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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Chris Jenkins

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Posts posted by Chris Jenkins

  1. Jesus Christ! I thought I was obsessed with this war. Who's next, Adolph Hitler? Maybe he could have an electronic palsy motor to simulate late-war Parkinsons. How about death camp guards? "Heinz has a real leather whip to keep inmates in line." "Helga works at Ravensbruck, but don't think that being a girl means that she doesen't mean business." Maybe we could have a miniature canister of zyklon B with printed instructions. "Karl's gas mask fits snuggly, so that the fumes don't hurt him when it's time to process new inmates. Notice his coat with realistic fringe, for all of those cold Polish nights." Screw it, let's have prisoners. "Rolf's nose shows the permanent effects of having being repeatedly broken during interrogation. Take off his shirt and you can see the welts from Heinz's whip. Those rips in the shirt aren't by accident! Fully poseable fingers can grip the electric barbed wire for realistic suicide (barbed wire sold seperately).

    Since this is from the same part of the world as that poster scandal, I would not be surprised. You guys hear about those posters in Taiwan? They were for a German firm selling space heaters. They showed a smiling cartoon Hitler giving the fascist salute next to a heater. "Declare war on the cold front." The German firm was shocked, and had the ad campaign (locally commissioned) removed. Needless to say, the Israelis were upset about the whole thing.

    I have studied this war for years, and I usually play the Germans in war games. They've got the training, gear, and tactics to make it happen. They were incredible fighters. Still, this firm seems to LIKE the SS. The Totenkopf NCO disturbed me. I mean, they've got the death's head insignia on the hat. They had that as their patch because the division's cadre was made of concentration camp guards. Their first commander was Theodor Eicke (Dachau Commander). Many Waffen SS did their convalescent leave as concentration camp guards if they were walking wounded.

    There are limits. These people used to go into villages and murder all the people. The Das Reich division herded an entire French village into a barn and set it on fire, shooting the people as they tried to run. Many of the young recruits did not know what they were getting into when they joined the SS, but they took to it once they did. Crimes happen in all wars on all sides, but there is a difference between an incident and a policy. These men were not warriors who committed murder, they were murderers who committed war.

    Von shrad, please don't take this as a flame. People like us collect and study this kind of thing. Most of this firm's customers are probably neo-Nazis. I can see having the Wiking soldier, even the Russians said that division was clean. But Totenkopf? There are limits. The Russians executed their senior officers after the war, and we helped. We turned them over to the Soviets. The Russians demanded it, given the evil they represented.

    Now we can all own a piece of the evil for only $19.99! See the international symbol of evil, not as an identifier in battle, not for historical accuracy, not because it was part of a scenario, but as a well-made work of art! Order now!


    Climb to Glory!

  2. You guys should buy "Explaining Hitler" by Rosenbaum. It goes into the theories and reasons for Hitler's rise and his personality. It seems that Hitler only had sex once that we know of, and that was with a prostitute in the First World War. He got advanced VD and it left him impotent for life. He DID have both testicles, they just couldn't do him any good. He got his kicks by watching people urinate and deficate on each other. He used to have women do EVERYTHING in front of him except have sex with him. He would reach a "peak" of sorts, and that was that.

    There are also reports that he had a "relationship" with his teenage niece Geli Rabaul. There are two different reports of this. One has him having made detailed drawings of her genitals. Another says that he had her squat over his face and urinate on him. I believe them both, and they are in the book. Also, he was not blinded by gas, it was hysterical blindness caused by Germany's defeat. His doctor at the time says so. Interesting how neither Hitler or Goering could perform. Goering lost his ability from a bullet wound in the groin during the Beer Hall Putsch. Between them and Julius Streicher (pedophile and sadist) it's no wonder the regime was as proactively evil as it was.


    Climb to Glory!

  3. I think that showing all of the people as a replay option is a good thing. The computer would not have to handle it during play, but gives great eye candy afterwards. Soldiers from a nine-man squad dissapear one-by-one.

    Penal battalions, human wave attacks, 100% fanaticism, massacres, piles of rubble, sniper teams, advanced river crossing rules, extreme cold, extensive captured weapons in the TO&E, deep mud, anti-tank ditches, cavalry, three-story buildings, sewer movement, and trenches should all be simulated. Many are already "on the list."


