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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. What IS the point of this thread? You thought the map was interesting? How so? It's pretty marginal information wise. Relevance to CMSF=nil and the chance of discussing the Gaza situation without touching on politics is in that same nil region too. Here's a tip: If you need to twice justify your post, re-consider posting it.
  2. Oh, I don't know. Those younger wives might turn out to have been 9, 11, 12 and 14.
  3. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28389048/ Mwahaha, the CIA returning to it's old habit of peddling drugs? You got to give credit to the guy who thought it up and dared to risk making the suggestion. I hope it's as effective as the report claims it is. You just don't get the same results with handing out chocolates, cigarettes and pantyhose these days.
  4. Funniest/worst was a description of the P-47 which apparently is armed with eight 50cm cannon, giving it sufficient armament to duke it out with the Yamato class battleships. It's amazing the war lasted as long as it did.
  5. Ofcourse, GBS meant .50 or 12.7mm rifle, in case he was unaware of his error and the cause of hilarity. Don't feel bad. Plenty of discovery channel translators mention planes with 20cm cannon, thus giving them the armament of a heavy cruiser.
  6. I can confirm this. If you get a complaint about this issue, just hit the complainer with a hammer. That should make the issue go away.
  7. Considering how much that name will hurt him I'm hopeful he'll go with Winston, Joseph and Franklin. Though that second one might not be all that much better then Adolf.
  8. "...start focusing on the future and not on the past" Start by not naming your kid Adolf Hitler would be a start. "If we're so racist, then why would I have them come into my home?" If you aren't racist, don't expect brownie points for coloured kids running around your house. The guy is perhaps trying not to be, but he clearly is. Don't know what to make of this. On the one hand parents should be free to name their kids without other people withholding their services on that basis. Then again, naming him Adolf Hitler? WTF?! nothing subtle like Adolf Alois, plain old Adolf Hitler, right there. That kid deserves better parents.
  9. -1 sale here too. I held off buying Distant Guns when their Demo had a phone home DRM thingie too. That they have taken it a step further is not the smartest move ever. They seem to be overly concerned about piracy. Sure, it's bad and costing them money, but seemingly a siege mentality has set in where they are obsessing over it to an unhealthy degree. I hope they get over this obsession quick, the system appeals to me greatly.
  10. btw Don't over-estimate the RN being freed up. Some captial ships maybe. But the destroyers would be mostly added to convoy duty. And Britain would still need guarding against a second attempt. The DDs being freed up for convoy duty might actually be a bad thing. Propping up Britain with rifles and crappy old DDs was what set the US on the road to Lend-Lease and war with Germany. With Britain out of hot water early, what would Roosevelt do? He barely managed to do what he did.
  11. I'd think it would make an attack on Greece more likely. Even with their on paper impressive navy they'd know it might not be a smart move to commit to a campaign in North Africa in the face of a RN looking for new things to do. They'd be too vulnerable supplying. Remember, the Italian staff never was keen on the Egyptian adventure in the first place. But with a sizeable army and air force, a quick smash and grab in Greece would seem well within their means. Much more convenient and supply lines less vulnerable (on paper) to the RN.
  12. After faffing about with the editor mostly for testing purposes, small or crude changes to someone else's work or a blank canvas, I've finally done it: I started work on a bonafide map/scewnario. And Holy Cow! I knew it was a lot more work then with CMx1 but DAMNNNNN!!! I've been working on the map 3-4 hours and by the looks of it my scenario hasn't even left the starting grid yet. So here is my thank you to a great bunch of guys doing great laborious works for our benefit. Thank you all. Except Rune, who is evil. You are officially excused from thanking a person who spends less time making a map then you spend crying because of that map.
  13. Check out how Other Means quickly changes the picture host on those pictures to relieve COGs server of the burden of having to host it for every Tom, Dick and Harry and to save me from having the CMMODs login pop up at me. :mad::mad::mad: Functional and sufficiently good looking even immersion hunters shouldn't be too fussed.
