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Everything posted by aka_tom_w

  1. Hi dalem Would a random map (not on the fly generated) help you? I think that Steve said if there were LOTS of random maps available for the game to select from, the "Pick Random (premade) Map" option might put the "Quick" back in Quick Battle? No? I can see why there are clearly technical reasons why "quick maps" can no longer be auto generated. That factor does not really bother me because I have always preferred premade scenarios and maps with that "human touch". -tom w
  2. Will there be an advantage to younger generation "video game" type players (sometimes refered to here as "the twitch crowd") who might be able to click faster then folks oh say over about 40? I am wondering. I am over 40 and might like to try playing RealTime, but I am wondering if the tactics will really just boil down to who can move through the interface faster and click buttons and issue commands more quickly? I am not sure that just clicking buttons faster will actually aid my younger teenaged quick clicking opponent, but in RealTime, I am guessing the situation on the ground in the middle of a fire fight could get completely out of hand for one side or the other quite suddenly. Since Steve is the only one who has played RealTime against the computer AI, I wonder if he would be up for another AAR ?? How about it Steve? Any follow up battles since the Last time the Syrian AI knocked out your Styker's and crippled your attack? (did you lose that one to the AI in RealTime IIRC?) -tom w [ October 02, 2006, 09:30 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  3. Good?! Did you read that statement properly?! I trust BFC on their good judgement and I certainly believe there are good reasons for not allowing orders when paused, but for me the real-time option has just lost some of its inherent appeal ... Maybe the game is slow enough per default due to order delays and some-such, but I can imagine that pausing with orders (implemented to the high CM standards) would convince a lot of turn-based players to switch sides. Best regards, Thomm </font>
  4. Q: Can we give orders while paused when playing single player? A: No. You can move around, check out units, etc. but not change what any unit is doing. This blurs the line between RealTime and WeGo and we think that's not in the best interests of the game. It is, however, something that can be revisited later. GOOD! Q: Also can we switch between real-time and turn-based. A: No. This is not something that can be done easily from a code perspective. All sorts of things have to be set up one way or the other depending on which mode you select. Therefore, it is one or the other only. Steve GOOD! All is right and well in the World of CM:SF at BFC Central ! -tom w
  5. Sure ..... and if BFC could license SIM CITY from Maxis we could have over passes AND civilians, but they can't and we don't. (presumably because there is no possibile way to blend or combine the two game codes into one.) Maxis and Sim City have virtually everything CM:SF lacks in the way of roads, highways, rail lines, overpasses and cloverleafs, AND a civilian population, BUT it is a not a wargame. It is my dream within the next 15-20 years (when I am about to retire) that somehow the "perfect" wargame will be released that will be the ideal combination of Sim City and ANY Combat Mission game offering! What more could you want? -tom w [ September 29, 2006, 05:45 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  6. OK!! I want to be on the winning team that has this weapon! Will it be in the game? Check it out:
  7. Yep, it was him. the guy was a disgrass, he actually was proud that he had ribbons on his chest that he had no clue what they were or were for As for joining the Marines........ Go for it..... Once a Marine always a Marine, you dont see that in the other branches. Oh and the Marines are now SF with the Marines detone unit. </font>
  8. Just for fun: Sound File Great thread here about basic training stories: Thread What they do to you if you Cry during basic!
