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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Elmar Bijlsma

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Everything posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. It's got a curious loading system were it takes multiple clips. It can fire more then three round bursts but apparently this would cause the feed system to stop working until the breech was emptied manually and all clips were fully loaded again. Thus they tend to stick with three round bursts. I have no idea how that system works or indeed why. It's seems an extremely unwieldy way to feed a cannon. Even if you want to save on space and weight, you'd think there are better ways.
  2. It's a voluntary system. And a bit of a nonsense anyway. A game where I shoot a person gets a high rating yet game where I nuke a city gets a low one. Games are labelled to "prevent games damaging children", letting parents off the hook in regard to actual parenting.
  3. Wait... you want everyone else's pleasure in playing the Brits delayed because you can't wait the one week? I suggest you keep that to yourself. Any number of refreshing monkeys will tear you in half if you get between them and the Brits. You are aware you can just make a duplicate of your CMSF folder, keep one and upgrade the other? You can use the old copy to play with someone who doesn't own a module. But you are right about one thing. BFC are often not very professional. But that's mainly because they prefer to be decent human beings instead. They are also known to be poor at PR, making such basic errors as *gasp* telling the truth! It's their "unprofessionalism" that I like most about BFC as a company.
  4. Here are Moons instructions. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1145352&postcount=33
  5. It's still the old version in OM's post. The Target Smoke is missing.
  6. I will certainly agree that the tooltips are severely and indeed even surprisingly underused. But I also hope you agree that you could've framed it in a more neutral way. No-one is expecting angelic behaviour here but your comment comes across as needlessly hostile. If the Adam episode taught us anything it is that we should try a bit harder to get along with one another. Courtesy doesn't cost you anything, god dammit!
  7. I'm pretty sure you are incorrect. That second slot is for the 7.62x39. Expend all an MGs ammo, then reload from a BMP. That second bar will go up, but the MG shouldn't fire. The MG ammo is tracked in the ammo tab of the unit, not the ammo bars.
  8. I'm in two minds. It's hard to tell the difference between a 'magic bonus' and role specific training enhancing a snipers basic skill. At this point I'm open to the suggestion that the snipers should be given a lengthy 'deploy' option that boosts accuracy and spotting. Especially spotting wise I'd hope for more of a bonus as you only get to spot from long range if the opponent obliges by moving his troops.
  9. Well, he wasn't banned for the OP and I hardly think he was provoked. After post #11 there was only one thing that could be done by BFC, and they did it. I hope that once we get to the Eastfront Adam is given another chance but until that time Im'okay with him being banned. I wouldn't want to be in forum where people get to stick around after something like that. The banning was regrettable, but right.
  10. That's correct. Syrian MGs have what the start with, and no more. I wish they'd just make the Russian 7.62 generic. Same for snipers using 7.62 or .50. Yes, I know they fire specialized ammo but to have them run out with no hope of resupply? That's just as incorrect, IMO.
  11. Hurray! Good to see this confirmed straight from the jar. Thanks Charles.
  12. Doctrine, probably. No doubt the vehicles who can dismount them are allowed to do so because it's their dedicated role to provide MG support in mounted or dismounted form.
  13. And why are snipers still so snobbish about ordinary 7.62mm? I wish they could just grab a few regular 7.62 out of the back and use that. Just weird to have a guy with a rifle sit out a battle because he ran out of 7.62 sniper rounds with piles and piles of 7.62 in every vehicle.
  14. I was, and remain, under the impression the AI was in the same boat as us, with no actual advantage during play. Nothing I've ever seen has made me doubt this. Sometimes you are the pigeon and sometimes you are the statue. Unsurprisingly only the statues complain.
  15. Adam AKA Adam1 AKA AdamL AKA Pillar has a rather long and unfortunate history of freakouts. As such, it wasn't wholly unexpected for me. Especially since it seemed to have been worse then usual of late. Pity though, he used to be a proper grog.
  16. It's a pity as he's a pretty knowledgeable guy and he's been contributing a lot. But as a fanatic he had some problems with perspective. Bugs were reported by him in a thourough fashion (good thing) but he could be kinda dickish about it and the most minor fault (and of late, perceived faults) were suddenly OMGWTFBBQ fundamental flaws. It was getting tiresome as he seemed to be getting worse. If he'd just chilled out a little till Normandy came around he'd have been much better to get along with, I think. Oh well. I guess these things happen.
  17. It doesn't NEED to have AA capability. But people will piss and moan that once Shilka is included, it has to have AA capability. I've got some suspicion the people with "expectations" have robbed me of any chance of seeing Shilkas in CMSF.
  18. Yup, what Adam said re: Quality. The one sniper I took note of in the demo was regular experience, so I wouldn't expect too much of the "One Shot, One Kill" hype. Didn't see them do quite as badly as described in the OP. Unspectacular performance, I'd say. Not bad, not good. I would expect a bit better spotting though. These are people who are wholly geared to looking for potential targets and would, I expect, do somewhat better then their colleagues. PS @Adam Unit quality effects ballistics? That's highly surprising news to me. Where'd you get that impression from?
  19. Maybe you should petition BFC to get those T-90s and BMP-3s taken out, then. The Brits come with a helluva lot of new vehicles. Yet because the Marines module gave you some extra Syrians, you are now expecting more still. And what vehicle should they add, Shilka? Acording to your logic that would oblige them to include the Gepard/PRTL in the next module, so I'm suddenly seeing why they wouldn't do that.
  20. Why did you expect that, though? The module's name could hardly have been clearer.
  21. I'll grant you it's more beautiful. But it's buggy as heck, CTDs all the time and though it does play surprisingly well on my rig, the forums are awash with people for whom performance is sub par. May I just recommend you close down all applications you don't need? Ironically, some framerate display programmes have been known to slow things down noticeably. Stuff like FRAPS won't help. And unless you are a complete graphics nut, turning down your settings might help too. And as long as the fps stays above 20fps stuttering is hardly ruinous to gameplay. Yes, I understand that with a rig like yours you'd want to see better performance then you are getting, but is it all really that terrible? Lastly, please note that although this game is known for being a resource hog, the performance you are getting is not normal. You may wish to fiddle with the cards settings. For instance not all games respond well to the GPU settings overriding the games settings. Or vice versa. Turning down AA to x2 or x4 might help too.
  22. You realize you guys are doing it to yourselves, right?
  23. *fires up demo* AAARRRGH!!!! *drops to the floor writhing in pain* The hotkeys! The hotkeys! The horror! The horror! Otherwise, jolly good job lads, looks spiffy. Extra special kudos to the tester mafia on the voices.
  24. I'm still unsure what this system does that one would be unable to do if you applied the same tech to a M-320 or other 40mm based system. To me his is yet another case of "useful but do you really want to carry it around?"
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