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Tactical Wargamer

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Posts posted by Tactical Wargamer

  1. Just doing a small Operational setup with the board game Normandy 44 at our wargaming club. Will have about 6-8 players.

    Just using the board game rules for battles that are not really close or interesting and using CMBN for the tactical ones that are. Looking forward to the 100's of pre-made maps.

    Main question looking for a way to keep track of individual formations. Will have them via a spread sheet with their up-to-date TO&E's, BUT our player want something handy (& easy on the eyes) to review re. a hard copy.

    Is there any neat icons that you often see in some of the OSPREY books. They show the TO&Es with like 12 tank silhouettes for a company etc.

    These work great as the guys after the (CMBN) battles and use a grease pencil or marker just to stroke off casualties. Each counter would have a laminated formation sheet that represents its (marked up) present TO&E.

    So any ideas where OSPREY gets it's graphics from or is there something similar out there that could easily create them? Our previous chap who did these up for previous games is no longer with us.

    Thanks guys

  2. Put up an official poll - ask how important TCP/IP WEGO is for your user base compared to things like moveable waypoints, flamethrowers, etc. I think there is more interest in multiplayer than you may think.

    I agree I think Steve might be surprised by the result. I mean look at this thread. I have not seen anything like this before? This many passionate posts in such a short time. Obviously the community has an issue with MP options.

  3. I'm not bothered as I don't play MP....luckly I'm rubbish at gaming so SP is great for me...so as far as I'm concerned it's a big well done to BF...will keep me happy for a longtime...i.e years...

    Someone said they don't think BF is that far ahead of others...would someone please show me these tactical games so I can buy them??

    I am very glad the AI is challenging for you. Even for years on end.

    You might want to try an MP game sometime. You will not be disappointed! It is amazing to play against a thinking live person.

    Matrix has the only other game close to tactical wargaming. I use the "close" loosely. It is in essence a CMBB+. The only thing good they have is theTCP/Ip option for MP games.

  4. I think if it came to a vote whether we should add movable waypoints or RealTime Pause I'm pretty confident movable waypoints would win.


    Sounds good lets vote!

    I assuming from your post movable waypoints are way near the top? Maybe put your top 3-4 items with RT/Auto pause and lets see the results.

    Might be some excellent marketing for you?

    Rather than waiting (and "hoping") till the batlle of the bulge new engine (3-4 years?), maybe it might allow some precious programming time towards the features most wanted form your community....

  5. People could make a laundry list of what the game isn't and doesn't do. No FPS through-the-scope shooting, no flight-sim-style vehicle control. No progressing through levels earning points. No online multiplayer WeGo. And you can't create your own virtual family like in the Sims. The game is what it is. And what it is, its very good at.

    Agreed. :D

    I love playing FPS's and I am pretty decent for a 41 year old.

    That being said I have played numerous RT CMSF games. You really have to know your keys no doubt, but SPEED is certainly a must. You have to react....mind you intelligently FAST ;)

  6. WIE great game guys. Especially when in MP PBEM. It have a learning curve but once you invest a couple hours in it, it becomes second nature and you can concentrate on the operational strategies. Definite buy. Top 10 wargames of all time. WITP is also up there.

  7. I would tentatively recomend HPS' Panzer Campaigns: Normandy '44

    It's an open system that is very mod-friendly, but ...

    * there is no PBEM security. Only play against people you trust completely. Cheating is so trivially easy that it's possible to do it accidentally.

    * the game is very much IGO-UGO

    * logistics aren't well modelled

    * the OoB that ships with the game is highly suspect.

    * there is lots of kewl chrome, which can result in some distinctly odd events (eg. DD Tanks retain their ability to swim for the entire campaign, even though they don't even need that function for the initial landings. 'Special Forces' - Rangers and Commandos - can ignore ZOCs to wriggle between units.)

    * combined arms effects are notable by their abscence

    There are others, but those are off the top of my head :)

    Is there a link one could recommend for the open source. The one I found keeps giving me a corrupted version :(

  8. The best contemporary operational wargame for Normandy isn't a PC game, it is a board wargame. It is Normandy '44 by GMT games, published in 2010. It's Board Game Geek page is here -



    Very impressive. Any other board wargames in the Normandy area that are in a smaller scale. Say Battalion level? For 5-6 of my buddies are doing a little Operational game using CMBN for the more interesting tactical battles but the board game for the rest.

