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Posts posted by Schrullenhaft

  1. 1.04 for CMBB and CMAK added eLicense (you would no longer need the CD in the optical drive to play the game) and, more importantly, it updated a few DirectX graphics calls that helped the games run on Windows Vista with DirectX 10 video cards of the time. Driver updates (much later) from the main video chip manufacturers made the patch generally unnecessary. However, it has helped with some graphics issues with Radeon cards (I'm not sure if the drivers ever got updated to fix the issues that could be seen). I think even GeForce video cards eventually had problems that didn't appear if you had the 1.04 patch installed. Again its possible that driver updates addressed those issues (but I'm not certain).

    I'm not sure when these patches will show up in the Store again. Steve had mentioned a desire to put a lot of the CM1 stuff back in the store in the past, but it apparently is a pretty low priority issue.

  2. I believe the 'Battlefront.com.exe' file is an installer for some Battlefront toolbars (within browsers). The digital certificate is expired (2009) and that is possibly tripping the security software. I've never utilized the toolbars myself, so this can probably remained quarantined. If other executables get quarantined, then you'll need to add 'exceptions' for them. I'm not sure how to do that with Sophos, but this article may help.

  3. If you are simply updating your storage (larger HDD or SSD) and Windows is being copied over (not reinstalled), then you likely should be fine on the same computer. The activation is tied to your Windows install and the hardware that it was installed on. If you are making significant changes to your hardware (motherboard, CPU, possibly the video card), then you could run into issues with the copy-protection system invaliding that activation (NOT the license key, but the activation of that particular installation). If this happens typically you'll get an error when you try to launch the games (I can't recall the exact error at this point). This would necessitate getting an utility from the Helpdesk to delete the activation and allowing you to reactivate that installation. If you end up reinstalling Windows (especially a 'clean' install where the previous installation of Windows is wiped out), then you simply need to reactivate the games/modules. I'm not certain of a re-installation of Windows OVER an existing installation. That MIGHT preserve the activations or possibly delete them or corrupt them (requiring the utility from Helpdesk).

  4. Regarding CMBN's Commonwealth modue: I can't remember if the 3.0 version has this, but look around for the 'Activate New Products - CMBN' link. It may be on the desktop or possibly in a folder in the Start Menu or in the folder for CMBN (typically at 'C:\Users\{your account name}\My Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission Battle for Normandy\'). Launch this shortcut and put in your Commonwealth/MG license key and see if it activates the Commonwealth module, which typically should indicate that the module has been activate with it being listed in one of the green boxes on the activation results. If this doesn't work, you may want to contact the Helpdesk and tell them about your problem (and possibly provide the license key that you're using).

  5. There is NO unlicense procedure for the current copy-protection that CM has used since CMBN. CMSF and its modules used eLicense, which does have an unlicense function. This allows you to preserve the two activations per license key for each game/module. For CMBN and newer games you simply have to relicense them on the new computers. Typically each license key comes with 4 activations, once those have been used up you have to contact the Helpdesk to add another activation to each license key that needs it.

  6. If you're unable to download any of the games/mdoules, then contact the Helpdesk (click the blue '+ new ticket' button in the upper right). With the website update/revamp it's possible that some links don't point to valid downloads anymore. For CMBB, at the time there was a limit of 1 year or 10 downloads with the old download service, though I believe Battlefront moved away from this service more than 3 years ago. The Helpdesk should be able to get you a valid link to the installer files.

    CMBN Engine 1 can't be activated/played in Windows 10. The copy-protection system associated with that release wasn't compatible with Windows 10. This would mean that CMBN + Commonwealth (at up to version 1.1) can't be played in Windows 10, though you purchased a CW/MG bundle, which should put the version the Engine at 2.0, which I believe is compatible with Windows 10 (not absolutely certain on that).

    For CMBN just download and install the Engine 3.0 Upgrade ('Windows CMBN 3.12 Full Installer' - 4.0GB). ONLY this file is necessary to install everything for CMBN (for pre-4.0 installs). This should have all of the necessary content and I believe it should show everything activated with the keys that you previously activated. When you launch the game you should see three icons at the bottom of the main menu signifying 'base game', 'Commonwealth' and 'Market Garden'. The Commonwealth icon should be a Cromwell tank. If that isn't present, then the game isn't recognizing that the module has been activated. You can attempt to activate the CW/MG bundle license key again and/or contact the Helpdesk about the issue.

    As for the location of the games, what you see is normal ('My Documents') since that was the Microsoft recommendation at the time. The later games moved the files around a bit, with only certain files appearing within the 'My Documents' folder.

