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Tactical Wargamer

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Posts posted by Tactical Wargamer

  1. I wouldn't bother paying Mr. FZ's comments too much mind. Being a Canuck he's probably just sore over the drubbing RIM has been taking in recent months. Though, to be fair, you can't entirely blame Apple for RIM's woes. In addition RIM's own glaring missteps (what genius thought it would be a good idea to release a Blackberry product that couldn't do email on its own?), Google/Android should probably also be assigned a good portion of the credit/blame.

    My RIM stock is down like 48 %.......Not fair we can only seem to win in Hockey against the big bad Americans. :rolleyes:

  2. Sorry about that. I couldn't resist my evil self.

    That's ok. Everyone knows mac users are 2nd class citizens around here.

    I heard (from a reliable friend who knows a beta tester) that it was the mac demo that is slowing everything down. Damn them for going on to Steve about equality in release times.

    I say we ban them all!

  3. I'm taking note of all the map making volunteers. That is usually the sticking point for these types of endeavors.

    Wondering sir now that CMBN has over 300+ maps could one not just take the hex of the (operational level game system) and use one of the pre-made generic maps with the odd little tweaking?

    Just curious I know your working on a MC but how should one start getting familiar with the BOTB system? Should be just familiar with the basic UI of the system or should one be looking into the scenario design system also?

    As an alternative for a small group what good VASSAL or board wargame would be suited to a brigade level operation with small battle calculated with CMBN?


  4. No I don't have a copy of the ruleset.. too bad.

    I actually grabbed all of these off of the Panther Games BETA forum, from when I was trying to talk Dave into creating an Operational Gaming tool for use with a tactical game (like CM). ;)

    Now that would be amazing!! I wonder if BF and Panther could ever get together for a "operational module" with their two systems. The best of both worlds!

  5. "Computer Ambush" which was a top down platoon level game as on an Apple IIe, my first computer back in the 80s.



    This was a WEGO turn based game as well and enjoyable if a bit tedious.

    Here is a video:

    I bet the BBS's of the time had the same arguments we do today about all the groggy issues.

    CLASSIC I remember that on my Atari by those awesome SSI guys. Wow brings back too many good memories.

  6. I'm not asking for a time/date. I know we wouldn't get that. Surely something along the lines of 'well guys it's not this weekend' would make me happy and I'm sure it would also make alot of other members less stressed.

    I agree something to the effect "hey maybe Friday but most likely next week". Would be fine IMHO. Oh well just have to bear it I guess.

  7. 1. British would call it 0.315" (like .303)

    2. they, and we and the Japanese who make the most cars, drive on the correct side of the road as it dates to ancient times when you needed your right arm facing in, in case there were wrong-doers on the road. Later a Pope decreed that the left side was the side to ride on then it was the French (of course) who in thumbing their nose at the Pope changed to the right.

    3. Yes the "Mk whatever" is such a bad way of referring to things.

    I much prefer the American set up, it makes everything so easy. I can wake up to the ring of my M1, grab my M1, put on my M1's, go out through the M1, get into an M1 drive to the tank park and get into my M1, go and pick up my M1, M1, M1, M1 and M1 not forgetting my M1 of course and then head out to the range and test fire my M1 by loading it with an M1 and aiming with the M1 and shooting at an old M1.

    I can then have a coffee in my M2. ;)

    Now that is really really funny!!!!

  8. Affirmative. Double plus ungood.



    Triple affirmative. It seemed like CMSF had very little data for the user to access. I do miss those lovely data screens with a click of a mouse(enter key). Heading back to WWII the data IMHO should be back in the game.....it could be hidden from the newbie but accessible to the veteran player.....

    Really enjoyed reviewing the equipment with the slope armour data and the all important penetration #'s. Hope that is some how included. Could that be modded? I certainly hope so. Referring to excel spreadsheets is kinda dated.

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