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Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Tux, were you aware the targeting routine is programmed to go after the most expensive thing, point wise? This means veteran tanks get targeted before regular, heavy tank before light tank, etc. Not so much Sod's/Murphy's but more Charles' law. Great stuff btw. Always like to read an AAR.
  2. Yeah, that was a nice and unexpected twist. Lovely little detail.
  3. Your loss rate is none to hot, if I may say so. You might want to think about building assault troops almost exclusively. To send over the top in a mass wave, they are the clear favourites by a country mile, and will do well enough defending trenches. Also don't overlook the uses of snipers. Those buggers outrange every one else, so if used right can kill with impunity. The German mission are much more difficult, especially later on when it churns out tanks at twice or three times the rate you an, all thew while flinging infantryat you too.
  4. It's Oddstralia. People probably like them because they kill all the poisonous butterflies or sumfink. :eek: Besides, spiders are a whole lot less creepy if you hear it's footsteps as it approaches.
  5. Wow yourself Moon. No indeed I haven't the full facts yet, that's why I added a word here and there, like seemingly and potentially, to indicate so. Given that this thread asked for opinion and didn't give us all the details I thought that'd be okay. Or were you perhaps more concerned I gave the "wrong"opinion?
  6. Ah, I see Steve addressed the added value. True, it won't add value to product. It will add value to the brand though. Hosting CMSF mods won't boost CMSF sales. But it'll do something for CMSF2 sales, I'm willing to bet. Besides, a developer making players pay for modifications and scenarios? It'll look incredibly bad no matter how often you put out a press release saying you don't make a penny. And who needs that PR hit after the CMSF release.
  7. First of all I don't have a $3000 computer (unless the dollar drops even more against the Euro ) nor do I have a fancy GFX card. In fact, I simply am not very rich at all. So when BFC proposes such a scheme that offers seemingly poor service for the free user I do object. On general principal if not on cost. They are potentially taking the wind of the sails of other mod/scenario hosting sites out there that have done an outstanding job so far. And once they dwindle and die out, the non-paying customer is left with the BFC service. Which looks like it'll suck unless you cough up, given the palltry ballpark figures for free download limit. In this day an age where users are practically being begged to upload their crap to www.uploaded-crap.com this whole scheme just doesn't seems consumer orientated. I don't want to pay for mods and I reckon the stingy contingent has the numbers on BFC by a wide margin. Adverts could make it so you guys don't need to limit service? I'll put up with the annoying ads, I'll get over it. I'll pet my cat while I download or something. BFC doesn't want adverts for competitors? Get over it already. Believe in your product enough not to care! Not like a lot of stuff goes by unnoticed in the wargaming community anyway. Provide this service to extend the value of your products. You'd be taking money from competitors to increase service to your customers. You'd be laughing all the way to the server bank. Thank you for thanking us for our feedback Steve, but I really don't get the impression a lot has been done with it. Us being grognards you are forgiven for ignoring the steady background grumbling but this thread can hardly be mistaken for a ringing endorsement of your idea. So I'm more then a little curious of you will press on regardless or adjust the plans in some way.
  8. Well, the Rays deserved the win, if truth be told. Not just for this series but for the whole season. They'll be hard to stop now!
  9. Heaps better then DH. One little thing, the Vickers 0.50 is of no use against the PzII, which seems odd. SdKfz251s are dead meat though. Such a cute little tank.
  10. 5-10mb a ballpark figure? It's not even a bullpen figure. Good to hear it's not a hard limit, but what is being proposed here isn't een in the same league of CMMODs. I've heard the argument against BFC supporting COG, I understand it, and I think it's the lesser of two 'evils' by a wide margin. Right now I'd favour just about anything above this restrictive variant. Why not a forum section dedicated to modification, with Filefront or Megaupload links? If it's good enough for porn, it's good enough for mods.
  11. I'm stunned with the bottom of the barrel approach on this. 5-10mb monthly? Seriously? Well, that 10.1mb mod sure isn't going to go down well. What's offered now is falling far, far short of my expectations. I'm going to go so far as saying this has un-value for me. Less restraints on the user please! I can't care if you use wall to wall ads, just get the hell out of my way when I see a desirable mod.
  12. Well a certain Dutchman is kicking himself for going to bed before the game was over. http://www.boston.com/sports/baseball/redsox/articles/2008/10/17/never_say_die/ Definitely didn't see that one coming.
  13. KD ratio is very much dependent on what action took place. Heavy tank battle where most takes brewed up? Nearly all KIA, few WIA. Extensive gunbattles will see a more expected KIA/WIA ratio. Bathe the map in HE goodness, more KIA then usual. Kinda neat. In CMx1 there didn't seem to be much difference if you showered enemy with 14" Naval guns or 3 ich mortars.
  14. Seconded. Fish in the ceiling is hard to beat. Alternatively, just leave as dignified as you can manage. You never know if you might have to return one day.
  15. Wow, good thinking! This will be so useful in so many ways. My hat is off to you, Marshal Vorwärts!
  16. Probably the effect of more shooting as the battle drags on. Units firing are easier to spot, so longer ranges. As to the ranges at which you should spot enemies: Ranges in CMSF are pretty generous. Have you been in a rural area at night lately? Unless it's full moon you can't see a lot. Let along some camouflaged dude trying to not be seen.
  17. Don't know if it's still current but it used to mean any military attack with no intention of holding on to the objectives. Dieppe was often referred to as a raid, and it was massive.
  18. I'm not going to name names, but it seems someone forgot to include a link.
  19. Paper Tiger touched upon it casually so it might easily be missed, but inexperienced troops "spray and pray" a lot. Large volume of fire, low accuracy.
  20. I should probably add that's not the official BFC stance. But I suspect I'm not wrong. Printing and S&H would make it pretty expensive and limits the market dramatically to the point it's not in BFCs interest.
  21. Pfft, judging by the story, clearly you only like CMSF due to the sleep deprivation at the time of playing. Fanboi! If you have continued difficulty with the hotkeys, may I suggest searching for Other Means's hotkey file. It's pretty much Old Skool Combat Mission command hotkeys.
  22. Probably more cost effective for both sides if you'd bring the manual PDF to a copy shop or, even better, a well equipped workplace.
  23. C-130 with under wing fuel tanks, I'm thinking. If seen from underneath and to the rear, it'd be easy to mistake it for an extra engine.
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