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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Oh sweet irony. The quote is that of a French general seeing the Light Brigade smash itself to pieces. With that having happened, the Brits refused to send in the Heavy Brigade to cover the survivors. This left the cheese eating surrender monkeys to charge in and save them. Which they did, crashing through the Russian lines and covering the retreat of remnants of the Light Brigade.
  2. Well done Wilhammer, you've got someone apologizing for using COH for Company of Heroes in a Company of Heroes thread on the pretext it can be confused with Conflict of Heroes. Amazingly well played. Evil, but well played. Seems a post of mine got lost somehow. It contained amazement at a board wargame whose visuals aren't a crime against humanity. Also, bemused at naming the Ostfront fighting as a "Conflict of Heroes". Was "Bastards on Both Sides" taken?
  3. Just with the linear strikes would work. That way you can get the run-in axis defined without saddling the other strikes with extra input to be given. Heck, even the linear strike stays the way it is from a user point of view.
  4. Company of Heroes, c'est magnifique, mais ce n'est pas la guerre.
  5. I can understand why the air support area is smallish, or peopled just indicate the entire map and let the CAS go to town. It would be nice if the 'adjust fire' mission would be a bit more responsive. On the direction of an airstrike, frankly that to me seems more bother then it's worth. Yet another hoop to jump trough when ordering support. Only if it could be very smoothly integrated onto existing commands would I want to see it at all. And really, it's only useful for the helo rocket attacks. Other strike packages manage deliver their attacks accurate enough as to not make it matter.
  6. They've always been doing that sort of thing. Behaviour has at various times been tweaked one way or another. Me, I don't find it difficult to keep men in the fight this way. Park your squad over where another squad with good kit has fallen and typically they'll pick up anything worth having, provided they aren't under heavy fire.
  7. Hehe, I had noted that down too but edited it out. Wouldn't want to come across like the utter bastard I am, would I?
  8. Better give OM what he wants. He'll keep nagging until you give in. He's quite unlike me, I will not take every opportunity to point out that the current emoticons and the swearing filter suck. No sir, I would not do that. Despite them clearly sucking more then a Thai hooker. Why not have a community wide emoticon contest? Best entry for smiley, big grin, roll eyes, mad etc etc wins and gets to replace it's current version.
  9. One major downside to the 9500ix. When you are speeding and cause an accident and end up killing someone, it won't represent you in court. Have you tried not speeding?
  10. Make sure you install the right version of the patch. Avoid the CDV patches if you have the Battlefront version and vice versa. If you are uncertain which version you have check the CDROM, it shoud say so if it's CDV. Also, double check to make sure the patches installs to the correct location. The installer will extract files to another directory without warning you.
  11. Paper Tiger, Sorry if I offended. I'm a rather blunt person and writing that almost straight after playing that scenario it was probably blunter still. Also, I tend to forget that a compliment on the really good map tends to fall in undeserved obscurity if the rest of the post is several paragraphs expounding on a point of criticism, despite me attaching equal value to both. I usually enjoy your scenarios very much. I guess it was a case of that particular version of the scenario and my actions came together to do exactly the things that made this flaw cripple that particular run through. All the planets lining up, kinda thing. Again, you are doing seriously good work, PT. Don't get disheartened because of my big mouth.
  12. Handihoc, your missing the point. What was keeping the AI infantry safe from being pounded by armour was not their location but the ATGM coverage. Their limited field of fire instead prevented them contributing to the defence of the ATGMs. After breaking out at The Crossing and Road House I was able to clear the hills and back ridge from all ATGMs without a shot being fired to oppose me. When that happened my armour was of the leash, unopposed.
