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Everything posted by Dar

  1. Ben: Thanks for the pointer! I did find that one of the German PaK getting nailed. Looks pretty cool! Dar Steckelberg
  2. I disagree with the need for varying percentages with each turn. If you set the percentage of reinforcements arriving on a given turn to something low like 25%, then obviously, there is a 25% turn they will arrive on that turn. If not, there is a 25% chance they will arrive the next turn, or the next turn if they fail again, right? However, if you look at it in sequence, there is actually a 25% turn they'll arrive on turn X, a 44% chance they'll arrive on turn X+1, a 58% chance on turn X+2, 69% on turn X+3, etc. (Take 100% - (the chance of reinforcements NOT appearing) ^ (the number of turns failed)) In other words, (1.00 - (.75)^1) for turn X, (1.00 - (.75)^2) for turn X+1, etc. Therefore, you could say that reinforcements will most likely show up on turn X+2 (>50% chance), although they may show up earlier or later, as would seem quite realistic to me. Really, a lower variable of 5% might be more "fun": 5% on turn X, 10% on X+1, 14% on X+2, 19% on X+3, etc. Then you can really keep 'em guessing! Dar Steckelberg
  3. Fionn: Here's the relevant article: Article 19 Prisoners of war shall be evacuated, as soon as possible after their capture, to camps situated in an area far enough from the combat zone for them to be out of danger. Only those prisoners of war who, owing to wounds or sickness, would run greater risks by being evacuated than by remaining where they are, may be temporarily kept back in a danger zone. Prisoners of war shall not be unnecessarily exposed to danger while awaiting evacuation from a fighting zone. The URL to the menu is: http://www.unog.ch/frames/disarm/distreat/warfare.htm They're all PDF files, so you'll need Acrobat Reader. Dar Steckelberg PS-I'm just giving you crap about violating the articles! We all know it's just a game. But since you get to play it now and I have to wait, I feel compelled to torment you!
  4. Sorry, Fionn. Maybe my comparison to Malmedy was a little far-fetched. However, I still find you in violation of Geneva Convention III, Article 19, and possibly Articles 13 and 20. Geneva Convention III (Need Acrobat Reader) Of course, your buddy Martin may be just as guilty if he's sticking them in the church as human shields. "Gonna be a hanging, boys! Pack a lunch and grab grandma!" Dar Steckelberg [This message has been edited by Dar (edited 09-02-99).]
  5. What I meant to ask was: Does the tactic work of stopping, engaging a target <u>until it's destroyed,</u> and *then* moving to another location to prevent other defenders from zeroing in on you? I didn't emphasize that very well. I'll probably learn first-hand anyhoo! Dar Steckelberg
  6. Steve: Can fixed emplacements be "purchased" per se, so you can set up a second line of foxholes to fall back to? Something like what I assume minefield-deployment may be like? Or would units be dug in in their initial deployment spots only? Thanks, Dar Steckelberg
  7. "I don't feel that anti-tank guns are vital to the first version of CM" Are you kidding? No vaunted 88's? Both sides used AT guns all over the Western Theater. The Germans had more horse-propelled guns than self-propelled guns, if nothing else. The thread "No AT guns?" states that AT guns should definitely be in this release. I don't know about all the mechanics that you cover, but at least they will be in there to some degree. I'd sure love to see a screenshot of some AT guns. I hadn't even thought of it 'til this thread, but I don't recall seeing them anywhere in the existing shots. Dar Steckelberg
  8. Didn't find any results for this while searching, so I have to ask: As you fire at a target, do your chances of hitting it increase with each shot? If so, must both the firing unit and the target be immobile, or is movement a factor? I'm curious if the tactics of stopping, engaging a target, and moving off to a new location before the enemy zeroes in on you will pay off. If acquisition and movement are factors, this should really benefit more experienced crews, I would imagine! Thanks, Dar Steckelberg
  9. I had several things I wanted to suggest, but then I went through and searched the list for each one and found they're already supposed to be in: o pillboxes, foxholes, and bunkers o barbed wire o smoke o hedgerows o snipers (sharpshooters) o dedicated F.O.'s o flamethrowers and satchel charges o penetration by MG's (i.e., shots may pass through one target and hit something beyond it, so it pays to keep your MMG's and HMG's at ground level and set up a crossfire) o airstrikes o infantry riding on tanks and in HT's (unlike the !@)*# foot-sloggers in the CC series!) I'd like to see multi-story buildings of 3+ levels (currently restricted to 2), so you can recreate cathedrals and taller church towers. But that's about all I can think of. I'm just so pumped to see the actual game, I can't even begin to thing of improvements or extra features. I'm so excited to see real-time resolution in a 3-d environment, I can hardly contain myself! Dar Steckelberg [This message has been edited by Dar (edited 09-02-99).]
