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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Timskorn

  1. This what I've learned, from playing and especially just reading from other veteran players like Terif: Axis: Concentrate on having enough ground units for Russia and whatever other endeavor you go on (Minors, or Egypt...). If you research, focus on what will benefit the most units. If you plan on building a lot of tanks, go for armor research, otherwise that can wait. If you go for a sub strategy, toss a few in that tech. Long-range aircraft benefits your fighters, tac and bombers so just investing 1 in there is worth it. It's not worth it early on to go for the expensive stuff. You need warm bodies to keep offensives going. If you want to throw some into diplomacy, be aggressive and go for a specific strategy otherwise save the MPP's unless you want to block a move your opponent is making. Once you've gobbled up enough territory to bring in some MPP's, then start focusing on more expensive endeavors.
  2. Spring 1942: The Axis faced another blistery winter on the Russian front. Combined snow and rain from Leningrad down to Odessa keeps Axis planes on the ground. With concentrated artillery support however, the Germans break the defense at Smolensk and capture the city. With still plenty of Russian troops nearby we'll see how bold the Russian generals are, or if they'll live to fight another day... Minsk remains stubborn. Without air support Axis troops slog through the marshes, undersupplied and undermanned, in their attempts to take the city. Leningrad holds strong while German forces are concentrated in the center and air is grounded. German shock troops are sent up there to help other ground units dislodge the stubborn defenders. Leningrad must fall by next winter! In Egypt, Axis forces rest and refit from their hard fought victory there. Hitler is rabid over the victory and wants to continue east until they control the rich oil fields. Runstedt is keen on the idea. He fought hard for Egypt and feels unstoppable. Besides, a back door into Russia would spread the communists thin! Others, on the other hand, feel a full diplomatic push on Iraq, combined with the recent victory, would give them a bloodless victory in the east and free up the crack Afrika divisions for other endeavors. Meanwhile in the Atlantic, Axis subs continue to sink Allied merchant ships on the way to the UK. After spending a month at sea they return to port to refit and reorganize. With plenty of subs commissioned the Germans can keep a steady rotation going.
  3. Ran into my first Russian Winter as the Axis. Brutal! Shaved off a strength point for just about every unit. I assume supply also drops down as it did in SC2 vanilla. I like it... Subs feel like superweapons right now. Not sure if I'm getting lucky, or what, but my level 2 exp. 1 sub just zapped a cruiser in a suprise encounter. Went from 10 to 0 in a single bound! I don't think my opponent has teched up his destroyers yet, nor do they have the experience, so that's probably a big factor. That being said, any other ships that run into one of my subs have a one way ticket to the bottom of the Atlantic. Also, is it just me, or does artillery gain experience a little too quickly? It's March 1942 and my Italian Art. already has 3 bars from the fighting in Egypt.
  4. I'd say get both, absolutely. If you don't want to jump into WaW right away you don't have to, but you will after playing SC2 vanilla for awhile. I'd say play SC2 vanilla first at least a few times, then jump into WaW to really appreciate what the additions have done.
  5. Leader abilities is a big thing in Paradox games and certainly adds to the experience. Right now leaders are defined by their rating only. By giving certain abilities to them all, then even low rated generals would be useful throghout the game.
  6. I posted a quick "Carrier doc" post awhile back on how carriers could work. Especially with the global campaign out now it'd be great to see some added functionality to capture the essence of the Carrier War.
  7. As I mentioned in my AAR thread, it's great having additional units on the map in general. It makes the war in Russia feel more like the major event that it was. I've also found that with the additional units has come an increased ability to do more. Before, especially as Axis, you would typically have only a certain number of units by 1941. The great players found ways of maximizing how to use these units in a short period of time (Ie, grabbing minors and still being ready and prepared for Russia). In short, Axis strategy seems more open. You have the tools and the means to pursue different strategies, but it doesn't necessarily mean the Axis player is much stronger than before WaW. Time will tell. Pursuing a sub strategy is completely viable now without handicapping the rest of the Axis military. Being able to upgrade minors is great too. It's expensive, but it allows you to keep them on the front lines.
