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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. I hope it is not too far off in to the future. I've always regarded shooting the fleeing enemy as my reward for success. The "!" has deprived me of this. I've on occasion requested an opponent play through when I've defeated him purely for the satisfaction of putting the boot in. I feel that in warfare it is kinda the point of the whole thing to make the enemy turn his back so you can shoot him more easily. "!" is like porn without the money shot. :eek:
  2. And people say 1:1 and individual bullet tracking is a bad thing.
  3. Those projections were good. These projections are better.
  4. Poor JK, a thouroughly nice guy, but completely off his rocker. Not enough that he believes all the crazy things he believes, but that he doesn't have the insight to just shut up about it. It's almost a form of self-harm.
  5. $60 bucks makes $150 for some useless bit of extra tat you'll never use sound tempting.
  6. Bugged, you are limiting yourself. Go to the most ridiculously expensive hotel you can find and book for a day or two. Get a swineflu-ed friend to drop by and alert a doctor. Enjoy your fortnight in the megabucks hotel!
  7. Oh, I certainly wouldn't suggest Rustman misrepresented what he saw. But we don't know what exactly he was looking at either. How dense were the trees and of what type? Was there undergrowth? Who was doing the spotting and how sure are you it wasn't somebody else? Were the trees freakishly aligned just so it allowed a LOS to that spot? We just don't know what happened. And even if everything checks out and the LOS shouldn't have happened but somehow did, it's nothing which is typical. It seems to me it would be so freakishly rare that unless we come across it more often it can be disregarded as an outlier. Steve, see how I stick up for CMSF? Where's my Tracer Bounce?
  8. Do explain to me why one apparent freak occurrence of which no details are known is suddenly promoted to the standard by which we judge the CMx2 spotting. It is certainly not the norm of what I encounter during my CMSF games.
  9. Nah, you can see the turret shape quite well at 0:14. Angled sides, so no 2A4.
  10. At this point I'd say your more likely to get seriously ill from the vaccine then the swineflu.
  11. Or we could just learn to live with a Shilka just shooting up ground targets.
  12. Nah, new feature. This man's morale has dropped so low he is about to shoot through his own hand to get discharged out of the army.
  13. Nonsense. Sun and Moon are in the same corner of the sky often enough. Nothing happens then, so what super powers would an eclipse bestow all of a sudden?
  14. Then the confusion is not linguistic but that of perceived intent. I do believe Redwolf just got called a cunt. *edit* Mwahahaha, I came back to edit in a less offensive word. But the V word got censored. So I'm reverting to my original. I blame BFC!
  15. Nope, what am I supposed to be seeing? But then I may not be very observant as I don't see why George MC lashed out like that, either. *peers at Redwolfs picture some more*
  16. Oh, I think they could've done themselves little harm including an extra bit of Red kit. Though the case for the T-80 is weak. Doesn't add to red capability or variety in any real way. Hey, and those "ignorant Yanks" can blow up a Challenger 2 instead of yet another Red tank model. Somehow, I think they might just enjoy that even more. Modern versions of battles of the American War of Independence in 3...2...1...
  17. Not having Shilka severely devalues a module. Maybe. On the desirability of the T-80, a wise man said: Which is as fine an argument against the the T-80 as I ever could've hoped to formulate.
  18. Ah. That's because you ordered it to arrive immediately. In order to increase the chance of accurate fall of shot you want to: -Use a spotter that specializes in directing artillery. Or officers if none is on hand. -Give them time to get their maths right. Instead of ordering it for Immediate, give them 5 minutes. If you follow these two basic guidelines, it should arrive on target most of the time, especially when ordering arty for Blue forces. *edit* Oh yeah, concur with keeping the spotter in place till rounds are dropping to make sure he keeps LOS to the target.
  19. Quite badly. Hauptmann Rune:"Sie mussen angreiffen, biss zum Wolga! Jetzt! Schnell, schnell!" Japanese NCO: "Hai!" *smiles and nods to officers, goes back to practising his Kabuki routine, mildly puzzled as to what that evil Gaijin may have wanted from him*
  20. Pfah! Who'd want that that kind of fluff?
  21. Nah, Steve has consistently said it's not even on the list. Too much beach specific work for too little pay off. How much actual fighting was there on the beaches? Not that much, and little of it allowing the player much leeway gameplay wise. Get off the beach or die is pretty much it.
  22. ahem, I meant sleight of hand. It was a quip about you doing magic. Sleight of hand being what passes for magic in the real world. I was hinting that CMSF could pass for magic. It was meant as a compliment even if it was double-shotted with a critique. As for my pet peeves being personal: Clearly, no-one made me their spokesman. All I can do is give my opinion, and that is that I feel you don't rate the stuff that lets a player connect on an emotional level to the game as high as I think you should. Do with that as you will. You mentioned apple v apple earlier so you must be an expert; which one is the orange in that sentence? Unless it's too complicated could you try and give special mention to Zook/Schreck/Piat wielders? They sure were always on my short list of pain when assigning fire orders.
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