  9. There was another guy on this forum who documented his progress through the Air Force "Boot camp" or what ever they call it. I can't remember his name, he has maybe been in the USAF now for 18-24 months (or more?) He said he liked the AF too. What was his log in name and where did he post? I will search. Tiny Tanker went off to Join the AF: (But I was thinking of someone else who posted while he was in basic.) web page his send off Was it Rommel something in the screen name? -tom w [ September 21, 2006, 09:56 AM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  10. WOW I see that was your first post. :eek: So you had to sign up and get an account to post in this thread instead of just looking and lurking. Wow, that opened my eyes! I am past the age to serve (it goes by fast let me tell you so I guess I am one of those: "I was going to join the Army but..." guys, but I don't regret my choices either, a path that did not include military service, for the record I thought for a while I wanted to be a military pilot, but did not enlist.) (Canadian) I spoke once to a recruiter but never enlisted. Thanks for posting. What a great contribution. -tom w [ September 20, 2006, 09:37 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  11. Well I think someone said that WWII was the last "Great War" or something like that. Sure I play RISK and Supremacy (Nuclear Strategic and very simple you can play it online now) and fun things like Sim City but I liked CMBO and CMAK best. Why? I guess I am narrow in that the ETO in WWII is my passion. But that's just me. I will buy and try CM:SF as more a learning experience then a passion, but it won't be ETO WWII but it should be educational and entertaining. (I hope) -tom w
  12. OK then you might find this handy web page Marine Corp Recruit forum where you can (so it says) "Ask a Marine" web page Marine chat forum
  13. Have you seen the first 15 minutes of Full Metal Jacket? If you are 17, I am betting you have not seen it. That guy doing all the yelling was actually in the Marines and I think the script just said something like "just yell at recruits" and he filled the rest in from memory. Check out Full Metal Jacket and ask your self again if you want to be a U.S. Marine. -tom w
  14. I am not sure where I read it... on one of these forum's here somewhere? But a soldier's life is more like endless and constant boredom punctuated with the ocasional incident/escapade of shear terror, which only happens very infrequently. But mostly its just mind numbing boredom. BUT I have no personal experience so I am just posting what I think I may have read about from folks who have served. -tom w
  15. "- Is there any reason why Syria cannot be the invader? That would force the US to act with whatever they have available. e.g. The US is in the process of withdrawing from Iraq (much less than 50% remaining) after establishing a moderate government. Syria/Hezbolah is not happy and see an opportunity to turn the tide in Iraq and establish their own puppet government (insert any half-assed excuse that Syria might use for this). They obviously wish to take advantage of instability caused by the withdrawal and expect a quick victory before US can respond. That puts the coalition on the defensive from day 1 and gives at least a few days fighting before the US can establish overwhelming air support." From what I understand of the game as Steve has so far documented it, that situation could easily be a user made and designed scenario even if BFC did nothing more then they are telling us they are doing now. But I am JUST guessing... -tom w
  16. "EDIT: ...and Schrullenhaft suggested something like it on the very first page." Correct. and acknowledged by Steve:
  17. Like this?: *(it was the best I could do working with their VERY small very low res group shot:) [ September 18, 2006, 12:02 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]
  18. OK Thanks The potential for the future module of Ahistoric Branch equipment should be built into the first release even if it only has a handful of "spare parts". Even if there is something: "Most likely there won't be much in the Ahistoric Section for the first release", that would be great, with the potential for more units later... Sounds great! -tom w
  19. Syria with Minor Backstory and Fictional Subsection/Ahistoric Branch This is PERFECT! Its the best of both options and with extra "unrealistic" cool stuff. I think the game really needs this so there might be some incentive for a player to want play on the NON U.S. side and have a chance of winning. That way it can still be a realistic simulation AND a fun GAME to play, all at the same time without, ticking anyone off! Excellent solution! Go with it! " However, we create a new type of OPFOR force, called a Branch in CMx2 speak, to represent units that are not realistic for Syria. Let's say we call it the "Ahistoric Branch". " I could be wrong but perhaps the only downside here is: " we create a new type of OPFOR force" so it might take longer to finish the game that includes the new "extra branch" OPFOR force. Oh well... It still gets my vote. Thanks -tom w
  20. Now THAT's the customer service we all know and love about BFC! Thanks for the update Steve. -tom w
  21. I agree completely! Steve jumped on this one right away and his answer sounded definitive to me: That sounds GREAT to me -tom w
  22. That suits me fine. Perhaps there should be a new thread to see who would complain about that suggestion. (Or NOT, just go with it!) It will do JUST fine. I like the suggestion of the historical retrospective as well, with the backstory of the telling of the unfolding of history (the back story and battles and campaigns of CM:SF) as if it has already happened. That one is fine with me as well. -tom w
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