  10. Thomm wrote: "Fionn, do not introduce that style of playing, please ! It is only a game after all !" I guess we have a name for this town after all: Malmedy. Dar Steckelberg
  11. Any worse than gerbil-holing? Ask Richard Gere about that...
  12. I know that if I were an FO and heard the pipes, I'd think, "Thanks for giving me a good target for the Nebelwerfer we have on call!" Dar Steckelberg "He missed a beat! Drop fifty and fire for effect!"
  13. Bagpipes? If they're putting bagpipe music in this game with magical morale effects, I'm going to cancel my pre-order! Please, please, please: get the combat model and AI right first and worry about the bells and whistles later. If I want to hear the "+3 Bagpipes of Bravery Bolstering", I'll play AD&D! Dar Steckelberg
  14. {Pithy comment deleted--never mind! } [This message has been edited by Dar (edited 08-31-99).]
  15. It wasn't captured; they bought it! They probably even got green stamps with it. Dar Steckelberg PS-Do green stamps even exist anymore?
  16. I've seen some pictures, too, of gunners firing the MG42 while kneeling using their also-kneeling assistant for a platform. I guess this was a good way to lay down some suppressive fire while pulling back. Obviously, the MG was bipod mounted and probably using the drum for a magazine (150 rds.?), but it sure beat having to set up a tripod first! Dar Steckelberg
  17. Regarding turn 12: Have you called in any arty yet? How do you know that Sherman between the houses is immobilized? Thanks, Dar Steckelberg
  18. Just curious if there is an option to move a team as stealthily as possible to ambush enemy positions/vehicles? I've seen "Move Fast", "Hunt", "Move", and "Reverse". Is "Hunt" the equivalent of this for infantry? Thanks, Dar Steckelberg [This message has been edited by Dar (edited 08-30-99).]
  19. Reminds me of the story I read in John Toland's "Battle:The Story of the Bulge" where a King Tiger *rammed* a Stuart in a close range encounter (may have been at night). The Stuart flipped over and brewed up--the commander did survive and related the story to the author. Yeah, I don't think we should be seeing too many Stuarts beating up King Tigers either! Dar Steckelberg
  20. PanzerShark: The reason, from what I've read, that they're sitting is to differentiate them from the suppressed teams. If your team is sitting, they're not suppressed and should execute any orders you give them shortly within command-and-control constraints. However, if they're prone, that means they're under fire and pinned down, and will probably ignore any orders you give them that they consider detrimental to their health. The "sitting" teams may actually be prone in "real life", but they distinguish them this way for your convenience at a glance. Dar Steckelberg
  21. I'd love to see some house-to-house scenarios, like the fighting in Metz, Bastogne, Aachen, and the like. That and the hedgerows in Normany. Anything close range and brutal like that gets really intense. And after watching the snapshots of the grenade-tossing sequences in turn 12, there would probably be blasts going off everywhere you turned in such scenarios. Can't wait to see more of the house-clearing in the village between Martin and Fionn! Dar Steckelberg
  22. Steve: In turn 12, was one of Martin's infantry teams fired on with a Panzerfaust while it was in the open or in a building? I've read of German infantry using the Panzerfaust against infantry in buildings, but was it effective against infantry in the open? LOVE the grenade-tossing sequences! Are there hand-to-hand, bayonet-slashing, entrenching-tool-hacking sequences, too? Just curious, Dar Steckelberg
  23. Thanks for replying, guys! I guess my old Pentium Pro 200 won't be too bad since I have a Voodoo 3 2000 w/16MB to help it out. Even 10 fps won't be bad if I can just see what's going on well enough to get a general idea of what's happening! I have no idea how to compare Pentiums to Macs, though. I'm hoping 180 MHz in a Mac is roughly equivalent to the same on a Pentium? *sigh* If only it weren't for car payments, student loan payments, rent, and all those other payments (plus the general friction of life that introduces other expenses, like when a meteorite crashes through the roof and takes out your stereo), I'd be getting something like that 500 MHz PIII Martin's got for this game! Thanks, Dar Steckelberg
  24. Fionn: Just curious what your estimate is of Martin's strength. Have you been able to count and classify the vehicles you're facing and establish an estimate of manpower? (this is for my own kicks and giggles--I've just posted to ask Martin in his thread, too) Thanks, Dar Steckelberg
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