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Bil Hardenberger

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Everything posted by Bil Hardenberger

  1. Done! My grid mod has been uploaded at your site. Enjoy guys. Guess Battlefront is taking the weekend off, I'm sure it'll show up at the repository tomorrow. Bil
  2. Not sure what happened there... try this one: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=1146
  3. My grid mod (if it ever gets approved for the repository) also deepens the color some (I also dislike the lime green grass) and adds quite a lot of variation to the distance (larger tiny grass maps for more detail). In this image compare the terrain in the distance in both versions (where the grid stops drawing):
  4. Astro Cat.. the original set had things like 1st Segeant, Master Sergeant etc.. very rare if ever on the front lines, I removed those in my set.. but feel free to change it around to your hearts content.
  5. AstroCat, why can't a squad be led by a corporal? I might have shifted some of the ranks, it was necessary in some cases, been so long I don't really remember. Vanir, I uploaded the grid mod, but it hasn't shown up yet... BTW it changes the ground texture some, giving it more variety and it isn't so flat.. works better at long range than the stock texture too. Here is a preview:
  6. I just fixed an error I made when uploading these.. the Rank Icon mod had the Branch mod files instead... all is fixed now and the appropriate downloads are with the appropriate links. Sorry about that.
  7. I don't see the Branch insignia mod up there yet... keep checking if you are interested in it.
  8. 1. An improved rank mod (for the UI). 2. An improved Branch insignia mod for the UI). 3. Period based floating icons (based on US Army map symbols from the period) 4. A hex shaped marker mod Hope you enjoy them. Bil
  9. Look at my AAR... I had tanks hulldown for several turns, and not once did they back out of their position. Although of course if artillery starts to fall or the tank starts to think of itself as threatened then it will, and should, seek better cover.
  10. Winecape, with our current ruleset and loss and supply tracking, and with our new resupply and replacement system we are not going to need to transfer ANY data from BFTB to make this workable. All the data will reside in our special logging system, which by the way allows for cross attachment tracking between Companies etc. as well. BFTB will ONLY be used for Operational movement and interdiction fire from arty and aircraft... BFTB will be played in one hour Slices: within that Slice if two opposing Companies bump into each other in BFTB (ie start to exchange fire) the GM will generate an Action and a CMBN battle will be built. For the next Slice, the GM will rebuild the scenario to account for the results of any actions... this will be easier than it sounds actually.. The key is our Team Tracking system that I prefer to keep private for now. Bil
  11. Oops sorry, that post I referred to was in a different thread: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=95057&highlight=campaign&page=4 Look at the previous page also in that thread, The_Capt outlines some of the play concepts and problems that need attention for any such endeavor.
  12. The only thing I do know is that we used a system utilizing the two games for a meta campaign once before (albeit CMx1 and COTA) and it worked beautifully. IN fact I think it was one of the few META campaigns that actually came to a conclusion. We are currently in the process of rewriting the rules and fine tuning the procedures for the next version. I will make a post when we are ready to recruit for players, GMs, and map makers. Back then though we could use the CM map creation tool one of the forum members created for CMx1 (that could create a map in CM from an image with different layers), to facilitate the creation of maps within CM. I have outlined the process in an earlier post in this thread. That will never happen. Dave O'Conner (programmer of BFTB) is just too busy with other projects and development of his own games. Bil
  13. I'm taking note of all the map making volunteers. That is usually the sticking point for these types of endeavors.
  14. Seems like there are no original ideas... this was first done in CMBO with "The Sunken Lane" scenario. Who was the designer of that one?
  15. Hey Vanir... as far as I know fire is blocked both ways... I haven't done any tests to be sure though. Cover behind a wreck works great BTW.. in a recent game versus The_Capt I had a devil of a time with a very live Sherman parked behind another dead Sherman. I don't think I ever did kill that SOB before we lost the ability to continue the game due to BETA upgrades... sigh.. part of the high, cruel, and sad cost of BETA testing.
  16. sfhand has the correct procedure. I also, somewhere in this thread I think, speak about the procedure in a little more depth. I am going to post a how to get a perfect hull down position thread after the game is released (along with one or two other tidbits that might be useful)... hopefully we'll get a tactics forum for these types of posts. Bil
  17. Damn good question Scottie. I'm actually surprised it hasn't been brought up before... Anyway, this is a reference to the fact that CMBN, though related to the CMx1 series is really a whole new kettle of fish... it plays differently, it resolves armor hits in a much more realistic manner, you have to play it in a much more realistic manner than you did the CMx1 series in order to be successful. Bil
  18. Actually, to be accurate the results screen said German Total Victory. Yes, I misunderstood your comments as an attack on me, for that I apologize (re-read your posts and I think you will see how I came to that conclusion). I was about to challenge you to a duel. Your criticism about how the scoring has been done for QBs is indeed on target and is something that has been a reported bug for a while now.
  19. If Fionn answers you, let me know. Really, I think CMBN is a grossly different game and the best players from CMx1 probably won't be as formidable. It'll be interesting to see. I'm leaning towards it actually. I would rather play in a QB tourny, but this might be fun.
  20. When did I say that? I said in my debrief that I would call it a tactical victory, what's the problem? Here are the facts: I lost 5 tanks... had 10 killed and 3 wounded. I also held the field at the end of the game and had a toe hold on the objective. Warren, lost 5 tanks, 4 TDs, and 2 armored cars. He had 41 casualties (24 KIA, 15 WIA, 2 MIA) and except for his infantry which were non-players, he was routed from the field. I don't give a rat's ass of the repurcussions operationally, this was a quick battle stand alone game, not a game in a campaign. So sue me, yes I think I won the game. Lighten up man.
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