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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. The worst part about the "co-ed" shower was that my bastard brothers (and I assume Peng) drank my full bottle of Paddys that me Mum brought back from England. WE CAN"T GET PADDYS HERE! One of you Brits please forward me a bottle STAT.
  2. PS Elviswannabe...I am and always will be the King Wanker of this board.
  3. Elviswannabe, my plate is too full right now...but as soon as clear some of the deadweight (leon,mace,goanna,peng,david and chrisl) you will join the ranks of the dead. Side note: I am in the middle of a TCP/IP with Hiram as we speak and he is spanking me. The boy has been working on his game.
  4. Saw we were on page 10 and thought I would see if I could start one for a change (I'm still mourning Joeys' passing). The following people are dieing horrible deaths at my hand: Peng, Hiram, Peng, David, Peng, chrisl, Peng, LEEON, Peng, Mace, Peng, Joanna, Peng, Lorak and Peng.
  5. I just received email from Peng that Joey Ramone had passed away. I was going to post to main board but figured this would be what Joey would have wanted (the cesspool). The first time I saw the Ramones they opened for Iggy Pop at the Tower Theater in Philadelphia. I walked out thinking they were the worst band I had ever seen. Over the next yeaar I grew to love them. Then in the summer of 1979 I was in a pizza place in Wrightstown, NJ with some friends and the Ramones walked. We played pinball with Joey for about an hour. The whole band was great to hang with and either they were stoned out of their minds or we were..that part I don't rememeber too well. I'm drinkin a long tall one for Joey Ramone tonight..He was part of what made my youth worth living.
  6. Peter beat me. (Just trying to beat you to the punch Peter)
  7. Ok mod installed....It's not as pretty looking but it is WAY more functional for me and isn't bad looking. Thanks for all your help guys.
  8. Eat me Ellros...your name is too close to mine to interest me in any way.
  9. This morning I had the sad duty of sending a surrender file to David Ohmyaikinhead. His gamey use of sound tactics and superior strategy will not be forgotten soon. I have no idea of the final score because he hasn't sent it back yet....but I know it won't be pretty.
  10. I am not even sure what mods I have and whichI don't have (except Peng thread faces Kitty made). Is there a good mod that will help me see land contours better from level 4 (which is where I spend most of my time)?
  11. Like you said..when it is no longer fun for either side to continue...You are wasting their time and yours to continue. The point at which I surrender is when my troops are VERY badly beaten up and I have confirmed knowledge of the strenght of my enemy. In your example I would surrender.
  12. As I remember it the last time I played Lorak I left him twitching in a pool of shame.
  13. The game file should be in your swineass mailbox Lorak.
  14. Who would like to challenge me in meeks' game? Let's here it cowards...who has the intestinal fortitude? Just what I thought.
  15. You're right Berli....It's a stout. Some people...geesh.
  16. I have given Peng ample time to post this himself. I you want a 100% sure thing win against Peng...If you want to know his blind spot. His main weakness....Play him a meeting engagement. He doesn't grasp the concept well at all. Last night he had better everything than me and more of it and ended up falling to a 83-17 stopping. Sure I exibited some of my better moves (sit down baushaus..grab yourself a Guiness while you can) but he wasn't even close to being up for the challenge. Elvis - WINNER Peng - loser
  17. There was no number 1 in the search I just did but there was a numer 2..007 was his handle..haven't seen him in a long time...It had Fionn as 1049. He was posted well before I stopped lurking.
  18. I posted this at the tail end (sit down bauhaus) of the last Peng thread and it either got lost in the change over or from lack of interest. It leads me into my next topic....Beer. Some of you may have seen me on the beercam thing. Well my thoughts are that we should try to set up a date for as many of us that have access to a local beercam to go to these bars at the same time. There is one in London, the one in Chicago is supposed to open in the next week or so...Think about it gang..Here is the link so you can see if there is a bar near you. http://www.onlinevenue.com/onlinestore/stellacam/stellacam_index.asp
  19. Thank you for your kind words Seanachjkfhei. It leads me into my next topic....Beer. Some of you may have seen me on the beercam thing. Well my thoughts are that we should try to set up a date for as many of us that have access to a local beercam to go to these bars at the same time. There is one in London, the one in Chicago is supposed to open in the next week or so...Think about it gang..Here is the link so you can see if there is a bar near you. http://www.onlinevenue.com/onlinestore/stellacam/stellacam_index.asp
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