    Climb to Glory!

  4. The Battle of the Bulge rules! The Nazi getting it at the end is classic.

    Kelly's Heros also ranks high on my list. "Always with the negative waves!"

    I liked Stalingrad, although I second the opinion that Das Boot was better. Das Boot is in a class by itself.

    Who can tell me about Penal Battalion 999? Never heard of it, but it sounds like Eastern Front, and that's my area.

    Patton should be required viewing for high school students, as should Saving Private Ryan.

    The Guns of Navarone! I owned a playset of the mountain, and it was a major part of my growing-up. I loved that thing.


    Climb to Glory!

  5. Killmore,

    This is exactly the kind of thing that hyperactive, obsessive-compulsive History Majors like me love.

    Even though I study history, I think that a fictional scenario would be best. It allows for no end to the fighting. Also, some interesting OOBs could come of it. If you're looking for people to play with, you've got one.


    Climb to Glory!

  6. I agree, Steve, but let me play devil's advocate. The escape from encirclement in France was a battalion-level action. A lieutennant led an attack in which the US battalion commander's APC was destroyed and an entire German Army escaped destruction in France. Granted, this is not the kind of thing one can simulate with CM, nor should it be.

    Killmore: If you're interested in strategic gaming, try the Operational Art of War. I am going to combine that game, Achtung Spitfire, Fighting Steel, and Silent Hunter II with CM to reenact the war. Of course, this will be the Hohenzollern monarchy, and the Holocaust and war crimes will not happen. Airfields will be bombed instead of cities, Dunkirk will be attacked on land, Moscow will be attacked earlier, and u-boats will not be assigned to surround Greenland. Also, I will NOT reduce panzer divisions to one brigade of tanks with two infantry brigades, and each brigade will have three (not two) battalions of tanks.

  7. You know you're addicted when...

    You rhythmicaly point the direction you are going when you stop at crosswalks, ect.

    You always kneel when you get where you're going.

    You're answer to everything is "feuer Einstellen!"

    You see three people walking together and wonder whether the real number is nine or twelve.

    You see stars or crosses when someone dissapears into their cubicle.

    Your boss says that his wife is a real hellcat, and you wonder why he would compare her to a vehicle.

    You wonder why you can't beat the Amis, even with a Tiger.

    You decide to redo the entire war using Fighting Steel, Silent Hunter II, The Operational Art of War, Combat Mission, and Achtung Sptifire.


    Climb to Glory!

  8. I LOVED the camera. It was like being Spielberg. Perhaps others have seen better, but I think that would be from flight simulators. Granted, we would like to see all the men, but that isn't possibe (yet). I am going ahead with my plans to make movies. PANZERS FORWARD!


    Climb to Glory!

  9. Wait, what about 4th of July colors? How about a special hemp bazooka that leaves a trail of groovy mellow awareness in its wake? Better yet, how about "Old Faithful" as a terrain type? It would be awesome, seeing the steam spray into the air, boiling the Nazis alive!

    Then, again, maybe we should not do those things. Perhaps we should concentrate on normalcy, yea even realism and historical accuracy. Naaww, lets get crazy. How about lamination? Put the Nazi war criminal on a huge highway billboard. It should look like a driver's license, only a person goes where the picture would be. The write his name, crime, trial date sentencing date, and execution date so that passing motorists can see it on their way into town. Then roll the hot plastic (about one foot thick) over the victim, er, offender. "Welcome to the American Sector! Murder is a crime." There he is, like Han Solo, staring at all of his captured Kameraden from within his translucent tomb.

    Just an idea.


    Climb to Glory!

  10. Wow! That new terrain is going to look good.

    I think that showing all of the people (at realistic scaling only) will be possible in the future. As for now, I'm remembering when this was going to be a 2-D version of Advanced Squad Leader. I used to dream of being able to look at the board this way and have the computer do the calculating.

    Will there be a patch called CM2? You guys will probably offer the second version on disk, but having a patch for all of us first-timers would be more convenient. Would there be too much information to download?

    The Russian Front is my area of study. I want to do my post-graduate work (if admitted) on Kharkov. I can hardly wait until I see that. Thousands of little men fighting on my new (by then) PIII 600.


    Climb to Glory!

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