  8. One thing I want to say is, I really love seeing the additional units. Even with Axis units in Egypt, I feel like we finally have enough units to make the Russian front feel the way it should. Historically the Axis had three Army groups strike into Russia. Before WaW, I don't think I ever felt like I had more than two. Now I have my typical two, plus a strong third in the south (Romanian, Bulgarian and Italian forces).
  9. September 1941: It has been two years since the invasion of Poland, and the Axis have found two years of success. Paris fell in June 1940. Denmark fell around the time Belgium did, and the Norwegians were struck by a surprise paradrop at Oslo shortly after the fall of France. Axis subs quickly went to work during that time, and orders for an additional sub were put in along with the demand for increased sub technology. Germany had a plan for the British, and it was to bludgeon and suffocate them to death. 1940 and '41 saw numerous naval skirmishes around the coast of western France. The British navy tried valiantly to stave off the subs sinking their Egyptian shipments, but to no avail. One sub was lost and most of the German fleet damaged, but the British paid a price in losing quite a few ships. Currently unchecked, German subs prowl the Atlantic... Sinking British shipping would not be enough. The Luftwaffe, with their fighters, bombers and Stuka's set to strike at London proper but it was simply the Battle of Britain all over again. Fighters battled for control of the skies and many planes and men died for nothing, and the Germans lacked the punch to do anything more. The final phase to cripple the British rested in Egypt. Runstedt, along with a German Corp., Panzer Division, Army, fighter and Stuka were sent to the searing sands. Mussolini offered an Army, Artillery, bomber and his navy to supplement Runstedt. With strength and luck (rarely any sandstorms and few Malta effects), El Alamein was smashed and the Axis moved towards Alexandria. The British Armor, Art. and fighter, along with upgraded commonwealth units put up a fight and nearly destroyed a panzer group and a Corp, but were in the end destroyed and Alexandria taken. Greece fell early to the Italians, who invaded in mid-1940, and Germany began Barbarossa in June of 1941 at the same time Yugoslavia was subdued. With German troops spread thin between Russia, Yugo and Egypt, and Russian troops holding a forward defensive posture, early advances were slow and bloody. After Yugo fell and Mussolini offered an HQ and additional units to support the Romanians in the south, headway is finally being made. Minsk has just fallen and Russia has lost half a dozen units including an armor group. Minsk was slow going as most of the troops fought in the marshes, trying to dislodge an AT group south of the city, while Russian troops bravely counter-attacked any advances north of it. They would be destroyed, but the advance was stalled. Fall has settled in and with it, mud and rain and likely a touch-and-go winter in Russia. Egypt has been broken open, and the vast riches of the Middle-East lay before the Axis armies.
  10. BUG: Seems like the new secondary attack abilities (bombers, artillery) make the selection circle disappear during the second attack. I'm too lazy to repro it at the moment, but if needed I can do it and send over a save game. I also believe the projected attacker/defender losses aren't displayed at the top either. I'd be hesitant to implement major balance changes yet. WaW just came out, and unless they are glaring and nearly indefensible (or game breaking), I'd suggest holding off for now until more people play. Part of the fun is figuring out how to defeat certain strategies. With additional options and varying skill levels, some opponents can certainly "feel" like they are unstoppable for this or that reason. I wouldn't be so quick to say there is no viable option another player can do to counter it.
  11. I was about to mention that pzgndr. It may be more realistic to tone down naval losses, as replacing them is really expensive. One false move, one unlucky ambush and all that expensive metal is sunk or severely damaged (resulting in many MPP's to recover back to where you were). On one hand this is interesting because it makes players use them cautiously, and a single pitched naval battle can determine who owns the seas. Troops you can generally throw around a bit and take some losses, but losing a couple ships or having a bunch damaged can really set you back. The prospect of rebuilding your fleet, as either Germany or Britain, is usually too depressing to pursue!
  12. This may be a case where the double-strike WaW armor would prove their worth in a "Blitzkrieg" campaign. On that note, your armor is lamenting in the rear guard, wishing they could participate in this "blitzkrieg" they've heard so much about. Best thing to do, as Liam mentioned, is punch a hole. Focus all air and available troops on one unit. If you had both armor up there instead of the two Corps, you could focus them, your Army and air against a single division. Right now you have two Corp. and an Army facing against three entrenched Armies.
