, and I don't want to monopolize your time, so feel free to ignore, when you're too busy to reply!
  20. I just finished reading the battle reports, re: your battle w/ martin that is posted on the gamers.net (BTW It was GREAT entertainment reading through both of your psyche's as you duke it out) But right after turn 36, there is no follow-up. I'M DYING TO KNOW IF YOU HAD ENOUGH POINTS TO WIN. Was there a winner? ------------------
  21. lawsona@home.com be warned, I am deadly with the railgun! hehe (i suck though; 1 of 10) ------------------
  22. I've been on this forum ever since I found out about the game. And I'm starting to worry about building this up to something beyond reality. Come on, you ALL have done it. Remember Christmas morning, 1980, and all you wanted was that darn Boba Fett cruiser, thought about it for 6 months? and when you got it you were let down? Yeah, well anyway, lets all just think tactics or something till it gets here. P.S.- please don't FLAME me for blasphemy here guys, but my imagination gets me thinking this game is gonna do my dishes.
  23. HOW TO WIN A COMBAT ENGAGMENT: Mikeman, thank you for the sore butt maxim! It helps me validate my own approaches hear because, well, I'm not a military historian, and definitely not at grognard level ability. I understand the tactics involved on a theoretical level, and I can rack up kills in a game of paintball, but the transfer of textbook tactics to REAL execution on the field gets fuzzy for me. That's probably why I enjoy this stuff so much. I am enjoying this thread guys, so keep up the input. What is the secret to winning an engagement? Expound on the art of composing this death symphony!
  24. I know there might be some serious grogs here who could care less about the opinions of beer & pretzels gamer like me, but the 3d dynamic of this game is what has drawn me to it. This might be the game that creates a common ground, Where quake2 deathmatchers and Avalon Hill gamepiece accountants can stand beside each other as brothers and cry out "ITS FUN TO BLOW STUFF UP" Thank you, this concludes my diatribe on gamer unification.
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