    CMSF no longer appears in the store (since CMSF2 has been released). The Helpdesk should be able to give you valid download links. The '1.21 Upgrade' for the Gamersgate version should be unnecessary as long as you install the Marines/British Forces bundle. With that you would need the ('Battlefront version') 1.21, 1.31 and 1.32 patches, which all appear with the link to the 'CMSF1 (v1.0 - v1.32) link on the Patches page.

    I don't know about the issues with password resets and the forum. There are different logins for the Battlefront Store account and the Forum (two separate software entities).

  7. Something appears to be interfering with the copy-protection system per the error that you're getting. What sort of utilities do you have loaded up and running in the background ? As mentioned within the thread that Lethaface linked to, it may be a sound utility that is causing a problem. For your setup it may be the Asus Strix RAID DLX's 'Sonic Radar Pro'. I don' t know if the 'Sonic Studio' could be any soft of problem too.

    The copy protection system can have issues with some debuggers, virtual environments and other memory/system inspection tools that are loaded up in the background when the game is attempting to run.

  8. So this is a Mac, is that correct ? If so, what MacOS are you running ? Is CMSF1 still working on it or does it also give the 'Assertion failed' error ?

    If you do a 'Command + I' ('Get Info') on the folder that has CMSF2 installed (usually within the 'Applications' folder), in the dialog box that pops up near the bottom for the 'Sharing & Permissions', does your current account that you're trying to run the game from list itself as having 'Read & Write' Privilege ?

    You may want to reinstall CMSF2 and see if that makes any difference. If necessary, delete the current CMSF2 folder in the 'Applications' folder. You may even want to re-download the CMSF2 installer (I show a size of 2,376,119,992 bytes for the installer).

  9. Yes, the 3/4 Upgrade should patch you to the latest without any intervening patches (i.e. - you don't have to install the 2.0 & 3.0 Upgrades before the 4.0 Upgrade). Admittedly the issue here is that the 1.x version will not even activate under Windows 10. So I'm GUESSING that you MIGHT need to provide the 1.0 license key at some point (possibly FIRST) during the activation process once the 3/4 Upgrade is installed. I believe the 3/4 Upgrade will actually have a different directory structure than the 1.x version (which may put ALL of the game files within a folder typically within the 'Program Files (x86)' directory). The 3/4 Upgrade will (if I recall correctly) install the scenario/campaign/saved game files and mods in the 'users' directory (under your account), thus splitting where the game gets installed (all later games did this, since it is Microsoft's directive).

    I believe you can simply install the 3/4 Upgrade (which should hopefully simply be a FULL installer) without the 1.x version being present. Double-check with the Helpdesk (link provided in above post) to make sure this is actually a feasible method of installing/licensing.

  10. In this case, CM2 = CMBB, as far as I'm aware.

    I'm not sure what sort of disc-based copy-protection the CDV versions use (possibly 'SafeDisc'), but that MIGHT be a culprit. I think the 'anthology' version (all three CM1 games in one bundle) may not have had any copy-protection. However the CM1 series games purchased individually DID have a disc-base copy-protection system.

    There are 'no CD' patches of the 1.03 patch that MAY allow the game to run under Windows 10 (hopefully this link isn't an issue for BFC):

    Game Copy World CM2 patches

    For the Battlefront version of CMBB/CM2 you need to install all of the patches (1.01, 1.02 and 1.03) since they had different content (bitmaps, etc.) and there wasn't a single cumulative patch (however CMAK/CM3 DID have a cumulative patch to my knowledge with 1.03). I would believe that the same is true of the CDV distribution of CMBB/CM2 (i.e. - you would need to install all three patches).

    The CMBB patches can be downloaded from Battlefront (the three 'Windows' patches near the bottom of this list), but these will require the Battlefront CD if used directly. You would need to use the 1.03 patch from 'Game Copy World' in order to run with Windows 10.

  11. You can purchase the CMBN Upgrade 3/4 Bundle for US$15 that upgrades a CMBN 1.x or 2.x game to 4.x.

    I believe, though I'm not absolutely sure, you can probably just run the installer for this (which should be a 4.x installer), even if the CMBN 1.x game isn't licensed. I assume that you may need to provide that CMBN 1.x license key during the licensing process (in addition to the CMBN 3/4 Upgrade license key(es)). You can possibly contact the Helpdesk (submit a ticket by clicking the blue '+ new ticket' button in the upper right) and ask what the procedure for this would be (i.e. - unable to license CMBN 1.x on Windows 10 and installing the 3/4 Upgrade).

  12. Was the GOG site distribution licensed from Battlefront or was it actually licensed from CDV (a distributor-to-retail of the CM1 series) ? I don't personally know the answer to this.

