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Posts posted by Mace

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

    Don't try and drag me down to your nether-world of dark alleys, steaming pavements and flickering neons, where scantily clad ewes beckon and tease the passersby, buddy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Are you talking about Kings Cross, St Kilda, or that large sheep farm nearest you (as identified by the large line of pubescent teenagers ever lining up for a woollen collar, with sheep attached, and where "ewe" have a gold pass)?

    I wouldn't know, I'm a bastion of high Australian moral values, and besides......I'm broke!

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Rent out your own damn sheep you woolly pimp, I'm of sterner stuff than that...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Can't do that, Stupa, the last Sheep I had was served with baked potatoes, pumpkin, peas and lashings of gravy!

    As for being sterner stuff? Only one way to prove that! If you're a Victorian, I will do you! If your from any other State, I will do you slowly (and enjoy it far more)!!!

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Who's into shaved and polished voles then?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Hey Stupa, why do you smell of hamster, and why do you keep gaffer tape in your pocket? wink.gif


    Question: How do you stop Stupa from running off a cliff?

    Answer: you make the "ewe" turn! biggrin.gif

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

    By the way, in the last three days I've had sex 11 times

    7 times he was alone, 3 times he was alone except for drunken vagrants who were too inebriated to avoid witnessing it, and 1 time he held a pet rabbit in the other hand and talked dirty to it during the act. The rabbit later threw itself under a city bus.


    Hey stuka, perhaps we should hire out the sheep?


  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Smeltz:

    snip I haven't seen time move yet for one.

    another snip

    Also as far as time moving, hah! It's still August 23 2000. If time moved then I couldn't still be playing CM because I would have had to go to work by now. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


    Easy to explain, according to Albert, time is relative to the observer's frame of reference (your frame of reference is playing CM, my frame of reference is "at work" - time is moving a lot slower for me than you *Groan* )!

    But I have a question! How can you be playing CM and posting to the discussion board at the same time?

    I put it to you that you are somehow experiencing dual reality in co-inciding universes!


    (who looks at watch, wondering how long it takes before the guys lock this up, and send us back to the cesspool where we belong)!

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Whizkid:

    Well,I guess as they say,"Ask a silly question,youll get a silly answer" Sorry I interrupted your private little Forum,gentlemen. Please continue while I move on to the adults section.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    ROFLMAO!!! biggrin.gif

    Someone's finally worked us lot out!

    Well Whizkid, you're probably too intelligent

    for the likes of us here, but if you want to get your feet dirty (upto your neck), just lower yourself down to our level and challenge us, anyone of us, with a PBEM!

    You know where we live!

    As for my Current battles with Cesspool inhabitants -

    Joe Moore: What is he doing with that Sherman?

    Not only does he park it on the peak of a hill for all and asunder to admire, but now chooses to do a few laps around some woods hoping to run over some of us Germans!

    He can keep that up as far as I'm concerned, I'll just concentrate on the rest of the battlefield!

    shornasheep: Hmmm, he (British btw)has managed to get an early lead by capturing both objectives, and calls in the Artil whenever he spots any of my forces trying to probe for a weakspot.

    Perhaps I should wait for the Tommies' obligatory afternoon cup of tea and crumpet.

    Once distracted, I can charge and sieze what's rightfully mine!!


    btw, I currently have 12 PBEMs on the go (some with real people). If any other of you miscreants out there want a dance, please email me, and once we get a game going I'll treat it with the same level of contempt and disdain as I do the above 2 (well, to tell the truth, it's not the games I disdain, it's the people)!

    [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 11-02-2000).]

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

    Enter Hungarian gentleman with phrase book.

    (large snip)

    H.: My nipples explode with delight!


    Ahh, classic Monthy Python!

    Brings a touch of class to the cesspool!

    If you do requests, Hakko, please schedule the dead parrot sketch and lumberjack song into your post agenda.

    To test your mettle though, let's see if you can recreate the Ministry of Silly Walks sketch here!

    Mace (oh, I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK....)

    [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 11-02-2000).]