  14. After a Seelion debacle, Vichy might need to start counting how many overseas territories they have.
  15. Oh man, the Axis history thread is funny. The faith the main proponent of Seelion has in the powers of the Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine is astounding. They all seem to be forgetting the Brits were reading along with ULTRA. The Brits frequently used ULTRA to gank (yes, gank) Axis shipping, so I deem the chance the channel flotillas wouldn't get in amongst the initial wave of ships near nil. How the guy assumes the JU-5s could go over near unescorted is laughable. The Dutch, of all people, accounted for 250 JU-52s in 5 days! Against a fully informed fighter command (again, at this time RAF was already using ULTRA to redploy it's strength as needed) they'd be torn to pieces. Heck, I wouldn't give them much of a chance with half the fighter strength of the Luftwaffe keeping an eye on them. Nor do I believe the main proponents ease at which the Germans could land and maintain any decent sized tank force. A tank force I deem essential for the Germans to make any headway. And once they'd get bogged down, the game would be up. The Germans, if they were really, really lucky and über, might have gotten away with a swift landgrab. Supplying a long, gruelling ground campaign in Britain? Not a chance even if their air and naval transport capacity wouldn't have been decimated. Churchill commented that Sealion would've been the best thing that could've happened to the Brits. I reckon he wasn't wrong on that. The best the Germans could've hoped for is hurting the RN badly enough to give the U-boats better odds in the battle for the Atlantic.
  16. I'd have to disagree with BD6 that quality is going down. IMHO compared to CMx1, quality CMSF of scenarios is soaring! Getting the AI to do something halfway decent in CMx1 takes, for all it's simplicity, twice the expertise then cobbling something together in CMSF. I've not done much at all with the CMSF editor but already I've gotten it to do things that were beyond my wildest dreams when toying around with CMx1 battles.
  17. Having read Michael Moore's piece on this last week, I find myself tempted to agree with him. Not only in the puzzling difference between the financial bailout of hot air salesmen and craptastic car makers, but also in that loaning them the money seems as insensible as letting them go bust.
  18. No. Not in the Netherlands and in no other country that I know off, though that may be because I'm hardly well versed in this area. I do know that in Britain they have pre-paid electricity of some kind in some (typically low cost) housing, Don't think it was also like that with water, thought I'm sure someone can clarify. In Europe (except in the UK) it's the norm to have water usage metered. Meaning you have a sort of subscription where you pay your forecast usage. Every year actual usage is checked and money charged or refunded. This may have been what you heard? I think here in the Netherlands it's not even allowed to disconnect people from the water supply. They can garnish your wages, take your stuff by court order and what not if you refuse to pay. Disconnecting? Maybe in extreme cases if a judge says you can.
  19. Better get used to it. Because the object not accepting coins won't get smashed by someone trying to get at the coin, nor does anyone have to go round the devices emptying them. Balance that to the occasional washing of the card, which isn't even in the devices owners detriment (on the contrary) and coin taking machines are left in the dust as a pitiful relic of ancient days. Just a thought, have you tried not washing your phone card?
  20. The Iranians have. Thus so do some of the better connected Shi'ite militias.
  21. I seem to remember a Challenger 2 got penetrated in the front hull by a an EFP. Didn't one get hit and penetrated by an RPG-29 from the front as well? I don't think a Challenger 2 will be noticeably different from an Abrams. Not that I will love it any less for that.
  22. IIRC the ramming of AT guns was in CMx1 to some extend. Charging at a gun with a tank would lead to the abandonment of the gun.
  23. I rather thought it was. Ever wondered what the B-1B is doing providing providing CAS? Because it can be on the spot within the hour. It was probably on the spot an hour before the battle! As far as numbers I don't doubt it was a sizeable and successful engagement, but the numbers are probably inflated. Nothing nefarious, but the enemy numbers are almost always considerably over-estimated. It's not a new thing, unless you believe the ancient numbers on Xerxes' army.
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