    I was under the impression that Steve (BFC President) had an intent to put up the CM1 series games in the Battlefront store, but he simply hasn't gotten around to doing it and I have no idea when, or if, he will eventually get it listed.

  13. Ich verwende Google, um meine Antwort ins Deutsche zu übersetzen, daher macht die Übersetzung möglicherweise keinen Sinn.

    Ich würde erwarten, dass insgesamt 70 Einheiten auf den meisten Systemen abspielbar sein sollten. Wenn Sie Ihren Computer abstürzen lassen, was genau passiert? Wird das Spiel unerwartet beendet und ein Fehlerdialogfeld angezeigt, oder erhalten Sie einen Bluescreen-Fehler usw. Haben Sie versucht, in einem rundenbasierten Modus zu spielen, und tritt das Problem auch bei dieser Spielmethode auf?

    Sie können in der Nvidia-Systemsteuerung ein "Profil" für das Spiel erstellen (wenn Sie der Ansicht sind, dass ein Rechtsklick auf den Desktop ein Popup-Menü enthält, über das Sie auf die Systemsteuerung zugreifen können), wird die ausführbare Datei des Spiels zur Liste hinzugefügt. Mit diesem Profil sollte das Spiel auf der Nvidia-GPU statt auf der Intel-Karte laufen. Andernfalls ist es möglich, dass das Spiel standardmäßig das von Intel integrierte Video verwendet. Intel OpenGL-Treiber können mit der CM-Serie etwas problematisch sein, obwohl ich nicht der Meinung bin, dass sie irgendeine Art von Einheitenlimit auferlegen würden.

  14. The 'explosion' icon in the lower left (only appearing on the main menu page at initial launch, same with the game/engine version info in the lower right) represents an activated 'Battle Pack'. It will not appear until the Battle Pack is activated. The 2.10 patch installs the actual Battle Pack content. Attempting to activate with the Battle Pack license key before installing the 2.10 patch will, I assume, simply result in an error message about the key or simply displaying the confirmation that the base game itself is activated. As I mentioned earlier, I'm not sure if the latest downloads for CMBS already have the 2.10 patch installed or if that is necessary to download separately and install. Once the 2.10 patch is installed, you can activate the Battle Pack (via the 'Activate New Products CMBS' shortcut that will be in your CMBS installation - often located at 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Battlefront\Combat Mission Black Sea').

  15. It was actually Paradox that decided to stop issuing patches for their distribution of CMSF. It did end at 1.20 for Paradox. Battlefront offered a 1.21 patch (for US$1.00 or US$5.00, I can't remember) for Paradox users that allows them to upgrade to the final 1.32 patch. If you have purchased any of the modules (British Forces, Marines), then the 1.21 patch was unnecessary since you could use the Battlefront patches if these modules were installed. However if you purchased ONLY the NATO module (and not either of the other two modules), then you WOULD need the 1.21 patch BEFORE installing the NATO module.

    Unfortunately none of the CMSF1 products are up in the Battlefront Store, including the 1.21 patch for Paradox. Steve had mentioned in the past the desire to put some of these items back in the store, but I don't know when he will do this and for exactly which products he'll do this for.

  16. Yep, the fact still remains...

    Optimizing is not simple little changes to the code to somehow make it faster. Graphic engines do NOT work that way. To get very significant improvements in performance (especially to the level that many users here complain about) would basically require rewriting the graphics engine. There are some tweaks that can be done (and they HAVE been done, going back to Engine v. 2.0), but the improvements are limited in their effect when they're still part of the same graphics engine.

    The graphics engine was written with the OpenGL 2.0 API starting in 2004, primarily because it was supported by both Mac and Windows. Now Apple is in the process of deprecating OpenGL and moving to their own API, 'Metal'. In Windows DirectX has moved from 9.x (what was available at the time of CMSF1's development - DirectX 10 just coming out as CMSF1 was released) to now DirectX 12 with Windows 10, though each new DirectX iteration doesn't necessarily improve performance, but rather provides more graphic options to developers. Moving to DirectX 11/12 (on the PC...) would provide a bit of a boost in performance due to the optimized nature of DirectX video drivers (more development time and optimization is performed on them since most games on the PC utilize DirectX), but it isn't a simple matter to rewrite the graphics engine in another API (still a laborious, time consuming process).

    Writing a 3D graphics engine, even using such environments as Unity or Unreal, takes a long time, especially for a single programmer. This is what would be necessary to make the sort of drastic improvements in graphics performance most users are clamoring for. However such long periods of development are a significant risk for small developers. Take too long and you go out of business (assuming your making just enough to survive while developing said 'new engine'). Don't do it soon enough and you'll get complaints about the 'dated graphics/performance', etc. Which is where Battlefront finds itself right now. And of course there's always calls for new content ('Barbarossa', 'Stalingrad/Op Blue', 'Cold War NATO', 'Vietnam', etc.). So it is a somewhat safer bet to bring out new content, but with the old engine (you'll be getting a paycheck every so often...). Developing a new engine slows down (or even stops) that output and reduces your income for a significant period of time.