  13. No, I had the freedom of the map prior to taking out the ATGMs. The infantry that you had so cunningly concealed were so concealed that they defended nothing and I moved past on foot without getting shot at. Taking out the ATGMs with my infantry is a doddle if the defending infantry don't shoot at you because they are in a too remote a location to get LOS. Here's how it went down. I lost three men crossing the fields in front of the crossing. This was actually pretty fun as two enemy squads were firing at me from Yellow and Green and a sniper from Red, as I advanced. It took a lot of suppressive fire to get away with only three men lost. The arty helped too. So far so good, very enjoyable. I lost a further man being fired upon from the backroom at Yellow as I occupied Green. I bump in to a squad hiding in a room at Red, losing four further infantry. Wise to your tricks I suppressed the heck out of the backrooms of Road House and assault it. No losses. And that was the battle over with, pretty much. I combed the hills with my infantry for the ATGMs. Then I moved along the map edge past the Hill Houses with a platoon, took down the ATGMs at the far end while the rest recce towards the town but finding no-one. With the ATGMs at the back gone, I risk moving my armour up the hill, pound the hill houses to dust and then, with my forward BMP not being killed when it sat on the ridge near the last Hill House, I could've lined up all my armour and flattened the entire village from afar. Suitably bored, I decide on a frontal attack instead. :eek: It's important to point out that from about 1:35 (when I bumped into the hidden squad at Red) till 0:40 (when I launched the attack on the town) I wasn't shot at. (I think an ATGM squad may have gotten a few rounds off, but I'm not sure) And had I wanted to I could probably have finished without getting shot at as well. Had there been some AI infantry/MGs on overwatch I would've found my infantry severely restricted in their movements and I might have had a battle on my hands. At the very least I would've been kept busy. It's not that it was too easy because as you rightly point out many battles were easy for one side (indeed, rare is the battle where the balance is like the typical CM scenario) but that there was a small skirmish at the crossing that lasted roughly 15 minutes and then there was no real fighting anymore. This despite there still being a force present that could've easily given my forces a bloody nose. Pity is, when I pressed my assault on the town I was bored and disinterested so what followed can only be described as a Grozny style assault with tanks and APCs driving up to and past the enemy. The tried and tested frontal infantry attacks had equally predictable results. So I ended up with a draw. LOL No second mission for me. I'll be sure to try again someday and hopefully I get a different AI plan.
  14. Whores will be included in the module that has the Dutch. There was actually a Dutch minister (of health, I believe) that suggested we send some prostitutes to our troops in Afghanistan, for health, morale and to safeguard the morals and goodwill of the locals by taking away the need to outsource sexual services. It was kicked around quite seriously and indeed it had quite a lot of merit. IIRC it was killed off because of how it would look. Delicious headlines about the Dutch army the world over, without a doubt.
  15. *spoiler* *spoiler* What struck me with the 1st mission is that just about every squad is lying in ambush in some backroom, only targetable if you walk right in. While this is fun once or twice, there was entirely too much to feel realistic. Apart from the ATGMs I had the run of the battlefield (town excluded) and could go pretty much everywhere unhindered looking for the ATGMs. ATGM squads almost unsupported meant that once discovered they were easily dealt with, the enemy infantry protecting little more then the room they themselves were in. With ATGMs gone every room without a view was levelled by my armour. Recce, illiminate, bombard, no gunbattles or shootouts at all. Very dull and didn't feel realistic. Please get some interlocking fields of fire and add a few machineguns as some sign the enemy wants you to stay out of their turf, this setup felt really gamey and silly. Sorry to come down so hard, it's a beautiful map and a fun force mix. There just wasn't all that much for me to do but move chesspieces around.
  16. Some mad skillz you've got there Moon, it doesn't even say it was edited. Though anyone wishing to see the Floridian vehicle list can check the announcements in other sub forums.
  17. In a last ditch attempt to provide content to this thread, which vehicle is cooler: -M1114 Humvee w/ Mk19 Grenade Launcher or -M1114 HMMV armed with Mk.19 grenade launcher From the list here.
  18. BFC have always been pretty good about letting you link to cool stuff. As long as you didn't link to the company website (especially pages with 'order now' on it) you were in the clear. Rules have always been a bit stricter when it comes to games that can be seen to be competition in some way. But even then, a youtube video? Seriously doubt they'd come down on you for that even if they themselves were planning to market electric motorcycles. I reckon they would take a dim view of your practice had the link not been okay. You'd think I'd get away with wwwDOTnazideathcampsarecoolDOTcom?
  19. When attacking area fire is your friend. A patch of woods that looks like an ideal place for the defender to hide an AT gun or infantry is worth shooting at before you spot them. Lay down small arms fire to get heads down and/or drop some HE on it with mortars or artillery before you charge it. That was probably the most valuable lesson I learned: Shooting at the enemy you don't see can be as worthwhile as shooting at the enemy you do see. Remember, you needn't kill the enemy right away, just getting their heads down while you get in to a more favourable position is good enough.
  20. Did you guys know there was an 'ignore' function on this forum?
  21. Well, that's not a scoreline you see very often. Texas 17-19 Boston
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