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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Foobar

  1. This coming from our consigliori... what a joke. While your honorary "of counsel" position here may earn you a bold text now and again, you are without place or position to speak on such matters. Your still bitter over that buttock thrashing I gave you in Singling Shootout.. I know it's true....Were you a knight here, I would be obliged to approach you with fear and loathing, but you are just a mongrel in a suit... The Pool's hired gun. Your statements mean nothing regarding my case. Be off with you...
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>...Hell, you are about as clever as toothpaste, and not the really clever whitening, brightening, anti-tartar, breathfreshening, anti-plaque gets the gunk out no matter what and leaves your breath kissably fresh toothpaste. Nope, you are more like that kind of toothpaste that the Brits use, the one that is as effective as brushing with a finger dipped in sucrose. Yup your cleverness falls on the low end of the toothpaste effectiveness scale. . Peng<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This is classic Peng, gentlemen. I refer any of you to read Of Cabbages and Kings , where the pod first cut his teeth on SS Panzerleader, comparing him not to toothpaste, but to a cabbage, leafy and malodorous and whatnot... Notice the analogy to a household item that we can all relate to, and how Peng lists in detail how his target does not even meet the minimum useful requirements of the aforementioned mundane object being used in analogy. This is what its all about folks.. brings tears to my eyes.. Now Joe Shaw, while I hate you with everything in me, I will concede that you know your pool very well. Getting back to my case at hand. What is the position of the Council in my kniggethood? When you have a year long Squire Challenge that took a full year to finish, only to end in a draw, what do we do? I ask not on my behalf, but on the behalf of poor Roborat, who was a good enough sport to endure my intentional delays and psyops... Is there any precedence? I think the record breaking length of our duel should certainly be taken into account.
  3. I thinks thats phlegm buildup in the back of the throat, my podular friend...... I put OGSF in the babelfish translator, DrunkenHighlander>English translation mode, but it came out even more confusing than the original..... OGSF <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Wha sippin of dren ' of festerin senile of ' stankin ' of the pair or ' snot-brained slightly sticky spots underpant of inhalin of poot '! * spattooeee of gaahhh * More runnin gorby of oot ' of wi of feend ' of cudnae of the ampere hour of stuffers of the ferret garglin ' of the pair or legged bandy of ' a cream separator of the swimming pool of poxy to traverse tha stankin ' ' atsailf of tha of daipths putrid of or ' the swimming pool! " furrst verry of Tha ", eh? " original, wool of tha of ain of daid ", eh? Justicar, of ' arrse weepin of mah of the traditions ' of the one in charge or! Hiram ' mae was the unfortunate containers or of firrrst of tha ' a worm-blown challenge of the landowners of the joke, whuch was wi finished ' to AARs' tae Kaannnigget ' follud of a promotion of the ceremony tha bah or inaugral '. Measures the a the one of tha ye caused that tae made the OOP of the demonstration of wus that ye was kanniget of stankin '. The dear Mon-in-arms mah of Lak, Hiram, hae of the ampere hour ' sheltered burnin ' hatred or ' festerin tames ' hais at night * splat of paatoooeee of aarrrrgh * ' foggy wet wi ' abomination or of the recruits ' the scenery of spittle of a lark. The ampere hour is thankful in was the correspondence done wah of tha of Berli, shipper of the initial program in was wah of hámsteres cursed in recruits of wi '. The ampere hour was ain of aboot of haim of kickin ' that tha of lak of revenge PBEM reh-heided stepcheeld, when hae fled tha Artic from tae. Wudnae of fondler of hámster of swallowin of escupida of Tha them ' continues the game of tha after returrn of hais. Bastaarrrd. **time-out** the Sae, bit binarios of the aina SSN's Dangley of the boiling of Seepin of the bum-car of the ain of the mae of the scratch of Mistah Fanarcklin ' Justi-cannae ', cannae of the ye of the af'n guard that the tradition right, ain of the arrrse of the roller of the jelly of the ye of the whup of Ah'll choosin ' of a lawyer ' of PBEM or A ' Seanachai, tae of the incomodidad of the didnae of the ampere hour defy the laddie of the yoo, anyhoo irregular of the arrrse of the ye of the spankin of the hardship of the noo ' of it have of the tae ' of the saim of the ampere hour of the cus. Knoo de Ye in, ain aged of escupida of tha of the shipper of the initial program which a purse Joe Shaw of the gaita as tae of staill learns. Pero yére repugnant green ain of thang alcoholic phelgmatic hanky all tha equal. Bastarrrds! Lawyer, keend of sae of bae of yéd of af'n <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
  4. Originally posted by Law-whore: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>He shows up in the Cesspool about as often as he sends a turn.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I plead no contest on this count. What keeps the cesspool interesting is continual effort, and creative meanness on a regular basis. But whilst my Squire Challenge was in progress, I figured "Hey, none of those bloody wanks has to play a scenario like this.. the bastards.. why should I talk to them. They dont know what its like.... They're not street like me" Well, now that its finally over, I can feel my strength returning. I am not promising to contribute any more regularly, I am not promising to be clever. How can you ask guile of someone who sat through a 12 month squire challenge? In the end, it will come down to Lorak's decision, and I remain stoic whilst waiting to hear. Worst case, I am still the minion of the Dark One, and thats not so bad...
