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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by BFCElvis

  1. Gotcha. Sorry, I didn't know the reference. Before starting battle this I removed all "mods" (yes there were/are a couple even though the game hasn't been released) and I am playing with graphics that were in the build that BFC had when the game began. Looking at the link you sent the + and skull and cross bones bases look very similar and the normal base looks very different from what I am using. I don't know if the ones I am using are going to be the final ones or not. We've played around with a coupla/few.
  2. The first time I saw this in CMBN was when I was firing a bazooka through thin woods. The first made it through the trees but sailed over the Mark IV. The second round hit the top of a tree. I had seen stuff like that in CMSF but there was something about a baz shot doing it that gave me a thrill. Third shot hit and killed.
  3. Yes, a tank on the outside of the woods would have an LOS to the guy running. And if he fired and the round went along that "path" it would pass through. When a round is stopped by a tree you can see which tree it hits.
  4. We understood that when we began this. To help with that Moon has created a links to each new post embedded in my initial post. So when you come to the thread you only have to look at my first post and there are links to each update from there and you can avoid everything else. As the guy posting things I am enjoying hearing questions and comments with each post and I believe there are others that are picking up various aspects of the game from reading those in addition to my posts.
  5. Did I miss something here? The forces Jon and I are using are pretty evenly matched up. I would take his armor over mine, given a choice, but it seems that has been equaled out by the quantity.
  6. They do. I should probably talk more about why I post some of the shots I post. For instance, to your point about cover and the thick trees. Look at the German behind the tree in the screen shot below where I wrote "Retaliation is quick." He moved right behind that tree when he saw the threat of my squad coming at him. Some of my screen shots intentionally show that type of thing and perhaps I should point it out more. I haven't because I am primarily trying to show the battle more than how the game itself functions. I had a couple of an HQ calling in indirect fire from an on map mortar and showing his C2 link that allowed him to do it but thought the pictures were dull and it didn't really have anything to do with the battle itself.
  7. Now I look back down the hill and notice that artillery fire is raining down on the launch position of my advance. I guess it’s good that I got out of there but it also confirms that he was aware of my preparations and probably had plenty of time to set up defenses in the woods. Full size On my right flank more good news. I move 3rd squad 2nd Platoon G Company up to support 2nd squad in trying to knock out the sniper team and HQ unit on the hill. Not long after arriving they are hit with mortar fire tearing both squads to pieces. Full size Back on the hill of my left flank (still in denial of what is going on to my right) all the Shermans have made it to the top. Lost its main gun and optics but the other 3 are fine. Also, both trucks along with their 57mm guns have made it to the top. However, now that they are up here I am regretting the decision because of what I am encountering in the woods. This hill is not a safe place and now that they are here I am feeling like they are trapped in a spot where they can’t help and can’t safely get out. Full size To give you an idea of how intense the fighting in the woods has gotten , here is another screen shot of the area with the trees “turned off”. I count in this shot the smoke remnants of 8 hand grenades. It is not a pretty sight. It is still too early to tell if this assault was a failure or not but one thing is certain, it came a very high price. Full size In an effort to give myself comfort and possibly cheer up my mood I took a screen shot of the sniper team I eliminated on turn 1. It brings a melancholy smile to my face…… Full size
  8. It seems as my squads advanced from the woods edge when reaching the top of the hill toward the interior of woods the Germans were there waiting for me. Perhaps I telegraphed my intentions and Jon set up a trap for me in the woods. Or maybe he was still in the process of moving men into position to deal with my advance. I can think of no other reason he would have such a strong presence in the middle of this patch of woods. It appears that this guy is part of the unit that threw the hand grenade. Full size Retaliation is quick. Full size Another squad is spotted in the trees. He takes a hit as well. Full size Although I am dealing out some pain I am receiving much more. This overhead shot with the trees turned off gives a idea on the amount of casualties that have been taken by my forces. It is also easy to see the arc the German platoon was set up in. I walked right into the heart of it. Little bit of my legendary "RUN AWAY" tactic can be seen here. Truth be told though it is the TacAI making them run away....it just looks like my tactic. (Now that I look at it as I am posting I probably should have circled the 3 German units...2 seen and one ?) Full size And look…here’s this guy again!!! Makes you wonder doesn’t it? Full size
  9. 1436hrs So far the rush to the top of the hill looks brilliant. So good that I am bringing the other 3 Shermans up to join them. If I can set up looking down on the villa and have armor support this thing could be over before it starts. I am so clever. Full size Uh oh!!!! I didn’t bring any potatoes that need mashing!!! Full size Mr Clever may turn out to be Mr Dummy. All hell has broken loose. When this kind of madness starts most talk of plans go right out the window. What happens next is survival. Pure and simple damage control. The best way to convey this in an AAR is to show a few isolated exchanges and a couple of overhead shots of the carnage. The woods are very dense and the only way to give you an idea of the extent of damage is with the trees turned off. I am happy for the trees or things would have been worse…much worse. I’ll start by continuing the scene above… Full size Oh that’s gonna leave a mark. Full size
  10. Coming right up. There are a LOT of pictures so I will have to spread it over a few posts. It may help continuity if comments were held until I finished. It takes a little time to set up all the screen shot links....
