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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Dschugaschwili

  1. Originally posted by Moon:

    In the past days, however, it sure feels like being in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. We've had rain, then some more rain, then some rain, then some snow, then more rain, and a bit more rain, and then it rained. What a summer...

    I'm in Germany by the way.

    Of course, anybody living in Germany right now could have guessed that from your weather description. ;)


  2. So I could take a PBEM game during the orders phase, save it, open the savegame in an editor and screw around with my and the opponent's troops, load the savegame in CM and continue playing. Great.

    Limited to savegames of finished games and protected by both players' passwords it may be ok, but there may still be side effects that could diminish the security of the file format.


  3. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    So I agree that SOMEONE has to make sure body armor company's marketing claims are on the up and up. And it is the rsponsibility of the military to look after its own and protect them from profiteering scumbags.


    How do you want to make sure that the marketing claims are valid? I doubt that anything short of forcing the manufacturer's marketing guys to wear the armor for a live test will bring some sanity into marketing claims. :rolleyes:


  4. Another option to keep the bully away would be to get hold of a weapon to be able to hurt him if he gets at you. Of course the bully also has weapons at home, but he's hesitant to bring them to the playground because using them may mean losing all of his friends who don't want to see excessive bloodshed, especially if it's caused by somebody who could win without them anyway. Now the bully obviously doesn't want anybody except for himself to posess weapons and will try to prevent everyone from getting them, but once he knows that you have one, he will be very reluctant to go after you.

    You won't make any friends that way either, but since it's the only means of defence that actually succeeds at keeping the bully away, more and more weaker kids start copying your strategy. And after some time the playground is a much more dangerous place than ever because of all the weapons floating around. And all that only because the bully once thought it was funny to beat up weaker kids...

  5. So, does this mean that you can't issue orders in a RT game when it is paused? If you can, we need a way of getting around the X-Com Apoc/Baldurs Gate method of just pausing the game all the time when the action starts and only have it run fractions of a second at a time until the smoke clears. Enforcing a certain (configurable?) minimum of time before the next pause can be invoked could help in that case.


  6. This optional Real-Time mode reminds me of the X-COM series. The first two games were strictly turn-based. And when I heard that the third one would include an optional real-time combat mode, I didn't think that I would ever use it. The truth was that I never went back to the turn-based mode once I had tried real-time combat. And I'm not a fan of RTS games.

    Although being able to pause the game every millisecond always felt like having too much control. I'd like to see a system where (at least for multi-player games) a player who has just paused the game may not pause it again for a certain amount of time after he resumes the action. He may still issue orders while the time is running or when his opponent pauses the game. That way there would be at least some guaranteed minimum of flow in the action.


  7. Originally posted by Dirtweasle:

    I mean, it seems understandable that a regular or long time customer used to a certain type of product under a brand they are used to is disapointed in a new product. Especially from a smaller house like BFC where you are now going to have to wait N add'l months longer for a WWII product.

    Hmmm. I would have expected the long time customers to have an especially large amount of trust in BFC's ability to deliver a great game. And in BFC's ability to pick a setting that will sell. Not for everybody, of course, but not everybody will buy a WWII game either.


  8. Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

    We are all asking for a tutorial scenario that will teach us what we need to know about how the game (CMx2) works so we can learn it quickly and play it without the added frustration of trying to figure out the game system and the interface when things are not obvious.

    -tom w

    Actually, we may need two sets of tutorial scenarios. Depending on how much of the handling of the game will carry over from CMx1 to CMx2, CMx1 players may already know some things while having to unlearn other things. Those who have never played a CM game before will approach the game differently. One tutorial for both groups may be difficult.


  9. Originally posted by PLM:

    Well I pretty well consider the direct movement of squads and vehicles nitty gritty. You dont order a tank commander to move in an exact set path down to the meter. Even a tank platoon commander doesnt do that, its up to the actual crew. You play God very much so giving exact movement orders to the tank.

    You don't actually play God. You play every single unit in your force. Not just the commander, but also the tank crew, the infantry squad and the AA gun. And because of that you are allowed to give every unit its orders in a way the unit might interpret something that it has been told from above. The command delays could be more variable, but basically there's nothing broken here.


  10. Originally posted by PLM:

    Well I pretty well consider the direct movement of squads and vehicles nitty gritty. You dont order a tank commander to move in an exact set path down to the meter. Even a tank platoon commander doesnt do that, its up to the actual crew. You play God very much so giving exact movement orders to the tank.

    You don't actually play God. You play every single unit in your force. Not just the commander, but also the tank crew, the infantry squad and the AA gun. And because of that you are allowed to give every unit its orders in a way the unit might interpret something that it has been told from above. The command delays could be more variable, but basically there's nothing broken here.


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