  5. Oh you want to know who won do you?? Lets not skip ahead.. Everything started swimingly back in September 2000. It was a beautiful autumn evening. The air was crisp, and their was a beautiful hydrocarbon haze hanging over San Diego that night. Whilst passing through the pool on said night, I found an excruciaingly stupid post by 'Hamsters'. As any good citizen should do, I questions the methods of his upbringing, and cast general dispersions on his heritage. Along comes poor Roborat, who was (snicker), an up and coming squire of the aforementioned heretic, saying "How dare you and so forth!" Well I was in no mood fnord to take so forth from anyone, especially some uppity little buggerer who admits associating with Hamsters. I replied that I would love to fire projectiles at him as well, but as I was only a rogue, long time sympathizer of the pool, with no place or position, that we would have to meet out behind the raquetball court after school (sit down, bauhaus) Our Father Below, Berlichdengensenden was quick to enter into commerce with me, for my soul, and with that started du dud dud dud dun dun!! The longest squire challenge ever!!!!!! I examined the map, realised that every building was on fire , and that there was no available piece fnord of cover on the map. Fine, a cesspool joke at our expense. I can live with it. So, gamey bastard that I am, I placed 80% of my force directly on the front right flank from turn 1, ready to cruise on through town like Attilla. Roborat, in typical ssn fashion, started with an even dispersement of troops all over his side of the map. Well I stomped a mudhole in his nether-regions right off the bat. My Sherman 75's were great for this. Tank Commanders included OGSF, Joe Shaw, Captain Foobar, and Hiram. Hiram bought it from a light AP round on turn two, but we kept on rolling up that fnord left flank through the buildings. German grey matter makes great lubricant for tank treads by the way.. Little known fact.. Moments later Tank Commander Captain Foobar had a spectacular kill on a Crack Panther, from 150 yards away. the local force ratio was about 3:1......I told Robobrat the name of the ever so skilled commander, and this vexed him even more. He made it his goal in life to kill CM foobar, and he only managed to lose a few more afv's in the process. What I have just described took 3 months... At this point I decided to send turns only once a week, and only if Roborat reminded me to. I wasn't satisfied fnord just ripping the hell out of him on the field of battle, I wanted to test his patience, and vex him as much as possible. Skipping forward 10 turns, and 6 months.. everything started turning to ****e. Roborat managed to actually fight his way out of a paper bag, and marshalled his forces in a clever ambush in the back corner of the map, (which was all he had left). I lost 3 shermans just trying to draw out a Marder, and he caught my best platoon of infantry dawdling in a courtyard, and ventilated most of their torsos. At this point I decided I had best step up my psyops campaign on him. I sent one file to him every month, as long as he remembered to remind me twice in the week before I had it scheduled. We lost a month or two when he forgot to remind me, but in his frustration he eventually tracked down my phone number and started sending me angry voicemails. At this point my psyops hit a snag, as now my wife was in chorus with Roborat, saying things like "please do whatever it takes to make him stop calling"... So fine, its August, I will throw him a bone.. The battle ended ugly and dull. Everything was burning when we had 1st arrived, so our small contribution did little to add decoration to the eternal maelstrom. When the dust settled, Roborat had a Panther named TC ROBORAT behind a building, and a MarkIV prowling the god-forsaken streets. I had TC Foobar a mere 50 yards away from Roborat, on the other side of the building. while TC Foobar was looking desperately for more ammo, with over 5 afv kills in his humble Sherman 75, TC Roborat's Panther looked shiny and new, like that awkward little kid named Stuart on your son's Baseball team, who sits the bench half the season, and only goes in when the ref threatens you with suspension. Roborat: I don't think you get Victory points for finishing with all your ammo, just FYI The score? The score you ask? It was a draw. Piss off you gits.
  6. Roborat and I just finished a squire challenge called "welcome to hell." It was created by Berlichtengensenden. We started it last September. It only took a year to play. I have little else to say. It has robbed me of all that is precious to me. I hate you all. Long live the mutha beautiful.
