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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. Tom, I also have been getting a huge kick out of your:We ain't got no place to go,let's go to a punk rawk show. Always makes me giggle when I see it. Plus I want to keep Simons post at the top.
  2. It's as if a light bulb went off in my tiny head. I now have the information I need to stop my whinning. I never accounted for how and where the calulations for each turn were done. In theory an unscrupulous swine could receive the movie....watch it and without plotting his moves and sending them simply leave the game and go back and watch the movie again and again until he gets the results he likes most and THEN plot he moves and send them to the unsuspecting sap on the the other end. I will no longer bitch about the way the PBEM works. I must become sneakier in my thinking because that never occured to me....this is something I will work on (becoming more devious)
  3. BTS...I hope I'm not beating a dead horse but here is a better way to do PBEM and still avoid the cheating. I only post this because there are some turns all I get to do is orders or watch playback..and on some turns I have never been able to give orders. So here goes: Player A: Setup --------------- Player B:Setup and place orders for turn 1 --------------- Player A: place orders for turn 1 --------------- Player B: watch playback turn 1 and orders turn 2 --------------- Player A: watch playback turn 1 and place orders for turn 2 --------------- Player B: watch playback turn 2 and place orders for turn 3 and so on until I win the game. This would eliminate cheating and take less time to play. I play a great deal of SP1 by e-mail and that is why this is of such concern for me. I'm sorry if I have posted on this topic before but it is the ONLY thing that I have been disappointed with so far. Other than that the game is perfect and without flaw.
  4. I'm gonna take a guess here. When this has happened to me I have assumed that both units were slightly shaken, pinned or otherwise frazzled and needed a small amount of time to regroup. Now that you mention it I am sure you can check this by having your unit highlighted and seeing what thier current status is while it is happening. Maybe if there was a "beserk" status both sides would continue to unload on each other until only one side was left.
  5. THATS NUTS!!!! and a waste of time! You really get e-mail turns where you just watch the "movie" and send it back without getting to plot your next turn!?!?!?! that must be wrong ....it has to be wrong..this game has delivered on everything so far. It couln't have been designed for you not to be able to plot all your turns...could it?
  6. Having PBEM problems and need to know if they are bugs or I am not understanding how it works. I named my post what I did because I may not be the only one having these problems. If you read my "another PBEM problem" post it will tell you what happened before this post. I sent the unplotted turn 2 and received turn 3 back. When I got turn 3 I was unable to see the turn 2 "movie" to see how it played out. I was only able to plot turn 3 then send it back. Am I doing something wrong when I get the the e-mail or what. Can someone who knows this system please tell me (us) how it should work. This is how I thought it would work: Player 1 sets up sends to player 2. Player 2 sets up and plots and sends to player 1. Player 1 plots sends to player 2 who sees the "movie" then plots plots and sends to player 1. Who then sees the "movie" and plots and sends back to player 2. And so on until Peter gets stomped....oops...I mean until the game is over. If I am wrong, for the benefit of everyone can someone clear it up. Thank you Love and kisses, Elvis
  7. it looks like it created a file. there is a pbem file time stamped when i was trying to play
  8. so i dealt with the "after i do me set up the system locks up but it is saved anyway so send it" problem. today i got turn 2 from my soon to be yelling uncle pbem partner and after watching the "movie" it locks up before i can set up my turn to send it to the dead by turn 4 and begging for mercy opponent (just kidding of course).....any ideas?
  9. P.S. if there has already been a post on this I am sorry but there are now too many posts coming in for any workin man to keep up with.
  10. OK..is it me or my demo? I have begun a PBEM game and here is what happened. I set up and e-mailed.Foul evil enemy set up and e-mailed back after (I assume) plotting his 1st turn. I received the e-mail fine and plotted my first turn. Clicked on "GO" and the blue "I am the computer working on your silly moves so wait" progress bar moved and then everything stopped. The mouse could still move the cursor but nothing else moved...Any ideas?
  11. I won a total victory in that today. Keeping your tiger alive is clutch. I brought it down near the wheatfeild and left it safely there for most of the game. I am a little worried now because I have won 5 of the 6 different games I've played (4 of them total victories). I should not be that good at a game I just started playing. Maybe I am the genius my mother always told me I was.
  12. After having read through too many of the "just a spectator" posts ( I can't read anymore I'm so shagged out from playing CM all night and it was really making me tired reading all that)I have thought the best thing to do was to start a new thread with a solution that may set all of this straight. I'm thinking post more scenarios (maybe 50 or so :-}). It'll keep folks from whining about what I have found to be THE computer WW2 sim I've always wanted. Another reason for wanting a couple extra scenarios is that I have played all four combinations and won three of them. I know for a fact I am not the sharpest pencil in the box and would like to get smacked around a few times to put me back in my place.
  13. I look at this message board every damn day and for the last week every 10 minutes...I go away for a few hours to have a beverage of my choice (or 5) and come back to find out I could have been downloading and playing the demo!!!!! (or celebrating Rods birthday). Those are hours I can't get back!!!you guys owe me..you owe me big!!! (thank you so much gods of bts please do not rain down fire upon me for my insolence)
  14. I assumed there would be a timer. With the SP3 game our timer is at 5 min per person. I guess the question is more about how time consuming it is to plot all your units. I understand from other posts that the interface is very easy to use but that doesn't necessarily mean you can plot all your units quickly.
  15. As Mike said in a different thread I have been a lurker for a very LLOOONNNGG time because I have been satisfied to read the posts from people much more knowledgable and wiser than myself. I do have a question that even an idiot can ask. My wargaming history is primarily with ASL and in more recent times with the Steel Panther games. I no have problem investing large amounts of time (I need to get a life) in playing a game. How long should one expect to play a tcp/ip game? My buddy and I played a 30 turn SP3 the other night that took over 7 hours to play. The AAR game was to be 60 minutes (turns). Assuming pretty fast computers, good connection speeds and an average amount of time watching the turns play out (and saying "WOW that looks so cool" while you're watching) is a 60 minute game going to take an entire weekend and 2 cases of beer to play? I figure it should be somewhat faster than igo/ugo because both players will be plotting at the same time so that cuts down on the time spent watching while the other player does his turn. Thanks (P.S I hope Simonfox isn't disappointed with me because I didn't beg for the demo) ------------------
  16. I recently purchased a p3 500mhz(primarily so I would have a sweetsystem for CM. And the software point was my main reason for not going with a MAC. The best comparision I can think of is the the old "beta" vs "VHS" video war. Everyone said beta was better but the VHS was so much more widely used that the VHS format wiped them of the face of the soon to be playing CM demo world......did I say soon...where did I ever get that idea..(must have made it up)
  17. Not only is Jan. 8th my birthday but it also that rabid warmonger David Bowies birthday.
  18. Now that I put my 1st post reply up yesterday you may not be able to shut me up now...here is a question I would love if bts could answer for me..I plan on purchasing a new PC within the next week (this purchase IS somewhat because of CM). I can chose any video card I want but don't know enough about them..What card should I get that will work best with this? (judging from the other posts I may not be the only one wondering Thanks
  19. I also have been a lurker since WWWAAAAYYYY back. I check in several times a week to see whats going on. I was a huge ASL fan but feel that most people putting up posts are far more knowlegable than me and have been getting all my questions answered for my lazy lurking butt. And of course many questions I never thought of.....you're better off with me in the background...trust me on this ------------------
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