  17. I had a fraudulent charge appear this last week too. I had to get a new debit card with the bank just this morning. I don't know what transaction could have been compromised since it is possible for the culprits to withhold using their captured cards for a short while before using/distributing them. Hopefully Battlefront can double-check their website and card processor for any possible security issues.

  18. The Demo has just 5 scenarios:  'Training', 'Passage at Wilcox', 'Breaking the Bank', 'Day at the Beach' and 'Alamo'. The ones that come with the full version will be pre-fixed with 'USMC', 'UK' and 'NATO', with the exception of 'Passage at Wilcox' starting off with 'Tactical Vignette...'. All of the Demo scenarios will lack SF2 at the end, but there may be some full version scenarios that don't have SF2 at the end ('Baker 1_1' is NOT a Demo scenario in this case).

  19. I stand corrected... the Demo scenarios DO NOT show up in the full version. The full version has the same scenarios EXCEPT the 'Training' scenario (with different file names so that they appear in the list corresponding to their required module). 'The Passage at Wilcox' is called 'Tactical Vignette 99-2 The Passage at Wilcox' in the full version.

    The Demo scenarios have a slightly different structure that doesn't allow them to be read by the full version. This is actually done so that the Demo can't utilize full-version scenarios, though there would be additional problems with full version scenarios since a lot of resources aren't available in the Demo (reduced .brz data files for the Demo).

    As for the uninstaller for the Demo, there is actually an executable uninstaller named 'unins000.exe' that is about 803KB in size within the Demo directory (that typically gets called up from the Windows program uninstaller list). You could potentially run that manually to uninstall.

  20. Hmmm... I looked at my Windows 7 machine and in Control Panels > Programs and Features there is a listing for uninstalling the CMSF2 Demo. Again, it is fairly simplistic in that there is only one main directory for the Demo (whereas the full version has the game program files in one directory and the data files within the user's directory). I'm not aware of any other files or registry entries (beyond the uninstaller's listing), so a simple delete of the Demo folder probably should suffice.

    The filename for the Demo scenarios does NOT fully match the displayed name in the scenario list. I'm not looking at the specific machine where I have this installed at the moment, but I believe it was categorized as a 'NATO' scenario.

  21. For the Demo scenarios, I was able to copy them to the full version's 'Scenarios' folder and 'Alamo' opened up fine. I didn't try the others, but suspect that they too will also open fine.

    Regarding activations, I don't think that there is any necessary/preferred order of CMSF1 module activations. As long as ALL of the modules (that you have) are activated before playing, you should be fine. Anything that you miss will likely mean that that particular module won't show up in the game until both activations for it have been performed.

    There is an uninstaller for the CMSF2 Demo, which you can use. I assume that simply deleting the CMSF2 folder would generally accomplish the same thing (all of the files are present within that folder). It will leave an uninstaller listed in your 'Programs and Features' control panel (which will usually be given an option to delete it when you attempt to run it and no file is found) if you perform a manual deletion of the Demo.

  22. English versions of CMA are likely to be Battlefront products, which would be an eLicense protected product (different from the current copy-protection system), which would still have a license key. It's possible Snowball's distributor (or whoever) sold to retailers that sold to US customers. I purchased my copy in 2011, but I believe it was released before that.

    The license keys will ONLY appear in the Store if your product involved a download ('download only', 'pre-order', etc.). If you purchased a 'mail delivery only' product the license key will NOT appear in the order information. Instead it will be a sticker that is often attached to the game's disc case or possibly the manual.

    When CMSF1 was first released (including pre-orders), the current (previous) store wasn't in place, so those orders will NOT appear in the order listing. It wasn't until sometime in 2007 that the Store was in place and orders after that time will show up. For those who purchased the game before the current (previous) store was up and running they would have to contact the Helpdesk and those codes can be looked up (IF they involved a download, otherwise it is the sticker attached to your game disc case or manual). In the case of the CDV (retail) versions, I assume they would have to contact the Helpdesk too in order to get some sort of license key replacement (since those copies were usually 'disc-based copy protected' and didn't have a license key). 

    As for the 'Play' button being present with the current license activation dialog box... I assume that is a limitation of the licensing system. Battlefront probably pushes the envelope a bit in the number of activations that the copy-protection system designers thought developers would need for a playable game.

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