  9. Will the full version include the option to re-play your battle? I'm not refering to the turn-based battles that let you replay the last minute as many times as you want ... I'm refering to being able to replay a real-time battle without all the pauses for issuing orders.

    I don' know if this has already been covered in the forums ... I did a quick search and didn't find anything.


    Organically in the game iirc no. Would be a nice feature though.

  10. Clearly you don't play many battles with people in other vastly removed timezones which makes PBEM a must.

    Yes, it's slower than R/T, that doesn't actually make it horrible, just different.

    But I was born before 1980, back when the patience-gene still existed ;)

    Agreed PBEM is the main option for different timezones. However most consumers of BF I would imagine live in timezones with millions of people in them? I have over 200 million between the two :)

    I have never had a problem finding numerous wargamers in my own timezone for TCP CM1 games.

    Hey I was born in 1969 and have been playing computer wargames since the early 80's. PBEM since the early 90s. Granted each to their own but RT (autopause or variable speed games) are in a class of their own.

    I have had many PBEM freinds over the years and when they have the time they always prefer some sort of RT combat. Something about waiting in the heat of battle for 20 mins to 96 hours for the next 60 second turn........just a turn off for some. Even for a 60's baby :D

  11. i feel with the thread starter, i can remember as i had to find out that there is no TCP/IP WEGO in CMSF(was not clearly advertised in my eyes). i also remember steve saying that TCP/IP WEGO will never ever make it in with replay, at least that is the latest news i have. man did i feel cheated in a way.

    however, i stick around, also if i could move on compleatly and forgett about CM but at the same time i cant, i had so many great houers with CMx1 and also to some extent with CMSF while i was still thinking TCP/IP WEGO with replay could make it in, i cant let that go no matter how hard i try.

    what a sorry state i am in :(

    I hear ya man. When Steve made the annoucement in CMSF and agian for CMBN I was devestated. Love CMBN it is amazing BUT after 10-20 hours playing against a limited AI (as all AI's are!!) it certaily losses its luster. PBEM is like eating tofu.....at a very slow pace :D

    Best we can hope I think is to let Steve and Charles know that sometype of auto pause/variable speed is very important to a larger minority as they may think.

    Not supporting battlefront will not get us what we would like. Buy the programs, support their efforts within the BF MP community. IMHO this is the only way to see quality tactical MP wargames.

  12. I agree it'd be nice. The main issue is the last CMBN PBEM I played the turns were 18Mb.

    It's a LOT of data to be shunting round. Think of when you make a save, how long it takes, then factor in transmission time plus loading at the other end.

    I think they'd be better served building in an email client so PBEM turns can be sent automatically. Wouldn't be quite the same, but it'd make the process quicker.

    18 MB wow!! that is large indeed. I don't recal the CMSF games on PBEM being that big.

    The last game I played 2 months ago was a normal sized one. 97 turns and it took 2 months to finish! Man PBEM is painful sometimes ;)

  13. Lets hope BF can move up on the priorty list (which I'm sure is huge) of a variable speed/pause option before the "battle of the bulge" expansion. I do think a lot of the CM1 chaps who are coming back certainly would like to see an option besides PBEM and Hotseating. I think more and more of their customer base since CM1 are looking at MP games. The more options for this crowd certainly is a good thing!

    With CMSF RT was possible with small formations but with CMBN and the hedge rows I think it is almost (IMHO) not doable unless you are looking at tiny scenarios.

    Hey at least we can get it in the future sometime.....I hope.

  14. :rolleyes:

    1) RT, TCP/IP with pause option-- Probably the most likely to be included in upcoming versions I'd think. Whether "auto"-pause every x sec/min or maybe "silent" activated time-out (both players must hit esc within 30 sec of each other then game pauses until both hit esc again for instance) were included I think that would be a very reasonable solution.

    All for it!!!

    Just seems like it just doesn't seem to be on their radar anytime soon. Sp issues and AI always take priority. :o

    For me MP gaming is 80% of the game. Playing live in a controlled manner. Not feeling rushed and flying over the keyboards. I play FPS games that are more relaxing than with a RT CM game with no pause or something to control the speed. Slow ancient PBEM is the only real option at this point.

    I keep buying the CM2 products just to support them. I think we are looking at the CM:BOTB version maybe for some sort of pause or variable speed the last time Steve spoke on it IIRC.

    Mind you Matrix Ost Front does support TCI/IP games. That being said it is no where near the CM2 level in gameplay or realism.

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