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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Why not? Or to put it in other words: WHY NOT!?
  2. There will be, as always, a change list included with the patch. And it's pretty long.
  3. What do you think that means when the Challenger upgrades to the L55? HEAT but no more HESH? That would be a pity, I like the idea of HESH. And it's so typically British to shoot explosive putty at stuff.
  4. So the Brits don't use HEAT at all for their 120mm? Because I was under the impression HESH wasn't all that good against modern armour.
  5. Run, the irony detector is going to blow!
  6. Okay, you guys convinced me. I'll remember and honour 9/11 *Hurgh!* I'm sorry, I'm getting nothing. What was supposed to happen? The phenomenon of people displaying their remembering and honouring skills is beyond me. Why is the interweb filling up with people saying that we should do so? Do they want a cookie for their effort?
  7. Well, the laptop with bomb instructions is pretty suspicious, don't really buy his explanation. But a terrorism charge seems a bit too far fetched purely on that. Treating the guy as you would your average enemy combatant seems to be more reasonable.
  8. Actually, the Marines don't compete with the Army. They are part of the US Navy. It is inherent to a Navy to want new shiny ships, with the Marines perpetual runners up in this funding race.
  9. It's been my experience that as long as we keep it civil BFC will not come in here busting heads. The "no politics" seems pretty much there to justify the pre-emptive strike on threads about to go bad. Also, the back of the mind guilt of discussing that what shalt not be discusseth seems to be keeping us punters on our best behaviour in these types of threads.
  10. Only if the file changed by the modification is changed by the new module.
  11. I'll not spoil it by giving tips on what to do except for this one: Never, ever, under any circumstance sell Elerium 115.
  12. Nah, separate title and a fairly ghastly one at that. While there wasn't all that much wrong with that per se, for an XCOM game it fell far, far short of expectations. Think of it as a flashgame in regards to complexity and content.
  13. Meh, sending in the runt of the recent recruits through a door and toward certain death with a live grenade in his hands was much funnerer. My sister still vividly remembers, and reserves a particular hatred towards, the sound of footsteps of soldiers walking around. I think years and years of that metallic shuffling sound drove her quite mad.
  14. I believe the accidentally-on-purpose is, though not as rare as one might think, still a minority in the reasons behind such things. I think it's largely cultural. In an environment where there is sexual repression and embarrassment, condom use has certain stigmas. If you carry condoms, you are a whore. In a society where recreational sex is a no-no if you want the boyfriend to put them on you don't trust/love him. Whereas in a more liberal society, asking for condom use is just a sensible precaution to the potential risk. Very few are uptight about it and take it as an affront. If it's an overcast day when you leave the house you take both an umbrella and a condom because it could rain and you might like to ****, and the decision is about on the same level.
  15. http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=utElrIGwDn4 http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=AYNcOiQSJjQ http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=VDKVgG78VnI&feature=related You need videos of what is commonly known but believe 1600+ dead without any evidence? I expect you'll try and weasel out of the fact Russian planes were bombing civilian areas outside the conflict zone. I'll ask you this: Is this really the first time you are presented with the bombings of Gori? I doubt that. So why demand I post evidence? I think you are a fundamentally dishonest person. Some Georgians forces have been, as I admitted on the day of the attack, been rather unmindful of civilian casualties. The genocide on Ossetians you claim just isn't in evidence at all. Pointy is, I don't go around sticking halos on the Georgians. They were nasty and stupid. But you are a complete fanboi of the Russians who have, by most sources, had a big hand in provoking the conflict and have pretty dirty hands in the conflict. btw, throwing grenades into basements is, sadly, house to house fighting 101. In this the Georgians are not more evil then say, the Canadians in WW2. 11 year old are not old enough to fully know what they are doing, that's kinda why they aren't considered adults. Regardless of age, violence against a person may only be used in the immediate defence of yourself or other persons. "Teaching a lesson" is not deemed a valid legal defence to kick the snot out of a 11 year old kid in any civilized country. The attack on the Russians "peacekeepers" was, in view of Russian provocations and active support of violent rebels, legally justified even if practically stupid. Had the Russians behaved themselves they would have had a case for doing what they've done. With the dirty hands of the Russians and their allies, they are disgracing themselves further by their occupation of Georgia proper and their acquiescence in the ethnic cleansing of south Ossetia and neighbouring Georgian towns. You might want to comment on that ethnic cleansing. You fine with that going on? And once again you failed to answer my challenge on the 1600+ dead claim.