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Smeltz:

    What r u people doing up at this ungodly hour. I see post going up right around five in the morning. Now I know I'm weird and can't sleep right, but is everyone like that? We should look into the effects of CM on normal sleep patterns. There could be something scientific.


    Just to take gashford's explanation a bit further!

    Yep, something scientific alright:

    Smeltz, the world is round, with humanity spread all around this round ball (well the dry bits anyway). What's better is that this round ball rotates.

    Also then, there's the sun which is positioned far from the world!

    Because of this, and the World's rotation, light only falls on a portion of the world for only a certain period every 24 hours (this is called day and night).

    Clear so far?


    Now, some of humanity play games. More importantly, some of humanity play CMBO!

    So given that humanity is distributed all around this globe, and that its light only on parts of the revolving world. We have situations where people are awake in one part of the world because it's daytime (unless of course they are on night shift) and asleep in other parts because it's night (except for you)!

    So, the early posts might be from people from other countries who are posting during their daytime.

    For example, I am in Australia. The local time is now 8.43pm! check the local USA time which is recorded when I post this message!

    Mace (crikey, I should have been a science teacher)!

    btw Kwazydog - When you're finished with AussieSmith any chance of a PBEM?

  7. According to Osprey's New Vanguard book (no 5) on the Tiger I :

    - was fitted with a hydraulic motor for the turret drive;

    - at maximum engine speed, the turret could be traversed 360 degrees in 60 seconds (or 6 degrees/second).

    No information is provided on ROF - but that would somewhat also depend on crew (well at least loader) quality.


  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

    Is it just me or does anyone else think its time for Seanachai to get knocked off his Cesspapal thrown?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


    The Cesspool is like a tree full of monkeys, with those of greater social standing higher up the tree.

    Shornasheep believes he is at the pinnacle of the tree, but from our position lower down, all we see is an a*sehole! wink.gif

    So let him be!


  9. Supporting Stuka's comments.

    The Nashorn is not very effective in CMBO especially when playing relatively close combat over small or moderately sized maps.

    If spotted and engaged by Allied AFVs, it seems to die quite quickly given it's large size and thin armour.

    However, it may be more effective in CM2, where combat engagement will probably occur at longer ranges than is currently available.


  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Oh, fine, now the Proletariat have shown up. Class warfare in 20 minutes, everyone! Last call for class warfare!


    Not to worry, my good chap!

    I hear the Russkies are looking for a few (million) proles for the forthcoming CM2:The Stalinists strike back.

    These good men will be leading the charge in numerous Human wave attacks, sans weapons, and will have the honour to die gloriously, if somewhat horribly, for the motherland!


  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

    ... the Squires are, of course, beneath my notice save for Mace who is actually beneath my feet thus allowing me to dry my boots. Quit complaining Mace and stop that damn spluttering, just lift your head a bit higher and you'll have your nose at least above the waves ... unless Senility starts splashing again.

    Mace and I are presently in a PBEM, Shaw, so do me a favour and dig a heel into a kidney so as to cripple. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Shornasheep, you silly non-entity, Slow Bore is standing on my shoulders!

    He could only kick me in a Kidney if one leg was far longer than the other! Otherwise he has to climb down off my shoulders and immerse himself totally in the filth.

    And we all know that Mr Shaw has very delicate skin, much too sensitive to the muck here!


    [This message has been edited by Mace (edited 10-31-2000).]

  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Trooper:

    Which reminds me, how did the compromise rules game go between Ireland and Aussieland?

    Last I heard, we were short a fair few of our better players...



    That's OK, we left all our good players at home as well (unfortunately)! wink.gif

    Say, you wouldn't be Irish, would you?


  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    the Squires are, of course, beneath my notice save for Mace who is actually beneath my feet thus allowing me to dry my boots. Quit complaining Mace and stop that damn spluttering, just lift your head a bit higher and you'll have your nose at least above the waves ... unless Senility starts splashing again.


    Actually, I quite enjoy it down here!

    It reminds me of outings down at St Kilda Beach, dodging sharks and effluent discharge - exactly the same kind of resonance one gets participating in this very thread! smile.gif

    Mace (who got his knighthood through birth tongue.gif )

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