  11. When issuing movement orders to a wall, fence or side of a building in any CMx2 game there is an action spot that is a rectangle rather than the normal square. When I unit moves to that action spot they line up against it rather than around it.
  12. Sniper unit spotted in 11 seconds. Shot fired at 15 second mark.
  13. I'm gonna load up that turn again to check both time and distance.
  14. Well, the snipe team was in the open and the Sherman didn't move to the position so it didn't strike me as odd that it saw it as soon as the game started.
  15. The Sherman fired one shot. It spotted the sniper unit in the first 2 seconds of the game. The range was probably about 450m. No other units saw it before it was knocked out. Most of my units were still in the back set up area when it happened.
  16. No it was an internet hoax that went around. And then people started putting his face in every major scene of all time. Kennedy assignation, Super Bowl sideline, next to Mother Teresa..that type of thing.
  17. Anyone remember this guy? The funniest things were all the follow ups that had him at everything that ever happened...ever..
  18. Also on my right flank my probing squad has safely (minus the one guy from the screen shot with my first casualty..may god have mercy on his poor pathetic soul) arrived at a wall with a decent view of the hill to the right of the villa. They are able to spot a man in a officers uniform with binoculars and clear view of their position. Full size Full size Again, I think that I have to worry about this once I have a flank position on the entire battlefield. The march up the hill is going extremely well. I have lost 2 men. One from a mine and the other I can’t tell the source. There is so much smoke and the ground is shaking from the 105mm artillery pounding the top of the hill. All hell is breaking loose and because I caused it I couldn’t be happier. Full size The advance of 2nd Platoon is going so well I throw caution to the wind and take advantage of the smoke by ordering 1st Platoon and a Sherman and both trucks with the 57mm guns to get up the hill as fast as possible. This is working far better than expected. I have to get up there while the smoke is still thick. Full size As I near the top of the hill I seem to be taking fire but through all the chaos I can’t tell where it’s coming from. Men from 1st Platoon are taking casualties from getting too close to the incoming artillery. All in all it looks like I’ve taken about 30% casualties in a very short time. If you had told me before the advance that I would take 30% to bring 2 platoons, a Sherman and both guns to the top of the hill I would have taken it in a New York second. Full size
  19. (In the interest of being able to keep track of whats going on when I'm going to include the approximate time of day but as a starting reference point this post starts around 10 minutes into the battle) 1430hrs It’s on…No turning back now. 3rd Platoon A Company 741st Tank Battalion begins to lay down smoke on the hillside. Working to create a smoke shield from any possible hostile fire coming from my right. As they begin their task I see a Jagdpanzer IV come into view. Full size It fires. The first shot bounces off the Shermans turret. The second shot goes high. During this the Sherman is able to get off a shot (see front screen shot of the BFC site …I had almost the exact same shot ready to post). But the third shot is enough to take out the Sherman. The crew bails out. In this shot you can see the smoke screen forming on the right. Too late for these guys though. Full size The advance up the hill begins. There is no way to stop it now. The artillery is falling on the tree line and the Shermans are doing their best to create a smoke shield for the advance. Full size Meanwhile on my right flank I notice another Jpz IV making its way to my right flank. Just what I need. These things are tough as nails and I have no confidence that a frontal shot from any armor I have will be able to knock them out. For now I have to focus on the left side and take care of business there. I’ll worry about this guy when the time comes. Full size
  20. I think Steve mentioned recently that the UI graphics are still being finished so they aren't ready for prime time yet. The infor on the firing unit is that it was a M4 Sherman (late) firing 75mm HE. Regarding fences, I forget what was or wasn't mentioned in the Normandy announcement but in CM:A tanks driving over walls and knocking them down was modeled.
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