  16. I would never beat the 11 year old. It would be wrong and against the law. I'd yank him off the ankle biter and bring him to his mother and give him a sharp piece of my mind while I'd do so. That you feel beating the snot out of a child is morally the right thing to do is in fact rather disturbing. You still haven't explained why you continued to use the 1600+ figure which is now discredited as wildly inaccurate by all sides and NGOs. And NGOs are not in the business of downplaying casualties. Ask Stan Storimans if no civilian targets were hit. Honestly, how can you claim to have been following this conflict and not be aware of the bombing of Georgian towns by rocketry and planes? (using cluster bombs on civilian areas) For you to pretend not to know this leads me to think you aren't a very honest person. This is further evidenced by your mind reading skills where you just know that had the Georgians been successful they would've slaughtered everyone they found. There is NO, repeat NO evidence to support this. You follow with the claim the Georgians must've been planning this because they fled. I think you'll find that war is a scary thing, especially when the Russian army comes for you. There's no evidence that fear of retributions for a supposed planned genocide had anything to do with why they fled. None whatsoever. So your bias leads you to imagine things or you flat out lie. As such you aren't a very useful person to have a conversation with. On my killfile with you!
  17. *snip* No **** Sherlock, that's what even I said. But all evidence presented by BOTH sides is now pointing to 2-300 dead, not the 1600 you keep clinging on to. Hahaha, that's a joke, right? The destruction of a nation is not genocide, the destruction of a nations people is genocide. Look at the worde genocide. It has the Latin for murder in it. And gen for genetics, though it is broadened to mean any identifiable people, by race, religion, passport ertc. You'd still need to murder them wholesale for it to be genocide. If you occupy 'their' land it's just that, occupation. Drive them from their lands and it's ethnic cleansing. How about the videos of aerial bombings of civilian areas? How come those saintly Russians managed to kill more Georgian civilians then those evil mass murdering Georgians? What's this EuroCup you speak off?
  18. Thing is, I don't know anyone pro-choice that thinks an abortion isn't a big deal. I reckon most people who are pro choice don't like abortions either, they happen to dislike banning abortions more. To run with your Iraq/abortion analogy, what everyone really needed was good sex education so we could've prevented the wholesale 'abortion' of Iraqis and US servicemen. Turns out handing over the sex education to zealots wasn't a great idea. Oops!
  19. What was so great was that it was a complex game kept simple. You could do nearly everything you wanted yet the game was never overburdening you with stuff. Both strategic and tactical aspects gave you just enough rope to hang someone else with. The destructable terrain was pretty awesome for it's time too. It's probably harder to think it the greatest game ever if you start playing today as it's positively ancient by now. But you still might want to try it so you can say you have played it. Go to Home of the Underdogs to DL it. Read the instructions, you may need to apply a fix for corrupted graphics.
  20. Still nattering on about the 1600 dead? Even the Russians stopped making that claim long ago. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7572635.stm The count went up from the number mentioned in the article, but still nowhere near the numbers you claim. Told you. Turns out in regards to civilian casualties the Russians outscored the Georgians. Oops! So, no genocide. Prepared to redirect that anger to the ethnic cleansing perpetrated by the South Ossetians?
  21. First two were the greatest games ever, Apocalyse was okay. The others are not discussed in polite company.
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