  7. Captain Foobar would like to express his extreme jealousy.
  8. Sent your way... If you guys have some way of mixing this stuff so it sounds good, please post back to this message... There are a TON of other small arms wav files that I could send you, or you could just download the Day of Defeat mod for half-life, and just take your pick through the files available there.. Good luck, and please report any progress..
  9. Raze, i just sent you a good garand .wav, if anyone wants to host it, i will email it to you as well important note: this is the ding ONLY, it needs to be mixed in somehow... good luck [ 09-24-2001: Message edited by: *Captain Foobar* ]
  10. Its supposed to look that way..screw you guys.... (sigh)
  11. Great idea, I plan on trying one of these right now. People use that trick (myself included) to keep infatry from being flank as well... You should get an award, in my opinion. Thats the first original idea that has come up on the forum in months! For sightreader. The Foobar's Cross for meritous thinking endeavors beyond the ability of lurkers and sycophants alike. ......*.... ......+.... ...<+>... *---O---* .....<+>... ......+.... ......*.... [ 09-23-2001: Message edited by: *Captain Foobar* ] [ 09-23-2001: Message edited by: *Captain Foobar* ]
  12. Hi Dad, You should go ahead and buy this with a credit card, without worrying. We have all had excellent customer service with BTS. And bottom line, even if we were all wrong, and BTS did not deliver to you, you can always refuse the charges withouut any trouble. You are safe..
  13. I dont want to know anything in combat! Knowledge and perception is gamey! Bah! Feh! Hi Mom
  14. iirc, they can fire while in buildings too.. not that i mind, whilst i have a mortar unit in a building..
  15. Sad to say, I am a geek, but not elite, when held up along side the Nahvertigungswaffenss scholars around here... Worst of both worlds it seems..
  16. Yes indeed Foobar lurks in the Southern Califoriest location of them all, San Diego (America's Finest City). There has been talk in the past about a CM-CON happening, and I think its a shame that it hasnt happened yet. Sure, not everyone could get to a single location, but there could be a West Coast CM-con, and and East Coast CM-con, and if the euro trash whines enough they could even hold one over there. In fact, Madmatt, if you are listening, I volunteer my services in this endeavour. THIS could turn BTS into the Saturn of Software companies. All I need is a very catre-blanche expense account, and I will get on this right away. YOU have dropped the ball, as I mentioned it in passing, in a MG effectiveness thread (pg 18) in passing 6 months ago. Still no progress? Well its time that Foobar got on the payroll and got something accomplished. Please email the BTS Visa Card #, and I will begin the planning immediately. I'm thinking that a full bar plus hors-douvres will be necessary. Do you want buffalo wings or Potato skins served?
  17. seems to me that whether or not the concrete was in tact, the soft cell bipeds inhabiting them would be deaf, unconscious, and probably suffering from a nosebleed here or there. Luckily 14" naval gun vs pillbox emplacement isnt very common for CMBO (maybe 1 month of the campaign?), so it doesnt affect gameplay too much.
  18. Wait a second, what does FOOBAR stand for then?? :confused:
  19. Personally, I am saving my money for the new Microsoft Sim Sandwich....
  20. so how much does a sex change go for these days, anyway schrad?
  21. Corn, You ought to cancel your order. There's no use doing business with people like this. There are plenty of copies of Panzer General 3d on the shelves, perhaps they might appreciate you as a customer better.. Itsall about dollar votes. Or better yet, just go down and break into their storage warehouse, take what's rightfully yours, and put CM up on a warez site to punish them for their atrocious treatment of you. I think I can speak for everyone here when I say that you have all of our most sincere sympathies. Good luck in the future.
  22. Maximus, you be quiet. We are not going to let you hold back the rest of the class because you are too cheap to get a REAL ISP! Gunnergoz, I love the big pics, please make them bigger if you would be so kind.. A nice 1600 X 1200 shot
  23. OK, let me start by telling you all that Windows is the bane of my existence. Now that we have that out of the way, to my problem. I lost my cool ww2 favorites list when I had to reinstall Internet explorer. I had found all kinds of cool stuff.. grr.. So here's your chance to show off. Are you in the know? Please post links to any and all wargaming, or ww2 related websites you know about. Except for achtung panzer (duh....) If anyone would oblige me here, I would be finitely graeful for your help! Thanks.
  24. I have had a hot MarkIV kill 4 shermans in a row, unanswered. But I usually see shermans dominating the markIV's at anything below 300 meter range, which is the usual CMBO tank combat range I experience.
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