  13. Yes, this isn't necessarily the most structured of tournaments. For simplicity and time sake, yes, as players win they will move on to another opponent. So Bylandt and Waltero, you two face off in the second round and can start at any time! Since you guys played opposite sides in your respective game, I would recommend switching sides for this round. This is a fun tournament though, so play whichever side either of you prefer. Again, think of this tournament as a chance to do things you may not normally try. If you usually don't like playing Axis, give it a shot!
  14. Currently in my first and only game of WaW versus Zinfandel. No AAR, but I wanted to throw out my thoughts on the game so far...and anyone else who feels like chiming in. As Axis it's currently June 1st, 1941. The biggest difference I noticed early were the U-Boats. They no longer feel like the fragile metal tubes that had to wait for tech upgrades and additional subs to survive past 1941. Right out of the gate they are what they should be, terror on the seas. It's an open challenge to the Allies: stop us if you dare. I love the larger selection of units to choose from. PGIII comparisons can kiss my arse. Who cares? This is SC2, it's fun and doesn't detract from the strategic scale. Artillery just looks and feels right being in the game. Separating the duties of fighter and tac bomber is fantastic. In my current game I made sure to bring fighter support for my tac down in Egypt, knowing the Brits would have air support there. It's also no longer enough to just buy fighters for ground duty. You need both fighters and tac if you want to ground pound. The additional units also splits where the MPP's go. In general, I feel this is going to make players "diversify their portfolio" moreso than in SC2. The double-strike armor and bombers are nice additions and certainly makes the bomber more appealing. In the early part of the war, the advantage is definitely with the Axis with this ability. I have to withold judgment until I go through Russia though. The new events and graphics are nice touch, just got the "Germans invade Crete - Operation Mercury" pop-up. Norway is a juicy consideration now with the free units. Overall an absolutely positive experience and WaW is delivering more than what I was expecting. Between the additional units, more viable techs and diplomacy, WaW opens up a LOT of options for every game (as if there weren't enough!).
  15. Eh, just enjoy it for it is. One step at a time... The global war map looks like it took a lot of time, personal time I'm sure, to create. I'm sure our very capable modders and scripters can do wonders on enhancing it from this point as well. And just to have this as a entirely new map to play HvsH...awesome!
  16. Yes, Bylandt vs. Lothaire. I will find you another opponent Colin!
  17. Bylandt, which bracket do you want, new player or veteran?
  18. Guys, there are wild cards waiting for people to drop out. If you suddenly find yourself without an opponent just say so and you can get matched up again. Waltero, did you ever say you wanted in? And for which bracket?
  19. With the new unit additions and separation of duties, I think there is just an increased possibility of lopsided games if you don't have appropriate counters (or use them effectively). Targul: In my current PvsP game I'll have an Italian HQ by Nov. 1940. I've just taken Greece as the Italians as well. Italy gets about 50 MPP a turn early on, so you only need to wait 6 turns before you can purchase an HQ. Same with armor if you want it early. It's just a matter of planning what you want and when, especially the Italians who have to manage their MPP income effectively. I was surprised to find out just now that you can sack/replace leaders on the field! I haven't RTFM yet, so this was a cool find and helps alleviate the 300 MPP cost for leaders. Now we can switch out those sad saps for some real leaders without having to pay full price and wait a long time.
  20. It seems fighters have been relegated to a specific role, that of interceptor, so it makes sense to separate that ability. Forces you to get two different types of aircraft. I don't imagine there was any "upgrade" for artillery that was specific to destroying tanks, was there? Even so, I think that is a similar case of separation of duties...which is why we have an AT unit now.
  21. Yes, whatever people think of SC2...if you're a wargamer, supporting these kinds of developers is in your best interest to continue seeing more of them! Steam seems like a good "non" store service for indy developers, helping games like Defcon and Darwinia reach a larger audience.
  22. Yes, I love the new Intel feature. Well done! Of course, as stated, those additions would be a nice progression of the feature. Each level of intelligence could reveal more detailed information.
  23. I don't know, which "game breaking" bugs are you referring to? I've seen some bugs listed but from what I can see they are either a rare occurance or only minor issues.
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